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【#高三# 导语】在平平淡淡的学习中,大家最不陌生的就是知识点吧!知识点就是掌握某个问题/知识的学习要点。掌握知识点是我们提高成绩的关键!®文档大全网为各位同学整理了《高三英语选择性必修二笔记归纳》,希望对你的学习有所帮助!
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1.高三英语选择性必修二笔记归纳 篇一



  (suggest,advise,demand,require,request,insist,order):It is time和eoukd rather,后接丛句用虚拟:部分主语从句中, 谓语用虚拟结构 (It is necessry/important/natural/natural/strange/strange that should do)。 下面举例说明:

  A、If you came tomorrow,we would have the metting. (条件句虚拟)

  B、Without air,there would be no living things.(同上)

  C、We wish we had arrived there two hours earlier.(表示愿望虚拟)

  D、He demanded that we (should)start right away.(表示建议虚拟)

  E、It is(high)time that we left (should leave)now.(特殊从句虚拟)

  F、I would rather you gave me the book.(同上)

  G、It is necessary that we should clean the room everyday,(主语从句虚拟)

  H、He speaks English so fluently as if he were English. (特殊从句虚拟)

2.高三英语选择性必修二笔记归纳 篇二


  ① go around 到处走/跑.(疾病)流传,(谣言)传开;go after 追求;go ahead 说吧,请吧,做吧;go away 离开,出去

  ② go back 走网头路,翻悔改变;go bad 变坏;go boating 去划船

  ③ go fishing 去钓鱼;go for a walk去 散步

  ④ go hiking 去徒步旅行;go home 回家

  ⑤ go in for 喜爱,从事于;go into 进入,加入

  ⑥ go mad 发疯

  ⑦ go off 离去,去世;go on 继续,进展,依据;go on doing 继续做;go out 出去,发出去,熄灭,不时兴;go over 研究,检查,搜查

  ⑧ go shopping 去商店;go skating 去滑冰;go straight along 沿着;go swimming 去游泳

  ⑨ go through 通过,经受,仔细检查;go to bed

  ⑩ go up 上升

3.高三英语选择性必修二笔记归纳 篇三




  The teacher and poet often gives lectures around the city.


  The teacher and the poet have just arrived.


  Every boy and every girl has the right to receive education in ourcountry.

  (4)通常由两个部件组成的物品如:a knife and fork (一副刀叉)等作主语,谓语动词用单数。

  Bread and butter is not to his taste.


  Is fifty pounds enough?



  Two-thirds of the books are about science.

  Only 30% of the work was done yesterday.

4.高三英语选择性必修二笔记归纳 篇四



  2.时间状语:The next day (morning, year…),the following month(week…),etc.

  3.基本结构:主语+was/were +going to + do+其它;主语+would/should + do+其它

  4.否定形式:主语+was/were+not + going to + do; 主语+would/should + not + do.

  5.一般疑问句:was或were放于句首;would/should 提到句首。

  6.例句:He said he would go to Beijing the next day.他说他第二天要去北京。

  I asked who was going there.我问,谁要去那里。



  2.时间状语:Now, at this time, days, etc. look. listen

  3.基本结构:主语+be +doing +其它

  4.否定形式:主语+be +not +doing+其它


  6.例句:How are you feeling today?你今天感觉如何?

  He is doing well in his lessons.在课上他表现得很好。

5.高三英语选择性必修二笔记归纳 篇五

  be / get / become used to 习惯于

  be given to 喜欢;癖好

  be related to 与…有关系

  be adjusted to 适应

  be known to 为…所知

  be married to 和…结婚

  be compared to 被比喻成

  compare… to…把…比作…

  be engaged to 与…订婚

  be / become / get accustomed to / accustomed to 惯于;有…习惯

  be engaged to 与…订婚
