
时间:2022-06-04 19:18:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语资源# 导语】六一儿童节到了,模拟童年玩玩泥巴,模仿幼稚爬爬地瓜,效仿童稚爬上大树,藏颗童心跳跳皮筋,收藏童真欢乐舒心,六一儿童节愿你回到童年的岁月,追忆难忘的童年欢乐。以下是®文档大全网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


  Today's International Children's Day, we held the second round of charity sale on the playground.

  Some students failed to participate in the charity sale last time, but this time they had another chance. Therefore, although we were very tired and the school did not require us to have this round of charity sale, the teacher took the initiative to ask to participate.

  I didn't expect the children to be so proactive today. Some parents praised our class for being so good at selling things. When I saw it, I said Xu Meining! Let's look at Liangshuming, Peng Yuting, xingshiyu, Ma Qing, linzixuan, zhangzhengze and cuishihe. They have almost the success rate, and all the goods can be sold. In addition, songchenwei, congyuwen, libotong, yuxiaohan, zhaojunfan, Yu Anqi, zhouzhongxian, lujunyuan, Liu Yu, Fang Yulu, etc. have made our charity sale team powerful. Everyone can be a salesperson.

  Today, we sold a total of 668.1 yuan, creating the champion of the whole school. Parents and children are really amazing.

  The cost of iced black tea sponsored by Xiaohan's mother was 180 yuan, but she said she donated all the money. The handmade bags sewn by Tang Dynasty and her mother sold for more than 100 yuan, the balloons made by Dagen's mother on site sold for more than 100 yuan, and the embroidery works of Peng Yuting sold for about 50 yuan. This time, Bo Tong's mother brought so many charity sales, which also reflected her support for the school and her love for the disaster areas.

  Today, the accounting group, recorder and production guide composed of Tang Dynasty mother, lijinhang mother, Yu Anqi mother, cuishihe mother, libotong mother, Yu Xiaohan mother, Quan Dagen mother, zhaojunfan mother and Liangshuming mother have played an inestimable role in the success of our charity sale. All our students would like to thank our parents.


  The children's day that the children have been dreaming of is coming! The school organized us to participate in the "garden tour" activity (playing games), with a variety of projects: ferrules, dribbling, and marbles... The activity of our class is to grab chairs. The rules of the game are: put five chairs in the middle of the classroom, and then the teacher plays music. Six people walk around the five chairs. When the music stops, six people immediately grab seats. Those who do not sit on the chairs are eliminated, and one chair will be lost for each game. come from

  The game begins! I attended with an excited mood. I stood beside the chair with five classmates, staring at the chair covetously. When the music started, the students walked slowly around the five chairs, and I was no exception. I thought: even if I didn't grab the chairs, it doesn't matter. Everyone is happy together! Although I thought so, I kept staring at the five chairs for fear that I would be robbed by other students when I wasn't on guard. Looking at the students, they all looked serious and focused on the five chairs, which was worthy of Bao Qingtian's demeanor. Some frowned as if they were thinking about something, and the word "Chuan" appeared on their foreheads; Some of them turned their eyes and then looked around, as if they were making wishful thinking in their hearts, with the words "cunning"; And... There are many onlookers who can't help cheering us on. Look! They were so excited that they stamped their feet. The sound of "come on! Come on..." was always ringing in my ears, which made me summon up my courage. At this time, the music stopped suddenly. Fortunately, I sat on the chair and crossed my legs in a winner's posture. When I faced the last hurdle, my opponent turned out to be a male classmate.

  We walked around the chair with the music. We all stared at the chair intently for fear that it would slip away in a moment. In an instant, I was dizzy, but the music teacher was against me. It happened that at this time, the music stopped. We rushed towards the chair, as if we had found a treasure, and I was so crowded by the male classmate that I fell on all fours. At this time, the students who were watching were all laughing, and the teacher also joked: "Wang Yilan, your * shares are too small!" I can't help laughing


  Looking forward to the stars and the moon, I finally looked forward to the "June day". Today is International Children's Day, which is our own holiday. Everyone should be happy.

  ha-ha! In the afternoon, the teacher gave each of us a ticket. I looked at it carefully. Wow, there are so many games, such as front-line dying, anti terrorist elite, mine sweeping... I was dazzled. My heart is very happy, there are so many games here, it must be very enjoyable.

  With the ticket, I didn't have time to think about it, so I went out of the classroom door, joined zhucong, huangjiakai and others who had been agreed, and went straight to the place where the "front line was in danger".

  I was dazzled when I arrived at the classroom where "the front line is in danger". Ribbons are hung on the fans and windows... There are four levels in the classroom, all supported by small red flag poles. There is a line in the middle of the flag pole, with bells tied to the line, which rings very crisp. The whole classroom was beautifully dressed and charming. Unconsciously, it was the turn of the five of us. A sixth grade classmate gave me a blue eye. My eyes were dark and I couldn't see anything. Fortunately, a classmate reminded me that I would have hit the wall otherwise. I walked forward slowly. The first step was to climb. I fell down and climbed through the bell line. The second level is to skip the bell line. I came to the second level through the guidance of my classmates. I saw the right time, and with a great leap I jumped over. The third level is also climbing. Although the fourth level is still jumping, it is much more difficult. I went to the front of the bell line, stepped out one foot, and then took back one foot. Ha, it was close. It was almost over. In this way, I got a lot of results: four lottery tickets.

  Next, we came to the activity class of "heart has soul". When I saw it, it turned out that there were two people together, one doing the action and the other guessing. It turned out to be similar to a program of "super big winner" on TV. It's my turn. I'm with huangjiakai. Huangjiakai will do the action. Let me guess. When the host took a sign, I just wanted to ask the host something. I accidentally saw the words on the sign. Ha ha, it's good that you haven't been found. Ha ha, ha ha. This is cheating. Unexpectedly, Huang Jiakai was so smart. He took a thread from his pocket and hung it around his neck. I read the answer, so I blurted out: hang it! In this way, we won two lottery tickets.

  There are many other activities. I won't talk about them one by one. They are fun anyway. When the activity was over, I was both happy and sad. The joy is that I used the lottery tickets for many things, but the sadness is that I didn't play all of them. But I am still very happy.

  This "61" children's day, I am very happy!


  What holiday is June 1? Everyone should know! Oh, it was International Children's Day! Have you been looking forward to this day for a long time? Are you excited and happy? How many children expect this day! Because on this day, the children will be very happy and receive many children's Day gifts.

  June 1 is the first children's day since I entered junior high school, so I am still a little happy. Sometimes I think of the time when I was in primary school. I played games with my parents and cooperated with them, which cultivated the feelings of parents and students; They will also receive children's Day gifts from schools and parents.

  In junior high school, I thought it was no more than 61. But to my surprise, because some students didn't do their math homework, the math teacher asked the students who didn't do their homework to buy us some gifts. But our head teacher didn't prepare anything for us. We looked at other teachers' gifts, which made people feel envious. For example, the head teacher of class two bought two cakes for them; The teacher of class 4 bought pizza for them. Alas, they were all a little jealous. They thought: Why are the class teachers so good? Our class

  At the last class in the afternoon, the students who were punished each handed out a biscuit, two sweets and half a cup of drink. When I was drinking, a surprise arrived and our prefect brought in some things. We all clapped our hands excitedly when we saw that it was a gift from the prefect. The prefect gave each of us two Wangwang cakes and a piece of chocolate. We felt very happy. After the delivery, the prefect told us that this year was the last children's day, and the next year would be over. When we left, the prefect told us to throw away the garbage, and then walked out with a smile. Our hearts are sweet, but a little unhappy, because even the head teacher doesn't buy US children's gifts, but the prefect has prepared gifts for us.

  But in any case, this 61 is still a good day. Tried a new 61. The last June day of this year shows that we are no longer children. We have entered youth. I hope that the children will have a good time in the last June day!


  The long-awaited "61" children's day has finally come! Our school has organized many game activities! There are charity sales, singing competitions and so on. You can also get candy in the activities! Among these activities, the most impressive and meaningful one is the charity sale.

  With the principal's order on the radio, "the charity sale now begins!" The students flew out of the classroom like birds. Look! The originally quiet playground suddenly boils up, with a sea of people, bustling, as if it had become a new supermarket. All kinds of small toys, dolls and books are placed on their own stalls. The students suddenly became experienced salesmen and salesmen.

  Unfortunately, I have to rehearse for the singing competition in the afternoon. After my rehearsal, I flew to the playground. At this time, the weather was not beautiful, and it began to rain heavily. But this did not reduce the enthusiasm of the students. In addition to the sound of rain falling on the umbrella, my ears are full of the sound of students bargaining with each other. What a joy!

  Many things have been sold out. "Well - first search from your own store!" I said to myself. I began to search along the shops. Several books about writing compositions attracted my attention. Counting the money I had just enough to buy, I immediately shouted happily, "I want to buy these books! I want to buy these books!" I paid the money with great joy and couldn't put it down with these books in my arms. It seems that the students around have bought their favorite items. Smiling faces are blooming in the drizzle. They are so cute and moving.

  Time flies like water. The charity sale soon ends and the playground is quiet again. This is really a meaningful and unforgettable children's day.


  I heard that my mother asked for leave to accompany me on International Children's Day. I was so happy that I sang and danced. My happy smile was always on my face. I decided to let my mother play with me in my own festival.

  Early in the morning, we drove to niuziniu bookstore in Tianjin Galaxy shopping center. As soon as I entered the bookstore, I found a sea of people. I wonder why there are so many people? After inquiring, I learned that there would be a book signing meeting held by the great writer, Grandpa shenshixi. After hearing this, I was so excited that my heart would jump out. I have read many works of Grandpa shenshixi. His novels are either relaxed and humorous, or tragic, shocking, or warm and moving, making readers happy in reading.

  The signing ceremony began. I couldn't wait to push aside the crowd and squeeze into the front row. The first thing I saw was an older grandfather with a smile on his face. He looked amiable. After looking at the table in front of him, I knew that he was shenshixi. At this time, Grandpa Shen is telling us his experience of living with animals, which is both vivid and interesting, and sometimes makes everyone laugh.

  After the speech, I started the most anticipated part of the book signing process. I bought a new book, little eagle flying against the wind, written by grandpa Shen. Grandpa Shen Shixi wrote his name in this book and deeply engraved it in my heart. I have the honor to take a group photo with Grandpa Shen!

  This International Children's Day is so meaningful.


  Every June 1st, we are very happy! Because June 1 is our holiday, of course, I am very happy about my holiday. After all, it is only once a year! Me too, this 61 is very happy!

  This 61 is extraordinary! Before June 1, all kinds of performances began! Not to mention the talent show, hard pen calligraphy and the celebration of June 1. Let's say that day! In the morning, the celebration of June 1 begins! You must say that the scene must be very spectacular! That can't be called particularly spectacular. The scene was quite spectacular. Gongs and drums roared, firecrackers roared, red flags flipped, and a sea of people. It was very happy - no, it was very happy! There are two events in the morning: commendation meeting and interesting sports. In particular, interesting sports are really exciting. When the eight character dance, the students shouted: "come on! Come on! Come on..." finally, our class won the first place in our cheering! That's so happy. It's beyond descr iption!

  Don't mention it in the afternoon, much happier than in the morning! We went down the street to play with our trainee teachers and sang happily! Let's talk about trampoline! As soon as a dozen of us went up, there was a sea of people. Although it was difficult to display space, we were very happy. It doesn't matter. Happiness is more important than anything! I tell you, we also took a group photo with our intern teacher!

  However, although 61 is happy! But we can't forget our parents and teachers happily! If teachers and parents didn't nurture us, can we have today? At the same time, we can not forget them. Do you think so?


  When International Children's Day arrived, the whole school was full of joy. Because we are going to hold a "red scarf" charity sale. Each of the junior team members donated what they thought was useless, and then held a charity sale in the school gymnasium.

  At about 10 o'clock, Mr. Xia took us to the school gymnasium. Oh, the whole stadium is already a sea of people. There are cries and bargains everywhere. When I crowded into the site of our class, I was surrounded by a lot of people. It was not easy to get in and have a look. Most of the things were snapped up. I wanted to buy a book, but I found that it had been bought. I had no choice but to go elsewhere to look for my favorite things.

  While I was wandering. Suddenly I heard a cry from a stall: "the whole sale is good and cheap. Don't miss it when you pass by..." when I saw it, I crowded over to have a look. My eyes almost lit up when I saw it. It turned out that it was several books written by shenshixi. You know, I like reading animal novels best! When I saw it, I quickly took out my money, pointed to a book called "the grey wolf" and asked, "how much is this book?"

  "Ten yuan." A staff member said, "these books are all written by shenshixi. Do you want to buy another one?" "No, no, No." I hurriedly replied. Because I have read those books. Then the staff gave me a bag for books and a small balloon. I finally bought the book I like. Don't mention how happy I am!

  At this time, people suddenly split up. It turned out that uncle Qian, the mayor, came to celebrate International Children's Day with us. It was really a blessing in disguise. The students welcomed us with warm applause!

  This is really a meaningful children's day. It makes some of our things turn waste into treasure. It's good!


  Today is International Children's Day. As soon as I wake up in the morning, the sun is red. It seems to be smiling and saying to us: "children, I wish you a happy June day." When I came to school, I was even happier to see everyone wearing new clothes.

  This afternoon, Mr. Zhu will lead all the students of class 103 to have a garden tour. I'm looking forward to it. So the class in the morning is too slow, too slow... I just want to pass the time quickly and start activities quickly.

  After a morning of waiting, the activity finally began. First of all, there was a big cake. It was so tempting, but we were not in a hurry to eat it. We sang a birthday song first, and then made a wish to blow out the candles. We dedicated the first piece of cake to our dear teacher Zhu, who laughed happily. This cake is delicious. I think it is one of the cakes I have eaten.

  Next is the most open time for garden activities. I went to blow out the candles first. When I saw the children in front blowing them so hard, I blew them out oneortwo times. I think such a small thing will not be difficult for me. So I took a deep breath first, and then blew hard. My face turned red, but only four candles were blown out. It seems that it is not easy for me to blow candles. I have to practice more! I underestimated such a trifle. I have to be modest in the future. After that, I went to play dribbling with two people. With the previous lesson, I can't be proud. At first, Tang Yuting and I couldn't even hold the ball. We held it several times. Either the ball fell or we couldn't walk together. But we didn't compromise. After discussing with Tang Yuting, we had the secret of success. In the end, we still won the first place in the group. It was great. Blowing balloons, folding cans, blowing table tennis... These games are all my favorite. I think today's activity is really fun. I'm so happy!

  This is my first children's day in primary school. This children's Day is so special and meaningful. I think this children's day must be unforgettable for my whole life. I want to thank Mr. Zhu and many parents for their hard work and busyness. Thank you for letting us have such a happy holiday!


  On this year's International Children's Day, our school held the XX small campus big society activity, which made us have a very meaningful June day.

  In this activity, our class not only applied for a tourism company, but also established Qiyi cinema, cultural market and greedy cat snack bar. The contents of other classes are also rich and colorful, such as class 2, grade 4, UFO and alien exploration Museum, alien and UFO research and exploration. The pictures of aliens are taken by American photographers, who can talk with aliens.

  In the afternoon, the activity officially began. Every corner of the campus was neatly arranged according to the class and filled with many shops, just like the commercial street. There are all kinds of famous industries, including books, snacks, beauty salons, lottery, etc. as long as you can think of things here, there are all kinds of cries and peddling, which are very lively. Every little boss is very capable and dedicated. Some of them are hoarse and don't care to drink. But their faces are full of smiles. The waiters treat every Gu Rong warmly.

  I first experienced working as a tour guide in Zhuoyue tourism company, leading a group of sophomores to visit and consume. I introduced them while walking along the road map. When I introduced them, they all looked at me with admiration. When I saw that they were surprised at some activities, and that they were happy to buy their favorite products, my heart was even more excited. I think I will be an excellent tour guide when I grow up.

  Through this small campus social activity, we are closer to life and understand how our parents are usually working hard. We should cherish everything now and not waste every penny. Every labor achievement is hard won.
