

时间:2024-04-22 06:47:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语资源# 导语】以下是®文档大全网整理的医疗英语:睡眠不足可导致发胖,欢迎阅读学习!

Not getting enough sleep doesn’t just make you tired. It also makes you fat because of increased snacking, according to researchers at the University of Colorado Boulder in America。

The researchers carried out a study which included eight men and eight women, whose average age was 22, and found that participants who lacked sleep for a week gained almost two pounds。


To establish a baseline, participants spent the first three nights sleeping up to nine hours a night, and consumed only as many calories as they burned each day. Their daily intake of food and oxygen, and production of carbon dioxide were measured。


Then participants were split into two groups, with one limited to sleeping five hours a night, while the other continued to be allowed nine hours. After five nights, the groups switched. During this part of the experiment, participants were allowed to eat as much as they wanted。


The researchers found that participants burned about 5 percent more calories when their sleep was limited to five hours, but they consumed about 6 percent more calories, compared with when they were allowed nine hours。


Although the participants ate less at breakfast when they had five hours of sleep, they ate more over the rest of the day; they especially consumed an increased number of calories in the form of snacks after the dinner and finally gained weight. When they shifted to adequate sleep patterns they shed the pounds。


Professor Ken Wright, one of the researchers, said extra sleep by itself isn’t going to lead to weight loss, and suggested that people who want to lose weight should pay attention to their sleep。


