1.I was going to write you a letter,but I decided to call you instead.
2.Thank you for inviting us,but I don't believe that we will be able to make it.
3.The hat isn't mine but the coat is.
4.The State University team usually wins all of its games,but this year it lost two of them.
5.Jane usually comes to the ALI to meet her tutor,
6.Mike was planning to go to graduate school,but he didn't have enough money.
7.Mrs.Baker was told that her illness was incurable,but she never gave up.
8.She doesn't like the dorm,but she does like her roommate.
9.The office is usually closed on Saturdays,but this week the secretary will be there until noon.
10.We ordered an egg salad sandwich,but the wait_ress brought us tuna fish instead.
11.The doctor isn't in right now,but he should be back shortly.
12.His visa expires in November,but the is eligible to get a three_month extension.
13.Our family ordinarily goes camping on vacation,but this year we're going to take a tour.
14.The food at the cafeteria is usually good,but last night it was awful.
15.It isn't normally necessary to have an appointment in order to see the foreign student advisor,but during registration it's a good idea to make one.
16.Cindy said that she could babysit any day but Friday.
17.I had just expected my daughter to come,but my son showed up too.
18.Bill wanted to buy some cologne for his wife's birthday,but the store didn't carry the brand she usually uses.
19.Apartments near the University are very expensive,but we decided to rent one anyway,thinking that we would save money on gas.
20.There are fifty students scheduled for language lab ,but there are only forty-five booths.
21.Although you are feeling better,I think that you should still see a doctor.
22.Although the weather is bad,the roads are clear.
23.In spite of the problems,I doubt that Betty and Paul will get a divorce.
24.From his resume,this candidate appears to be well qualified for the job;even so,I think that we should check with his references.
25.Students in the College of Architectrue cannot graduate this semester unless they turn in their final projects by the end of the week.
26.Mr.Brown won't be able to work today,although Miss Smith will be there.
27.Even though she insists that she was not offended,I am afraid she was.
28.Although the rent includes water and gas,electricity costs about twenty dollars extra.
19.Though Ellen can read quite will without her glass_es,she needs them to see at a distance.
30.The traffic was very light even though it was rush hour.
31.Contrary to what I had originally thought,the trip turned out to be fun.
32.Since there wasn't any tomato soup on the shelf,I bought beef stew instead.
33.In spite of his injury,James was able to play football in the big game last Saturday.
34.Although my roommate is a very nice person,he's not my best friend.
35.Ellen can't go to the University unless she gets a scholarship.
36.Instead of going back to Florida,you ought to go to Califounia this year.
37.Anna already speaks English very will;even so,she wants to continue studying at the Institute.
38.Mr.Smith would not stop drinking even though the doctor told him that he must.
39.Although John never means to tell,He just can't keep a secret.