
时间:2023-03-21 01:01:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载
【#英语资源# 导语】清明节到,愿你烦恼清除,快乐明;霉运清除,好运明;病痛清除,健康明;贫穷清除,财富明。日子清清闲闲,心情明明亮亮!©文档大全网为大家准备了《2023年清明节英语作文范文》,供大家参考阅读。

1.2023年清明节英语作文范文 篇一

  Today is a traditional festival - Qingming Festival. We are going back to our hometown to visit the grave.

  Early in the morning, our family carried large and small bags of fruit, beverages, and snacks... and set off for our hometown!

  Before we knew it, we had reached our hometown. I kicked the door open with my foot. Unexpectedly, as soon as Xiaohua heard the sound of footsteps, she rushed up like a hungry eagle catching a chicken, and I fell on all fours. When my uncle saw us coming, he immediately picked up a few baskets and said, "Let's go!" As soon as the words were over, everyone set off in stride. As I walked, I grabbed the firewood knife from my brother's hand. In less than a minute, we entered the mountain and saw many trees being cut down, and there were traces of burning in some places. I cursed in my heart, "Who did it? It's wicked!" Soon, we arrived at my grandmother's tomb.

  My father and uncle each picked up tools to hoe weeds, and when I saw them, I also picked up a brush to write on the tombstone... "Ah!" I suddenly cried out, because a bug crawled onto my hand, and I tried my best to shake it off. After sketching the words, I picked up some paper money and grabbed it with both hands, then threw it out. Wow, it looks like a fairy scattering flowers! "Because the teacher said we couldn't burn paper money, we didn't burn it.".

  We were about to set out for the grandfather's tomb, but my sister was put on the ground with a shovel after a few steps, and her feet were scratched by branches. I had to go back with my sister.

  "Although it was a bit disappointing, later I heard from my father that there were weeds taller than me growing in front of my grandfather's tomb. They sweated profusely before clearing the weeds, and they were too tired to breathe. Fortunately, I didn't go!"!

  Looking forward to the next Qingming Festival!


  Qingming Festival is a traditional Chinese festival. It is also a day of ancestor worship. Many people will choose to visit their graves on this day, but just doing so can cause many hidden dangers.

  Some elderly people like to burn incense and kowtow in accordance with the traditions of their hometown, and use superstitious methods to go to the grave. However, in recent years, the wind of irrational, unscientific, and uncivilized sacrifice has become increasingly fierce, and this elegant, deep, and poetic festival has become "full of vitality" and "full of vulgarity", causing unease among the deceased and the living. Some people began to overflow with bad culture during the Tomb Sweeping Festival. Among the paper-made Hades, "villas", "Mercedes Benz", "BMW" and other sacrificial items have a strong market. Some people still have reason to believe that the deceased did not enjoy such high treatment during their lifetime. After death, enjoy it to the fullest! This not only wastes money, but also damages the environment. This kind of sacrificial method will lead the Chinese sacrificial culture astray and ultimately become a tragedy for society.

  In the past, during the Qingming Festival, in addition to going to the grave, people also went for outings in the suburbs. Ancient people liked to play Cuju on this day, as well as playing on swings, flying kites, planting trees, and so on. Each custom has a thought-provoking legend, which was passed down from generation to generation, and ultimately became the custom of the Qingming Festival.

  Nowadays, everyone pays attention to civilized sacrifice. Without damaging the environment, some people publish their thoughts of their ancestors online, some go to the Martyrs' Monument to lay a wreath, and learn from the deeds of great men... Let us increase our knowledge and experience the grace of a generation of great men, but also protect the environment, and carry forward the beautiful traditions of the Chinese nation.

  Qingming Festival is a traditional festival in China. It is a day for us to remember our ancestors. Let us express our thoughts in a more civilized form.

3.2023年清明节英语作文范文 篇三

  "During the Qingming Festival, when it rains heavily, pedestrians on the road are about to break their souls. When I ask where the restaurant is, the shepherd boy points to the Xinghua Village."

  On the Tomb Sweeping Day, it began to rain lightly. My parents and I took my sister and me to visit the tomb early in the morning. The scenery was beautiful, the scenery was pleasant, and the air was fresh. We came to the mountains, and the journey was very steep. I also saw a small bamboo forest in the mountains, emerging many tender bamboo shoots. My mother and I pulled some small bamboo shoots, and also picked red wild fruits, like strawberries, which were sour, sweet, and very delicious.

  When I arrived at the cemetery of my ancestors, I saw a lot of weeds growing on the cemetery. First, some adults were weeding with sickles, while others were weeding with hoes. Each one was busy, but in a moment, the grass was cleared. Then, the adults inserted incense and candles in front of the tombstone, placed three cups of rice wine, and placed them in front. The cemetery was paved with some yellow paper, and a rooster was killed, dropping blood onto the yellow paper, "I think this chicken is very pitiful. It was slaughtered alive, and it was very cruel to bear it. However, my mother said, 'Tomb sweeping is like this, it's our custom here.' Finally, we started to light incense to worship our ancestors, and burned some paper money for them. I hope the ancestors bless me to study better and better, and in the future, I will enter a good university, and my family will be safe and sound!"!

  Qingming Festival is a traditional Chinese festival. I hope my ancestors can bless me and fulfill my wishes.

4.2023年清明节英语作文范文 篇四

  April 4th is the Tomb Sweeping Day, and everyone has to go back to their hometown to visit their graves.

  Dad called me up early in the morning, and I looked at the house. It was only me and Dad who got up. Dad went out shopping, and I woke up my sister and sister. Mom didn't have to call anymore.

  After a while, we started off, and the road ahead was easy to walk. When we reached the mountain road, it was almost eighteen turns. When we reached the narrow intersection, the entire car rolled like a ball, and the people in the car looked like they were standing upside down. Previously, we could only walk into the mountain road.

  When we reached the mountain, the adults removed the weeds near the stone tablet. In fact, it was all our children who were pulling the grass. Some of the difficult weeds were pulled by adults, and then we used tools to loosen the soil!

  Adults put a few flowers next to the stone tablet, then put chicken blood in a bowl and place it in front of the stone tablet. There is a pit in front of the stone tablet where soil is placed. Put the soil in front of the soil, and put chicken blood, fruit, and tofu. Adults call on our children to incense!

  When sending money to my grandparents, each child rushed to ask for it, "Give me some, give me some gold ingots, give me some that..." And I stood by and asked for it when someone else gave me. I couldn't lose the money, either there or there, but I couldn't get it into the fire pit!

  After burning the money and incense, we left and picked up a pine nut on the way down the slope. On the way back to my hometown, I also met wild strawberries.

  Every year on Qingming Festival, I look forward to your arrival!

5.2023年清明节英语作文范文 篇五

  "During the Qingming Festival, there is a lot of rain," but this year's Qingming Festival does not have a continuous drizzle. Instead, it has a clear sky and warm sunshine. However, as people far away from their hometown, this day will still miss their hometown, their families, the scenery, and everything there. "This is because I missed my hometown with my parents and my brother, so we went back to Tumen for an outing together.".

  Along the way, the spring scenery is bright and colorful, full of vitality. "Let us be deeply infected, I can't help but whisper, 'A thousand miles of warblers singing green against red, water villages, mountains, wine flags, wind.'"

  In spring, the Tumen Sculpture Park has a thousand miles of red flowers and willows, lush forests that cover the mountains and fields. The Huayan Temple in the mountains is filled with the joyful and crisp cries of unknown birds, and the misty drizzle is like smoke and clouds, gently fluttering. This is really "the green mountains and the white rivers, and the rain in the sound of the regulations is like smoke"!

  Of course, we also walked into characteristic folk houses, marveling at the simple living decorations and beautiful scenery. In the evening, Dad also invited us to eat the Tumen's special barbecue, which tasted great. It was really mouthwatering and memorable!

  Today, the Qingming outing not only dispelled the deep homesickness in my parents' hearts, but also let me experience the simple and fun life in the countryside. The countryside is so beautiful, and in April, there are different landscapes everywhere. Of course, beyond sighing, I also hope that our family is happy and healthy.
