

时间:2022-03-30 07:00:54 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语口语# 导语】英语口语是被英语国家人民普遍应用的口头交流的语言形式。英语口语灵活多变,多因场合与发言者不同而被自由使用。以下文章由©文档大全网整理欢迎阅读!更多相关讯息请关注©文档大全网!

   About Shopping 关于购物
  . Will you go shopping with me? 你跟我去买东西吗?
  . Here's your change. 这是找你的钱。
  . I'll go to pick up some odds and ends at the store. 我要到商店买些零碎的东西。
  . Excuse me, would you tell me where I can get some butter?
  . May I have a look at the watch? 我能看看这块表吗?
  . May I try it on? 我能试试吗?
  . This is too small for me. Do you have a bigger one? 这个太小了,有大点的吗?
  . Do you have any more colors? 有别的颜色吗?
  . What's your size? 你穿多大号?
  . It suits you to a T. 特别适合你。
  . It's too expensive for me. 对于我来说太贵了。
  . Can you came down a bit? 可以再便宜点吗?
  . I'll take it. 我买了。
  . How much is it? 这卖多少钱?
  . How much do I owe you? 我该付多少钱?

   In The Restaurant 餐馆进餐
  . What would you like to eat? 你想吃点什么?
  . Are you ready to order? 你要点菜了吗?
  . I'd like some steak and bread. 我要牛排和面包。
  . What would you like for dessert? 你要什么甜点?
  . I'll have some ice cream. 我要冰淇淋。
  . Do you want some fruit? 你要水果吗?
  . Yes, please. I want an apple. 是的,我要一个苹果。
  . Anything to drink? 喝点什么?
  . A small glass of whisky, please. 请来一小杯威士忌。
  . Here is your food. 你的菜来了。
  . Bring me the bill please. 请买单。
  . Can I pay by check or credit card? 我能用支票或信用卡吗?
  . Sorry, we only take cash. 对不起,我们只收现金。
  . Here you are. 给。
  . Here is your change. 找您的钱。

   About Evening Entertainment 关于夜生活
  . I'm free tonight. 我今晚有空。
  . Shall we go to the cinema? 我们去看电影好吗?
  . Do you know what's on tonight? 你知道今天上演什么?
  . May I ask you for a dance? 可以请你跳支舞吗?
  . With pleasure. 很荣幸。
  . Sorry, I'm engaged. 对不起,我有约在先了。
  . What about another dance? 再跳一曲好吗?
  . You're a good dancer. 你舞跳的真好。
  . What's on Channel now? 现在频道播什么节目?
  . I don't know. You may look in the TV Guide. 我不知道,你可以看看《电视报》。
  . Let's see what else is on. 咱们看看有没有别的节目。
  . Did you see the special last night? 昨晚你看特别节目了吗?
  . I don't want to see any more of this TV show. 我不想再看这个电视节目了。
  . Can we change the channel? 能换个频道吗?
  . I want to see the weather. 我想看天气预报。

