

时间:2022-02-17 07:06:06 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#GRE# 导语】学而不思则罔,在掌握知识点之后将其运用在解题中才是备考的好方法。备考需要一点点积累才能到达效果,®文档大全网为您提供了“GRE重点词汇解析:laconic”,欢迎阅读参考!更多相关讯息请关注®文档大全网!

  laconic: 简洁的; concise, using few words

  1) sparing of words; terse, pithy

  2) using few words; terse: "a laconic reply."

  laconic <> voluble, prolix, garrulous, loquacious, verbose

  laconism <> verbosity

  voluble : laconic

  laconic : speech

  laconic : volubility

  laconic : curt

  loquacious : laconic

  1. For someone as laconic as she, who preferred to speak only when
absolutely necessary, his relentless chatter was completely maddening.

  2. After a laconic introduction the program began.

  3. The people enjoyed the public addresses of the laconic queen.

  4. His laconic replies of a sentence or two unfairly earned him a
reputation for being rude.

  Synonyms: brusque, concise, succinct; rudely abrupt, blunt, brusk, brusque,

  laconic: using or involving the use of a minimum of words : concise to the
point of seeming rude or mysterious

