
时间:2023-04-03 16:03:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语资源# 导语】清明节是一个怀念逝去的亲人的日子,许多人都以自己的不同的方式思念他们,怀念他们。以下是©文档大全网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


  The annual Tomb Sweeping Day is coming. I remember that every year during the Tomb Sweeping Day, our school will organize some students to clean the road and then go to the martyrs' Park to sweep the tomb. Every day, there are a sea of people at the gate of the martyrs' cemetery. All teachers and students in Grade 6 of our school come to participate in this tomb sweeping activity. Although it is very crowded here, there are only rows of tall trees in the martyr cemetery, guarding the martyr tombstones like dedicated guards, showing a solemn atmosphere. I remember that when I came last time, many students were still chasing and fighting here. Today, it was as quiet as a whole. But with a solemn mood to come to the martyrs' tombs and remember the revolutionary martyrs who fought bravely for the motherland and the people and did not hesitate to sacrifice their lives.

  The grave sweeping ceremony began in the speaker's solemn speech, but my eyes only focused on the martyr's tombstone standing high at the end of the steps in front. In my ears, there was only the sound of the wind blowing the green pines. I didn't hear many speakers' speeches, but only thought of the martyrs sleeping under the tombstone. In the vigorous war to defend the country, the martyrs opened up a new channel for the motherland with their flesh and blood, and won a bright future for the motherland with backward equipment and unyielding spirit! After all this, they only left or even didn't leave a name, and then slept under the current tombstone. For nearly a century, only the green pines on the mountain have been accompanied by the wind to continuously express their sorrow, play sad music, and recall the moving scenes with the martyrs and heroes.

  A group of students walked up the steps and put the flowers quietly on the tombstone. Everyone was silent and solemn. I put a bunch of white paper flowers made by myself the night before gently in front of the tombstone. Although it is simple, it brings my sincere respect to the revolutionary martyrs. I put it in front of the tombstone. It looks so different and unique.

  Although it is the 21st century, we still need to carry forward the heroic spirit of revolutionary martyrs and cherish today's happy life more. I can't forget the scene of silence in front of the monument, the words of oath, and the strange names in the memorial hall of revolutionary martyrs. They will be the eternal monument in our hearts.


  The unique rain in the Qingming Festival wants to break and continue, falling silently from the distant horizon on the barren mountains. My heart is also with this lingering rain, floating around in the breeze, never fixed place.

  Walking on the muddy mountain road and stepping on the thorns all over the ground, I struggled to find grandpa's tombstone all the way. Found, found! "Grandpa, grandpa!" My heart trembled violently, and tears blurred my eyes. I stroked grandpa's grave and whispered to Grandpa, "Grandpa, we came to see you. Don't you feel lonely now!"

  With a pious and mournful mood, I cleaned the sanitation in front of and behind grandpa's grave, presented flowers and fruit offerings for Grandpa. Father lit a stick of incense and put it in the censer. Looking at the smoke rising continuously, scenes of past events surged into my heart again: grandpa is a self-reliance person who takes everything very seriously.

  I remember when you were building a house for us, it was a summer and it was very hot. Whether it's design, construction or buying materials, it's all done by you. Even if it's a small nail, you should ask yourself. You are sweating and shuttling through the construction site every day. Your face is tanned and shiny by the sun. The skin on your shoulders is red and dead one layer after another. When I asked him whether it hurt or not, he always smiled happily and said, "no pain, this pain is nothing. It's my happiest thing to benefit my children and grandchildren." Your smile is always kind and sincere. Half a year after the house was built, you got seriously ill due to overwork and finally left us.

  Today is Tomb Sweeping Day again. Grandpa, I have a lot to say to you. Even if the rain gets wet my hair and the mud is covered with my clothes, I don't care. I must sit with you for a while. I just want to see your dark face and listen to your kind laughter... Grandpa, how much I miss you, and I will never forget you. Looking at the rising smoke, I seemed to see Grandpa's bright smiling face and listen to the crisp chirping of birds on the branches, as if Grandpa was shouting my nickname. Tears blurred everything around again.

  Goodbye, Grandpa. We're leaving. We'll come to see you next Qingming Festival.


  Tomb Sweeping Day is a day for the Chinese nation to worship their ancestors, sweep tombs and remember their ancestors. Before and after the Qingming Festival, many people paid tribute to the martyrs and heroes in different ways.

  On this day, our whole family will go to the mountain of Tengchong to visit the tomb and learn what we can't learn in the city.

  This year, after more than three hours of trekking, we arrived at the foot of the grave mountain in Tengchong. I forgot about carsickness and fatigue. No matter 3721, I lifted a box of "gold ingots" and rushed up the mountain. The towering mountain stood in front of me, with an altitude of more than 2000 meters. I was out of breath less than half way through the race. After a rest, I climbed up. After about twenty minutes, everyone arrived at the top of Fen mountain. I looked down the mountain for a while, ah! How beautiful nature is! The fields and forests at the foot of Fen mountain are connected together, surrounded by mountains, just like a green ocean. I asked grandpa curiously where it was. Grandpa said, "it's Longling, Mangshi and Lianghe respectively." Ah! We have reached the junction of three counties and cities. The uncles were very busy. They made a fire and boiled water, repaired graves and swept tombs. After a while, killing sheep and chickens began. Unfortunately, I was too young to help them. I watched my uncles kill sheep and saw them put their intestines in a bag. I asked curiously, "what's this? Does it work?" "It's called kuchang. It's used to make kusA." "Oh, it turns out that the bitter sauce is made from the bitter intestines of sheep!"

  After a while, I picked up a carnation, picked another leaf, and inserted the leaf into the hole of the carnation as a bamboo flute. When my cousin saw it, he came after me and asked for a gun to my "Bamboo Flute". We ran and ran. We were already sweating when our mother told us to eat.

  On this day, although I sweated a lot, I was very happy and happy. We also saw the beauty of nature and what we can't see in the city. How happy I should be to have such a day every year in the future!


  Before the Qingming Festival, the teacher assigned us a composition about the Qingming Festival. At this time, I was very embarrassed. I didn't know what to write. It was raining again when I went to sweep the tomb. I asked my mother. My mother said, "I'll go to the barber's shop to wash my hair. You can observe what others are like. Writing him down is also a matter about the Qingming Festival." I had an idea. By the way, it's OK. This is also about the Qingming Festival.

  After a while, my mother and I set out. I was excited and curious all the way. Because this was the first time I went to the barber's shop to wash my hair in 10 years, I was excited. I soon arrived at the barber's shop. The barber in the barber's shop was very enthusiastic. The first sentence was to say to me, "sit down, little beauty." I was very shy and began to wash my hair soon. The barber covered me with a blue towel first, then poured shampoo out of the bottle and touched my head. One hand turned around my head, then put a little water in a small kettle on my head and began to turn again. It felt great, itchy and comfortable. It was the best of both worlds. Gradually, There are more and more bubbles on my head, like a big snowball. After a while, my hair is with me. The snowball is getting bigger and bigger, like grandpa Christmas's snow hat. It's funny. Soon, the barber took me to the hair washing place. I slept on the sofa first, and then the barber began to wash. He adjusted the water temperature first, and then began to wash. When he washed, he always asked me to put my neck up, The barber washed it comfortably. After washing, the barber wrapped my hair with a towel. After I finished it, the barber took down the towel and began to blow my hair again. It was done soon. Finally, the barber combed my hair. He told me to comb my hair. After combing it, I looked in the mirror. My hair was like a lotus, with a flower heart inside and petals outside. It was very beautiful. I think the barber was too serious.

  Although I'm sorry that I didn't visit the tomb during the Qingming Festival, I enjoyed washing my hair in a barber shop for the first time in ten years. This Qingming Festival is the most special one I've ever had.


  Another Tomb Sweeping Day, another day to remember the martyrs. We came to the tomb to pay tribute to the heroes of the martyrs who slept here.

  Martyrs, at a time when the Chinese nation is in danger of life and death, it is you who built the Great Wall with your own flesh and blood and fought with the Japanese imperialist invaders. You fell, but thousands of "people who don't want to be slaves" stood up, singing "March of the volunteers" to inherit your unfinished business.

  Martyrs, it was you who turned your love for the country and the working masses into a spiritual force to fight the enemy in battle. You were not afraid of sacrifice, moved forward bravely, and established a new China in which the people are the masters of the country.

  Martyrs, at the moment when socialist construction is most needed, it is you who threw away everything from your family and individuals. Without hesitation, you stepped forward, selflessly dedicated your precious life to the motherland and the people, and sprinkled your blood all over the motherland. How can we not respect you? Your brilliant achievements will be deeply engraved in the historical records! Your English name will shine with the sun and moon and coexist with rivers! We admire you, selfless heroes! It is precisely because of you countless revolutionary martyrs, your lofty and selfless that we have today's peaceful environment and the prosperity of our motherland.

  The age of war reflects the courage and strength of the martyrs. The peaceful and beautiful environment provides us with the opportunity to learn knowledge, grow talents and contribute to the motherland. We have confidence, because we have an example! Students, we are the lucky ones of the times. We should understand that a happy life is not easy to come by. We should also understand the historical responsibility and historical mission we shoulder. We should love ourselves, but also our motherland. We should work hard to learn, add glory and luster to her!

  Students, let's inherit the legacy of the martyrs, study hard for the construction of our hometown and the prosperity of our motherland, and create a better tomorrow!

