

时间:2023-04-28 18:07:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载


  At 21, Ricardo Semler became boss of his father's business in Brazil, Semco, which sold parts for ships. Semler Junior worked like a madman, from 7 :30 am, until midnight every day. One afternoon, while touring a factory in New York, he collapsed. The doctor who treated him said, "

  There's nothing wrong with you. But if you continue, like this, you'll find a new home in our hospital. " Semler got the message. He changed the way he worked. In fact, he changed the ways his employees worked too.

  He let his workers take more responsibility so that they would be the ones worring when things went wrong. He allowed them to set their own salaries, and he cut all the jobs he thought were unnecessary, like receptionists and secretaries. (46) "Everyone at Semco, even top managers, meets guests in reception, does the photocopying, sends faxes, types letters and dials the phone. "

  He completely reorganized the office: instead of walls, they have plants at Semco, so bosses cann't shut themselves away from everyone else (47) As for uniforms, some people wear suits and others wear T-shirts.

  Semler says, " We have a sales manager named Rubin Agater who sits there reading the newspaper hour after hour. He doesn't even pretend to be busy. But when a Semco pump on the othe other side of the world failes millions of gallons of oil are about to spill into the sea. Rubin springs into action. (48) That's when he earns his salary. No one cares if he doesn't look busy the rest of the time. "

  Semco has flexible working hours : the employees decide when they need to arrive at work. The employees also evaluate their bosses twice a year. (49)

  It sounds perfect, but does it work? The answer is in the numbers: in the last six years,

  Semco's revenues have gone from $ 35 million to $212 million. The company has grown from 800 employees t0 3,000. Why?

  Semler says it's because of "peer pressure" . Peer pressure makes employees work hard for everyone else. (50) In other words, Ricardo Semler treats his workers like adults and expects them to act like adults. And they do.
 A. If somone isn't doing his job well, the other workers will not allow the situation to continue.

  B. This saved money and brought more equality to the company.

  C. And the workers are free to decorate their workspace as they want.

  D. He knows everything there is to know about our pumps and how to fix them.

  E. Most managers spend their time making it difficult for workers to work.

  F. Also, Semco lets its workers use the company's machiners for their own projects, and makes

  them take holidays for at least thirty days a year.


  46.B [解析]该空格前一句提到Semler去掉了一些不是必须的工作岗位,例如秘书和接待员,而后面一句就说明这样做的好处:既经济又平等,即B选项的内容。


  48.D[解析]该段以负责公司油泵维修的Rubin Agater为例来做说明。该段前一句提到公司的油泵( pump)出问题了,而Rubin Agater是这方面的专家。因此选D。


  50.A [解析]该段前两句中提到:Semler说这源自同事的压力,来自同事的压力让每一个员工为其他员工努力工作。因此选A。



  Ricardo Semler 21岁时成为他父亲位于巴西的公司Semco的老板,这是一个船舶零件销售公司。Semler是个工作狂,每天从上午七点半工作至午夜。一天下午,当他在纽约一家工厂参观时病倒了。他的主治医生说:"你没什么大碍,不过如果你还继续这样拼命工作,你将在我们医院里找到一个新家。"Semler领会了医生的意思。他改变了工作方式,实际上他也改变了他的员工工作的方式。



  Semler说:"我们有一个销售经理名字叫做Rubin Agater,他整天坐在办公室看报纸,甚至都不做出忙碌的样子。可是如果在地球的另一端我们公司的一台泵要是坏了,几百万加仑的石油流到大海里,那么他会立刻行动起来。关于我们的泵以及泵的维修他了如指掌。这就是他赚钱的时候。至于其余时间他看上去一点也不忙碌,没有人会在意的。"


  这种方法听上去很好,不过奏效吗?看一下数据就知道了:在过去的六年中,Semco的年收入从3千5百万美元上升至2. 12亿美元,公司员工规模已经从800人壮大到3000人。这些是什么原因呢?

  Semler说这源自同事的压力,来自同事的压力让每一个员工为其他员工努力工作。如果有人工作不努力,那么其他人就不会让这样的局面继续下去。换句话说,Ricardo Semler把他的员工当做成年人对待,期望他们用成年人的方式去工作。他的员工也确实如他所愿。

