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【#英语资源# 导语】演讲的本质在于讲,而不在于演,它以讲为主,以演为辅。由于演讲要诉诸口头,拟稿时必须以易说能讲为前提。一篇好的演讲稿对演讲者来说要可讲,对听讲者来说应好听。以下是®文档大全网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


  hello everyone!

  Civilization, the most important word in your life, civilization, is easier said than done. With it, you will always be a model for people; Without it, you will always be the object of ridicule. Civilization is embodied in the little things in life and in our actions. Littering, spitting and swearing are uncivilized phenomena.

  Chinese people are not very civilized in our eyes. For example, on the streets of foreign countries, there is a sign "do not litter", which is in Chinese. You will also find that in many foreign streets and alleys, you can't see any garbage. Even in the snack street, it is spotless. On many streets in China, you will find white plastic bags, rotten fruits, half eaten food, etc. those people not only worsen our image, but also worsen our home environment. The sky is gray smoke, and the river also becomes muddy.

  And there are many people around us who pay attention to civilization. Once, when I was playing in XX citizen Park, a piece of green came into view. They were volunteers in environmental protection clothes. They were full of vitality, the sun was shining, they were sweating, their clothes were wet, but they still didn't stop their work. Some picked up garbage, some planted trees, and some wiped chairs. They looked engaged. It has become a particularly beautiful scenery in the park.

  There is a saying: start with your side and start with small things. Civilization is like this. We should keep it in mind. Let's act together! Let civilization live forever!

  Thank you!


  Dear teachers and students

  Hello, everyone. The topic of my speech today is "buckle the door of civilization".

  When I mentioned the word "civilization", have all of you here thought of such behaviors: protecting the environment, respecting the old and loving the young, being polite in words and deeds, etc. These are the most imaginable behaviors, and they are also the behaviors that school teachers encourage students to strive to achieve. But have we forgotten some details, some things that are not done well and happen frequently around us, such as this one:

  When the bell rang, the teacher began to have class. Then, there was a loud and hurried knock on the door outside the door, which not only interrupted the teacher's thinking, but also was very impolite and attracted the strange eyes of many students. It was not until the classmate came in and the annoying knock on the door fell that everything returned to calm.

  I believe that there are countless things like this happening around you or him. Don't say I'm making a mountain out of a molehill, because it does exist in our lives and is very common. Although in the activities of striving to be civilized people some days ago, the phenomena of littering, dirty export and trampling on the lawn have all been improved to some extent, such knocking at the door has never been improved. Why is it unknown but enduring? It is because we have a weak awareness of the most basic civilization, and the students have been familiar with it for a long time. But how many people can think that knocking on the door is also a civilized move. If they think of it, whether they have put it into action. If not, please think twice!

  Besides, I don't know if you have found it yet. Almost every classroom door in the school is printed with a personalized picture. I named them Foshan shadowless feet. As the name suggests, the door is full of footprints, not only big ones, but also small ones, double ones and single ones, and they are stacked tightly one by one! If you don't believe it, you can go and have a look. It has not only the front door, but also the back door. It is not inferior to the front door.

  Seeing a scene, should we think deeply about whether the quality of our middle school students is really so poor? I'm too lazy to reach out and "knock" with my feet. I don't believe it, because we are the most energetic, aren't we? The post-90s who can release their enthusiasm most. Therefore, we should take civilization as the first, seriously do everything well, let our predecessors give us a thumbs up, let our future generations take us as an example, and let us be proud of ourselves!

  So dear students, no matter which door you want to enter in the future, please don't forget to knock first. Knock on the door with your hand, and tap with your hand!

  That's the end of my speech. Thank you.


  Dear leaders, teachers and students

  hello everyone!

  My name is XXX. The title of my speech is "civilization and etiquette grow with me".

  Civilized etiquette, like a ray of sunshine, warms my heart; Like a clear spring, moisten my heart; Like a flag, flying in my heart, accompany me to grow.

  The Chinese nation is a country with an ancient civilization and a state of etiquette. Through studying the beauty of etiquette, I deeply understand that a smile, a greeting and an action can reflect a person's cultivation. See the teacher, take the initiative to say hello to the teacher; Knock on the door before entering someone else's room; When taking the bus, take the initiative to give up your seat to the elderly. These are civilized virtues.

  Civilized etiquette, always in my heart, let me learn to speak civilization and understand etiquette. The ancients said, "if you don't learn etiquette, you can't stand.". I remember when I was a child, I was timid. When there were guests at home, I not only dared not say hello to them, but also dared not even look at them. This is very uncivilized. After that, we learned the knowledge of civilized etiquette. I am deeply ashamed of myself. At this moment, I can not only actively and generously greet others; Moreover, when there are guests at home, I can take the initiative to pour tea and fruit for them. Everyone also praised me as a civilized and sensible child.

  Civilized etiquette, like a flag, guides us; It's like a light that lights me up. We should not only know the etiquette at home, but also know the etiquette at school and in society. We should abide by traffic rules, be willing to help others, respect the old and love the young, be diligent and thrifty, be civilized and observe etiquette, and be a small citizen who knows the law and etiquette.

  Finally, let's deeply engrave civilization and etiquette in our hearts; Let civilized etiquette accompany us to grow up happily!

  My speech is over, thank you!


  Dear teachers and students

  Civilized etiquette is what people should do in social activities. However, there are not many people who can pay attention to civilized etiquette.

  On the way home from school, I saw two little classmates helping a blind grandfather across the road, which reminded me that everyone should respect the old and love the young. Respecting the elderly is a civilized virtue. A person in need of help will feel lucky and happy if he gets through the difficulties with your help.

  I remember a spring outing. I found that some tourists threw their drink bottles underground and continued to play as if nothing had happened. Don't they think it's wrong to do so? Why can't they just throw it in the trash can? Besides, the trash can is a few steps away from their eyes. As long as they take a few steps forward, they will take a big step in civilization. They can throw the garbage into the trash can. It's also a small effort. Why don't they have this consciousness? Because they lack civilized etiquette. If everyone does the civilized etiquette, our urban environment will be clean and orderly, and people will live here relaxed and happy. I believe that as long as the members of our "big family" can be civilized, understand etiquette and advocate virtue, our lovely XX will become more and more beautiful.

  Generally speaking, civilized etiquette is the foundation of our study and life and the arm of our healthy growth. Without civilization, there is no basic moral bottom line. Learn from thousands of people, learn from thousands of people, learn to be a real person, that is, learn to be a civilized person, learn to be a social person, clean the environment and civilized campus. Start with me and every little thing. Let's take action together and make the flower of civilized etiquette more brilliant and dazzling in our small campus!

  Thank you!


  hello everyone!

  Be civilized, understand etiquette and start with me. German writer Goethe once said: "a person's politeness is a mirror that reflects his portrait." Indeed, people always judge a person by his words and deeds. Because civilized etiquette is the golden key to harmonious coexistence between people. Only having it can make our campus better.

  China is a country with ancient civilization, and the long river of civilization has a long history in China. Confucius once said, "if you don't learn etiquette, you can't stand." That is to say, if a person wants to achieve something, he must start from learning etiquette. It can be seen that Confucius attached great importance to civilized etiquette education. Zeng Zi was a disciple of Confucius. Once, he sat beside Confucius. Confucius wanted to point out his most profound truth. So he immediately stood up, went outside the mat and replied respectfully, "I'm not smart enough. Where can I know? Please give me these truths." Here, "avoiding the seat" is a very polite behavior. His story is called "Zeng Zi avoiding the seat" by later generations, and his polite spirit is also recited by later generations. In this story, it reflects the teacher-student etiquette of Confucius and Zeng Zi, and also lets us understand the importance and power of civilized etiquette.

  Sunny March is the month for the cultivation of civilized habits in our school. Students should be civilized and polite and form the good habit of "speaking civilized words and doing civilized things". When talking with teachers and students on campus, you should pay attention to your polite language. When you meet a teacher, you should take the initiative to say "Hello, teacher". After class, you should take the initiative to send the teacher's teaching tools to the office. On the stairs, students should walk gently and slowly to the right without chasing and fighting. During recess, do not eat snacks, do not spit, do not throw garbage from high places, and do not say dirty words. Under the supervision and help of the "civilized supervision post" in our school, we should get rid of bad habits and form the good habit of "speaking civilized words and doing civilized things".

  Students: good habits make a great future.

  As teenagers in the 21st century, we have the responsibility and obligation to inherit the traditional virtues of Chinese civilization and etiquette and make civilization and etiquette become the eternal light in our hearts.

  Thank you!

