

时间:2023-04-09 06:32:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

1.W:John,I'm sorry to be so late.Thank you for waiting.
M:Oh,I didn't mind.I've only been here fifty minutes.You said that you might be as much as an hour late,
so I just bought my newspaper and ordered myself a cup of coffee.
Q:How long has the man been waiting?
A:Fifty minutes.

2.W:Are you glad that you came to Washington?
M:Yes,indeed.I'd considered going to New York or Boston,but I've never regratted my decision.
Q:Where does the man live?
A:In Washington.

3.M:Something is wrong with second gear.It seems to run fine in reverse,and drive,
when I shift it into second,the motor stalls out.
W:I hope that it won't be too difficult to fix.
Q:Which gear needs to be fixed?
A:Second gear.

4.W:You're always working around the house on Saturday,painting and doing repairs!You must enjoy it.
M:Not really.I'd rather relax or go fishing,but Saturday is the only day I have to get anything done.
By the time I get home from work during the week.I'm too tired.
Q:What does the man usually do on Saturdays?
A:He works at home.

5.W:The chocolate cake is very good today.
M:No thanks.I'll have apple pie with vanilla ice cream on top.
Q:What kind of dessert did the man order?
A:He ordered apple pie.

6.M:The main library is open from eight A.M.until nine P.M.Monday through Friday;
noon until six P.M. Saturday and Sunday;and twenty_four hours a day during finals week.
This is a recording and will not repeat.If you need further assistance,please stay on the line until and operator answers.
W:Hello.This is the opertator.May I help you?
Q:When is the library open on weekdays?
A:From eight o'clock in the morning until nine o'clock at night.

7.M:Mr.Black is fluent in Spanish and now he's beginning to study Arabic.
W:He also knows a few words in Japanese and Chinese.
Q:Which language does Mr.Black speak well?

8.I'm going to the museum Sunday afternoon.
There's a new exhibit of Indian art from Arizona and New Mexico.What to go with me?
W:I'd love to ,but my best frind is getting married on Sunday and I wouldn't miss it for anything.
Q:Where is the woman going on Sunday afternoon?
A:To a wedding.

9.M:These silver earrings are only sixteen dollars this week.The gold ones are twenty_four.
W:I'll take the silver ones,then;or on second thought give me the gold ones.
I have a gold necklace that would look very nice with them.
Q:What did the woman decide to buy?
A:She decided to buy a pair of gold earrings to match a gold necklace that she already had.

10.M:It only takes two hours to get to New York,but you'll have a six_hour layover between flights.
W:Oh,that's alright.I don't mind having the time in New York.I still have a few things to shop for.
Q:How many hours will the woman be in New York?
A:Six hours.

11.M:Are you sure that you brought your purse with you in the first place?
W:Yes.I had it when I got in the car.I thought that I might have left it on the car seat,but when I went back it wasn't there.
Maybe I put it down on the counter when I checked my coat outside the auditorium.
Q:Where does the woman believe that she has left her purse?
A:On the counter.

12.M:Do you have your Christmas shopping done yet?
W:Almost.I got a watch for my husband,but I can't seem to find anything for my dad.
He would probably like a book or a case for his coin collection.
Q:What did the woman buy her husband for Christmas?
A:She bought him a watch.

13.M:I feel obligated to attend the party,but really I'd much rather go with you to the concert.
W:I'm sorry that you can't .They will be playing music from the big band ear.
Q:Where is the woman going?
A:To a concert.

14.M:Which dress do you plan to wear?
W:I like the black one,and it fits me better,but it's probably too dressy.I suppose I'll wear the red one.
Q:Why didn't the woman wear the black dress?
A:Because it is too formal for the occasion.

15.M:Have you started writing your paper for history?
W:Not yet.I'm still writing up my laboratory assigmnents for chemistry and studying for my midterms in English and French.
Q:For which class must the woman begin to prepare?
A:She must begin writing a paper for her history class.

