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【#成人英语三级# 导语】准备2019年考试,自然需要一点一滴的积累。坚持刷题,坚持备考!加油!以下为“2019成人英语三级练习题2”,欢迎阅读参考!更多相关讯息请关注©文档大全网!

  1.I was _____ work last week. but I changed my mind.

  A)to start B)to have started C)to be starting D)to have been starting

  答案B 我本该上周就开始工作了的,但最后我改变了主意

  2.Children with parents whose guidance is firm, consistent, and rational are inclined _____ high levels of self-confidence.

  A)possess B)have possessed C)to possess D)possessing

  答案C 父母严格、始终如一并且理性的孩子拥有更高的自信 possess拥有

  3.It's pay-day, and they are waiting _____.

  A)for paying B)to be paid C)to be paying D)to have paid

  答案B 今天是发工资的日子,他们等候发薪

  4.The play _____ next month aims mainly to reflect the local culture.

  A)produced B)being produced C)to be produced D)having been produced

  答案C 下月即将上演的戏剧瞄准要是反映本土文化

  5.Having a trip abroad is certainly good for the old couple, but it remains _____ whether they will enjoy it.

  A)to see B)to be seen C)seeing D)seen

  答案B 一次国外旅行对这对老夫妇肯定是好的,但是他们能否喜欢这次旅行尚待考察。see这个动作是别人发出的,换句话说是被动句。

  6.______as it was at such a time, his work attracted much attention.

  A.Being published B. Published C.Publishing D. To be published

  Best Answer:B






  (3)行为动词(或行为动词+宾语)+as+主语+助动词或情态动词。句中publish的对象是从句主语,所以需用过去分词与was构成被动语态,故B)正确。本题干扰项是A)Being published。现在分词的被动形式表示该动作现在正在进行或与谓语表示的动作同时发生,故选A)则不合句意。

  7.It is politely requested by the hotel management that radios______after 11 o'clock at night.

  A.were not played B. not to play C.not be played D. did not play

  Best Answer:C



  【注释】本题测试点是虚拟语气。表示要求、提议、命令、推测、主观判断的动词要求引起虚拟的宾语从句。这种从句的谓语,美国人要求用动词原形,英国人要用should+动词原形。这类要求跟虚拟宾语从句的动词有:ask(要求)、advise(劝告)、beg(请求)、consent(同意)、demand(要求)、desire(要求)、determine(决意)、decide(决定)、deserve(值得提起)、insist(坚持)、intend(打算)、maintain(主张)、move (提议)、propose(提议)、order(下令)、recommend(劝告)、require(要求)、resolve(决意)、request(要求)、auggest(建议)、urge(极力主张)、vote(建议)。

  8.Although I like the appearance of the house, what really made me decide to buy it was the beautiful______through the window.

  A.vision B. look C.picture D. view

  Best Answer:D




  9.Cancer is second only______heart disease as a cause of death.

  A.of B. to C.with D. into

  Best Answer:B



  【注释】second to是一个习惯搭配,意为“次于……的”。

  10. Despite the wonderful acting and well-developed plot the______movie could not hold our attention.

  A. three-hours B. three-hour C. three-hours' D. three-hour's

  Best Answer:B




