
时间:2022-06-01 11:23:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语资源# 导语】“六一”儿童节,属于我们的节日,终于来临了。下面是®文档大全网整理的内容,希望对你们有帮助!


  June 1st is children's day. On this day, we held an activity in our school.

  This morning, I came to the school with several classmates and found that there were colored lights and flags everywhere in the school. I joked to my classmates: "today, our school must have a lantern show in the evening." They believed it and immediately ran away to speak loudly to other students. Seeing that things were bad, I called them back one by one.

  I said to them, "I'm joking with you. I can't take it seriously!" They asked suspiciously, "Why are the lights on today?" I said to them, "stupid stupid, you don't want to think about it. What day is today?" "What day is it today?" They asked me in unison. I said to them, "you are stupid. You are really stupid. Today is International Children's Day. Aren't there still many activities to be held today?" "Ah, yes!" The activity began. I found a seat and sat down.

  The first program is that some students perform martial arts. I saw them swing left and right with sticks, which made people feel very wonderful.

  The second program is that chengyanqi of our class writes calligraphy. I saw her writing was so easy and so good. I thought of myself. Can I write so well? Why not? Yes, I must learn from her and write well. The activity continued and everyone seemed very happy.

  The program was over, and we all went home with satisfaction.


  Children's Day is a holiday for our children. On this day, we can visit the garden with our classmates in school, participate in activities held by each class, and receive many holiday gifts. All the students like International Children's Day. But this year is my penultimate children's day, because I think that after this International Children's Day, we will be promoted to junior high school in another year. At that time, there will be no our festivals, which will bring us many happy festivals. So I cherish this year's International Children's Day to play with my classmates.

  International Children's Day is a major holiday for us. That night, I thought that tomorrow would be our holiday, so I was excited all night. I woke up at dawn in the morning. Even my sister, who likes to sleep late and has to be called dozens of times to get up every time, is also abnormal today. She got up by herself. The sun really came out of the West. No one can match the charm of International Children's Day!

  When I came to school, I found that everyone's face was red and full of energy, and they could not wait to start the garden tour. The first game is our class's "top Kung Fu". The rule of the game is to hold a water cup on your head. You have to cross five stools to pass the test smoothly. It was my turn. I calmly put on my water cup and began to walk carefully. I had already passed the third stool. I was even more nervous when I was about to reach the end, because many people just couldn't get through it when they were about to reach the end, so I was more careful. Yeah! Finally passed, I shouted happily. The second game is straw transport. Before the game started, I choked my breath and blushed. Finally, I sucked up the table tennis. Halfway through the game, I felt that I was almost out of breath and could only speed up my pace. I have a ten in the column of straw transportation.

  International Children's Day is so happy that we feel a different childhood.


  The annual children's day came. I was so excited that I didn't sleep all night. I got up at more than four o'clock in the morning. My aunt was busy making up for me. After making up, it was almost five o'clock. I hurried to eat two mouthfuls of rice, and then took the snack my mother prepared for me to go to school.

  As soon as I entered the campus, I found that the school had changed a lot. All classes held big umbrellas and hung colorful balloons and banners. The rostrum is also beautifully decorated. At the time of review, all the students of each class stood at the school gate in neat clothes. When the review began, the teacher of each class would say, "children, behave well. Come on, I'll take a picture of you." The students were obedient and well behaved. They were full of spirit and air.

  Soon, the wonderful review was over. Then the parent-child competition began. The first is to jump the rope. Fanhongyu, zhangyiyang, wumiao, liyushuo and their parents all participated in the competition. These students performed very well and won honors for the class... Soon, the sports meeting was over. In the afternoon, we also held a wonderful party in the study room. There were many programs, such as the sketch "learning from teachers and students", "after the exam", "biography of the white lady" and "order of flying flowers". There are also storytelling, Chinese traditional singing, singing and dancing, and instrumental music performances... My favorite program is "three sentences and a half". Because Dr. Qu's performance is very interesting, his expression is very cute and cute. When he should have said "try it", he might have forgotten his words because of nervousness and said "it's so spectacular, ah, try it". It made everyone laugh.

  This International Children's Day brings us a lot of happiness, but these are inseparable from the support and help of teachers and parents. Without their hard work, we would not be so happy. I hope next year's energy saving for children will be more wonderful!


  Today is International Children's Day. In the morning, it rained cats and dogs, but it didn't hurt our interest at all. We came to the school early to prepare for the charity sale.

  As soon as we got to school, we had a discussion. At exactly nine o'clock, the charity sale officially began. All of us worked hard and conscientiously, so we had a smooth sailing. But later, there were still some things in our group that couldn't be sold. I decisively ordered: take the toys to the first grade to sell, and take these comic books to the senior grade to sell Sure enough, after a while, I got dozens of yuan. We are the fastest selling group.

  The activity was over. According to the teacher's statistics, our class donated 208 yuan and the whole school donated more than 4000 yuan. I smiled knowingly. I am glad to see that poor children can get our help.


  Today is International Children's Day. Our school held a garden tour.

  "Ding Ding Ding -" as the bell rang, all the students were quietly waiting for the arrival of the Chinese teacher in the classroom. Sure enough, our Chinese teacher came in happily, "I wish the students a happy holiday!" Hearing the teacher's congratulatory voice, the students cheered with joy. Even the students who usually don't like to laugh showed their bright smiling faces. "Students, please be quiet" after hearing the teacher's words, the students became quiet. Then the Chinese teacher walked up to the platform like the host and said, "OK, now each group should line up and follow me to the playground to see the painting performances of other classes."

  The students lined up in a neat line to follow the teacher to the playground, where they saw a sea of people and laughter everywhere. When we arrived at the exhibition site, we followed the teacher around and found that some students were painting fruits, some were painting houses, and some were painting characters... They all painted very well.

  After visiting the exhibition, we followed the Chinese teacher back to the classroom to do class activities. Back in the classroom, the students' eyes were attracted by the hill like colorful candy, packaged cookies, and small jelly on the platform. Some students also swallowed their saliva. Seeing this, the teacher smiled and distributed the food to each student. Then the class activities began. The teacher asked the monitor to preside over the activities on the platform. The monitor followed the host's actions and asked, "who will perform?" At this time, a bold classmate raised his hand and said, "I'll come." What he told us was a joke, and it was very funny, which made us laugh. Even the teacher couldn't help laughing. Driven by the student, the students raised their hands and said loudly, "I'll come, I'll come." Some students performed songs, some danced happily, some told stories, and several students imitated Zhao Benshan's sketches... The activities in the class were very lively. When the time for "Ding Ding" came, our cheerful laughter stopped, and the lively campus gradually recovered its calm.

  Ah! International Children's Day is a holiday for children all over China. I really hope that the next International Children's Day will be more happy!


  On the children's day of June 1, the students took part in a grand garden tour on campus. There are so many items in the game that everyone has a lot of fun.

  Let's start with sticking to the nose. I saw the red scarf of the army covering my eyes. After turning around for three times, I walked forward. He carefully touched the clown's face and stuck his round nose on it. One of the students laughed. Junjun suspected that he had pasted it wrong and quickly moved to the side. The referee asked Jun Jun to have a look. Ah, it was put on his mouth! The students couldn't help laughing, and Jun Jun also laughed sheepishly.

  The place where darts are projected is also very lively. One by one, darts shot out of the students' hands. Some students are masters. They either hit the 9 rings or hit the 10 rings. They really hit everything in vain! Some students always play__ To the outer ring of the disc, the students enthusiastically shouted "come on" for him.

  Fishing games are more fun. When the referee gave the order, everyone threw the fishing rods with magnets to the "small pool". The long fishing line swayed and swayed, but the fish never got hooked. Some students were sweating, but Xiao Ming held his breath and patiently put the magnetic fishhook near the fish's mouth. The fish finally took the bait! Xiao Ming hurried to fish again. He worked hard and caught a dozen small fish in a row!

  In the playground, some students play ball games, some watch puppet shows, some play computer games, and some play cat and mouse games... Children's Day is really a happy holiday!


  Today is International Children's Day. In the afternoon, our class held a 61 party.

  At noon, I began to decorate the classroom as soon as I got to school. The students brought snacks, ribbons, balloons... I was responsible for arranging a window. I used ribbons to decorate it with two words: 61. Then I cleared my desk, put snacks on it, and hung the ribbon for Mr. Han. At that time, some of the students were blowing balloons, drawing pictures, and pasting ribbons... They were busy.

  The party began with yuemingyang and Yang Yi hosting the program. The first is my magic. I performed three magic tricks. The first magic trick was performed by yuemingyang in cooperation with me. I asked him to open two iron rings that could not be untied. He could not untie them. Then, I connected one iron ring with another, and everyone made a "wow" sound. Then I put the two iron rings that couldn't be untied on an iron ring. Then I untied all the iron rings (except the two iron rings that couldn't be untied). Everyone applauded warmly. Then I performed the magic of a coin, which haokejie cooperated with me. I could tell which hand the coin was in just by looking at her expression. At this time, everyone applauded. I also performed many magic tricks. I won't say them one by one. This program is very popular with the students.

  Next, some students sing songs, and some students guess riddles... The most wonderful is the magic of luyuanhong and me, and the songs of wangwenxuan and haokejie. The June day party was a great success and the students had a good time.

  Although we were very happy, it was a pity that Mr. Tan didn't come to the party with us for June 1.


  Opening the calendar, I happened to see June 1, which reminded me of the distinctive June 1 of last year.

  I remember when I was still in charge on June 1! Until now, I remember clearly.

  The night before June 1, I ran into my mother's room happily and said mysteriously, "Mom, tomorrow is June 1! Should I..." "say it! What gift do you want." Or my mother knows me. "But I don't want a gift!" I said to my mother. "What do you want?" My mother asked me. "I want to be a parent tomorrow!" A trace of distrust flashed in her mother's eyes, but she quickly said, "well, tomorrow you become a parent, I'll give you 100 yuan. You can do it yourself!" With my mother's consent, I felt happy. After thanking my mother, I went to bed happily with the question of how to be a parent tomorrow.

  The next morning, I got up to make breakfast. I heated a few boxes of milk, took toast, spread jam, and put four on the table. Then, I went to call my parents and sister for breakfast, and I also ate. After breakfast, I took the money to the supermarket to buy vegetables.

  After entering the supermarket, I remembered that my father liked to drink Yakult, so I took some; Mother likes spicy food, so I took a can of chili sauce; My sister likes to eat melon seeds. I took another bag of melon seeds and went straight to the vegetable area. I bought a cabbage, turned around and saw meat, so I bought some more meat. Finally, I bought a few steamed buns and returned home with a full load.

  As soon as I got home, I looked at my watch. It was eleven o'clock, so I hurried to cook. I steamed the rice first, then checked the practice of fish flavored shredded meat on the Internet, and went to stir fry. When the rice and vegetables were ready at the same time, I filled them with rice, took chopsticks, and cooked with the vegetables. After dinner, I washed the dishes and cleaned the house. At dinner time, I fried cabbage, cooked millet porridge, and took out the steamed bread and chili sauce. My family had dinner together. After dinner, I gave the rest of the money to my mother. My parents praised me for growing up!

  I'm so happy about that June day. It is because I am in charge that I say it is different. I will always remember it!


  Pan ah, pan ah, finally came the "June 1" children's day. Today is our children's Day! Today we sing and dance, sing loudly, and let our dreams fly together!

  Today's school is very lively and prosperous. The rostrum is full of leaders of the Education Bureau. The theme of this June day is "little dreamer". There are two background pictures, one behind the leaders and the other behind us. The background picture behind us shows several little angels playing. On the background picture in front of us is a line of words: buckle the first button of life.

  We have worked hard for this activity! In order to make our program brilliant, we try not to rest and strive for more time for rehearsal. Most of the time, everyone is sweating with heat and Venus in their eyes.

  We have a variety of programs, you see: hip-hop, piano, drum, yoga, sitcom recitation, martial arts, etc., which are rich and colorful, each has its own merits!

  The program that impressed me the most was the recitation of the sitcom - the heart of youth, flying the Chinese dream. Of course, I also participated in this program. There are many roles in this program: dragonfly, frog, small fish, farmer, textile girl, lotus leaf... I played a dragonfly. When I came on the stage, I imagined that I had become a dragonfly, dancing my arms, sometimes turning a circle, sometimes stirring up my wings. Many people praised me. Thanks to everyone's concerted efforts and wonderful performance, our program has been highly praised by the leaders!

  The June 1st celebration in 20x came to a successful conclusion, and everyone went home with joy. This activity made me realize how difficult it is to be a good young man in the new era. They are intelligent, capable, hardworking, willing to contribute and hardworking. I also want to learn from them and be a good boy in the new era!


  61, often very happy. Perhaps what we are looking forward to is June day.

  On the eve of June 1, I was too excited to sleep, looking forward to the early arrival of June 1, waiting, waiting

  I got up before six in the morning.

  Ha ha, my friends are early. I can't wait to take out a lot of snacks. The most important thing is to share them with my friends. Therefore, while eating by myself, I give them to my friends.

  In the morning, the school held a June 1 art show. Our class recited collectively. From my personal point of view, I think we performed very well. In the afternoon, we finally welcomed the garden tour.

  What I like most is our class's "crossing the line of fire". This game is not only popular in name, but also popular in play. This game is specially for senior boys. First, they are too tall to pass. Second, the bones are well developed, and the waist is not so soft, so you can't lower it.

  Because it's our class and our own. At the beginning, the teacher told us to practice a few times first. When we had experience, I had already started to practice. Either the balloon fell or I didn't stoop down. After several attempts, I have mastered the trick. Moreover, I have been dancing for a year. God helps me. It's great.

  So, I passed the six levels easily without any effort.

  What makes me feel defeated most is the "witty words" and "work hard". Alas! "Witticism" is to clip marbles. It took me one minute to clip a marbles. In our group, there are five more marbles and none less. I am not the worst. I didn't even blow a candle. It's sad.

  I won't have it next year.

  Goodbye, my 61.

