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【#英语口语# 导语】在英语学习和各种英语测试中,单词记忆是基础。只有打下了坚实的基础,我们才能在听、说、读、写方面走得更远。以下是©文档大全网整理的中考英语短文中的句子,欢迎阅读!


1.中考英语短文中的句子 篇一

  1. We are going to the park this afternoon.

  1. 今天下午我们要去公园。

  2. Trees get new leaves in spring.

  2. 树木在春天长出新叶。

  3. In China, we accept a gift with both hands.

  3. 在中国,我们用双手接受礼物。

  4. Okay guys, breaks into six groups and discuss the questions I gave you.

  4. 好的,大家分成六组,讨论我给你们的问题。

  5. Judy, I will take you to the bookstore tomorrow.

  5. 朱迪,我明天带你去书店。

  6. I get up at 5'clolck every day.

  6. 我每天5点钟起床。

  7. May I ask who is Colin?

  7. 请问科林是谁?

  8. Excuse me, how can I get to the supermarket?

  8. 对不起,我怎样可以到超市?

  9. Why not go swimming and then have a drink?

  9. 为什么不去游下泳,然后喝一杯呢?

  10. Turn off the TV when you go to bed.

  10. 你睡觉时要关掉电视。

2.中考英语短文中的句子 篇二

  1. Good morning, everybody.

  1. 大家早上好。

  2.  Oh, your new dress looks very nice.

  2. 噢,你的新裙子看着真漂亮。

  3.  Are you free this weekend?

  3. 这个周末你有空吗?

  4.  Long time no see. How was your trip?

  4. 好久不见,你的旅行怎么样?

  5. I am afraid to speak English in class.

  5. 我害怕在课堂上说英语

  6. You must return the books on time.

  6. 你必须按时归还这些书。

3.中考英语短文中的句子 篇三

  1.The little girl drew a picture of 2 apples.


  2.The sign says picking flowers is not allowed here.


  3.I spend the whole morning playing football.


  4.The girl is putting a hat on the snowman.


  5.I get up at 7 on weekdays and at 8:30 on weekends.


4.中考英语短文中的句子 篇四

  1. Sally dreams of having a piano in the near future.


  2. I had a headache and went to see the doctor yesterday.


  3. The tour guide is introducing the beautiful views of the mountains.


  4. Lets read the new words on the board together. Ready? Go.


  5. Do you often go cycling with your friends at weekends?


5.中考英语短文中的句子 篇五

  1. What are you going to be when you grow up, Tina?


  2.Let me help you take these books to the classroom.


  3.Do you want to visit a science museum with me next Sunday?


  4.Our school football team lost the game at the last minute yesterday.


  5.Can you tell me how far it is from your home to school?

