

时间:2021-11-17 00:02:00 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#新概念英语# 导语】新概念英语作为家喻户晓的经典之作,它有着全新的教学理念,有趣的课文内容及其全面的技能训练,为广大的英语学习者提供帮助!如果你也想学好英语,又怎能错过新概念英语?下面©文档大全网为您提供了相关内容,希望对您有所帮助!



  1 Did the sun set at twenty past seven? The sun didn't set at twenty past seven.

  2 Did he eat his lunch at one o'clock? He didn't eat his lunch at one o'clock.

  3 Did they do their home work last night? They didn't do their homework last night.

  4 Did he come by car this morning? He didn't come by car this morning.

  5 Did the sun rise at half past five? The sun didn't rise at half past five.

  6 Did you swim across the river yesterday? We didn't swim across the river yesterday.


  1 Yes, I did my homework last night. He hasn't done his homework yet.

  2 Yes, Mrs. Jones went to the butcher's this morning. Mrs. Williams hasn't been to the butcher's yet.

  3 Yes, I spoke to him yesterday. She hasn't spoken to him yet.

  4 Yes, George swam across the river an hour ago. Sam hasn't swum across it yet.

  5 Yes, I saw the film yesterday. Sam and Penny haven't seen the film yet.

  6 Yes, Tim took off his shoes a minute ago. Frank hasn't taken off his shoes yet.



  1 He'll arrive tomorrow morning.

  2 She'll come this evening.

  3 It'll snow tonight.

  4 He'll not believe me.


  1 Yes, and it will snow tomorrow, too.

  2 Yes, and he will get up late tomorrow, too.

  3 Yes, and he will arrive late tomorrow, too.

  4 Yes, and he will finish work late tomorrow, too.

  5 Yes, and she will drive to London tomorrow, too.

  6 Yes, and she will telephone him tomorrow, too.

  7 Yes, and he will have a shave tomorrow, too.

  8 Yes, and she will sweep the floor tomorrow, too.



  1 He will go to New York next week.

  2 She will go to Sydney next month.

  3 I will go to Paris the year after next.

  4 We will go to Stockholm next year.

  5 They will go to Geneva the week after next.


  1 No, Helen won't return to Geneva next year. She'll return to Bombay.

  2 No, I won't fly to London tomorrow. I'll fly to Geneva.

  3 No, Tom and I won't go to Madrid next year. We'll go to London.

  4 No, Tom won't arrive from Moscow next month. He'll arrive from Madrid.

  5 No, Carol and Helen won't stay in New York next month. They'll stay in Moscow.

