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【#英语资源# 导语】端午节,划划龙舟,事业生活有奔头;赏赏舞狮,好运到事事顺利;挂挂艾叶,福到家门逢佳节;尝尝粽子,甜蜜幸福合家欢;发发祝福,财源滚滚好前途。端午节祝你幸福!©文档大全网为大家准备了以下内容,供大家参考阅读。


  Today is the Dragon Boat Festival. Today is the day to commemorate Qu Yuan. You must eat Zongzi! I can smell zongzi now!

  I rushed into the kitchen and looked at the pot: the heat curled in the pot, and several zongzi wrapped firmly in brown leaves were soaked in water. "Wow! So many zongzi!" I called. "Brush your teeth and eat again." My mother told me that I brushed my teeth at the speed of the wind (no! It should be light), sat at the table and waited for a delicious meal.

  A few minutes later, a bowl of delicious zongzi immediately appeared in front of me. These zongzi have a complete range of tastes: meat, red bean, egg yolk and so on. Of course, my favorite food is big meat dumplings. I chose one and quickly tore off the Zongye on the outer bread and ate it.

  When I took my first bite, I tasted the delicious taste again. Delicious glutinous rice and delicious meat are better than delicacies. While tasting delicious zongzi, I think of the origin of zongzi.

  In 340 BC, Qu Yuan, a doctor of the state of Chu, faced the pain of national subjugation. On May 5, he hugged the big stone and threw it into the Guluo river. In order to prevent fish and shrimp from damaging his body, people put rice in bamboo tubes into the river. Later, in order to show their respect and memory for Qu Yuan, on this day, people put rice in bamboo tubes and put it into a memorial ceremony, which was handed down from generation to generation. Now, while eating zongzi, I ask my mother about Qu Yuan's story and live a happy Dragon Boat Festival.


  Today is the Dragon Boat Festival. Early in the morning, I climbed to the mountain with my father to wade in the dew. On the mountain, I saw the old people wash their eyes with dew drops on flowers and plants. It is said that the glittering dew drops on the morning of the Dragon Boat Festival can wash their eyes bright and bright. Knowing this secret, I immediately imitated the appearance of the old man, and conscientiously picked up the dew as bright as the cat's eyes and washed my eyes.

  In the mountains, I also heard that the Dragon Boat Festival is to commemorate the patriotic poet Qu Yuan. It turned out that Qu Yuan was a doctor of the state of Chu and a loyal minister, but he was framed by his ministers and could not defend his country. In order to show his loyalty and arouse the patriotism of the people of Chu, Qu Yuan jumped into the river and fought with his death. The people of the state of Chu were afraid that the big fish in the river would eat Qu Yuan, so they wrapped a lot of big zongzi. They wanted to let the big fish stick to the mouth of the big fish as soon as they ate it, so it could not eat Qu Yuan. Later, people set this day as the Dragon Boat Festival to commemorate Qu Yuan in the form of eating zongzi.

  Today, four members of our family sit together to eat Zongzi in memory of Qu Yuan, because Qu Yuan is a good man, a loyal minister and a great patriotic poet. I want to celebrate the Dragon Boat Festival every year, firmly remember Qu Yuan and love our great motherland like him.


  Today is the fifth day of the fifth lunar month. It is a traditional Chinese festival - "Dragon Boat Festival".

  This "Dragon Boat Festival" has a origin. It is said that once upon a time, there was a great patriotic poet named Qu Yuan. Because he opposed compromise and advocated to unite with Qi to resist Qin, he was attacked and framed by the powerful officials of the state of Chu. He was successively relegated and exiled by the king of cup and the king of Qingxiang. After leaving Jiadu, Qu Yuan walked down the east of the Yangtze River alone, haggard in color, wearing long hair and living a wandering life.

  He doesn't know why the world is so black and white mixed up, loyalty * upside down, beauty and ugliness. He couldn't help his anger. While yelling and reciting loudly, he picked up his pen and wrote a wonderful eternal "Tianwen" on the stone wall. He knew that he couldn't reconcile with the reality. Finally, he threw himself into Guluo River and ended his tragic life.

  The local laobaishen respected and loved Qu Yuan very much. For fear that his body would be eaten by fish, he threw a thing wrapped in rice with brown leaves - brown seeds to feed the fish, so that the fish wouldn't eat Qu Yuan. Later, this method was used to commemorate Qu Yuan every year.

  Today is the day to commemorate Qu Yuan. I smelled the strong fragrance of palm seeds early in the morning, so I quickly washed the Laise, sat down by the dining bed and ate palm seeds with relish. I think: why should loyal ministers like Qu Yuan be exiled and attacked and framed by bad people? Why don't those * ministers consider whether the country will be swallowed up by others? One day, the country will be planted in their hands. There is also that stupid king. How can he not know that Qu Yuan is a loyal minister? It's stupid. Although I fought for Qu Yuan in my heart, it didn't affect my good appetite for brown seeds at all.

  I will learn from Qu Yuan in the future and be a person who can contribute to the motherland.


  Children, do you know the origin of the Dragon Boat Festival? The Dragon Boat Festival is a traditional festival in China and a festival in memory of Qu Yuan.

  On the day of the Dragon Boat Festival, adults get up early, make zongzi, boil eggs and insert Wormwood Leaves. I also got up early. Grandma wrapped colorful silk threads around my wrists and ankles. It is said that it can dispel diseases and evil spirits. Grandma also put on my own sachet and told me not to throw it away.

  After breakfast, I washed my hands. First, I untied a zongzi for my grandmother, father and mother, sprinkled white sugar, and peeled them an egg. My family praised me for being sensible. The room was filled with the fragrance of zongzi and a touch of moxa. Our family ate and talked, and the family was filled with a happy atmosphere.

  By the way, there's another happy thing I didn't tell you. We also ate delicious and attractive cakes. This day coincided with my grandmother's birthday. This Dragon Boat Festival, we all have a very happy, very happy, I like the Dragon Boat Festival.


  The Dragon Boat Festival is the fifth day of may in the lunar calendar every year. There are many programs, such as dragon boat racing, hanging calamus, drinking realgar wine and eating zongzi

  This year's Dragon Boat Festival is coming again. My mother cooked delicious zongzi for me. Zongzi have various shapes, including triangle, square and diamond, which are divided according to shape. According to the filling, there are meat dumplings, bean dumplings and jujube dumplings

  Speaking of zongzi, there is also an emotional story. It is said that the poet Qu Yuan loved the state of Chu very much. When the state of Chu was destroyed by the state of Qin, he was devastated and threw himself into the river. When the people knew it, they rowed boats to salvage Qu Yuan's body in the river. Fearing that the fish would eat his body, they wrapped zongzi and threw them into the river to avoid being hurt by the fish.

  "Watch the dragon boat race, watch the Dragon Boat Race!" The children shouted, and I squeezed happily to the river. The dragon boat is colorful and lifelike. In the sun, the dragon boat is glittering with silver scales. Each dragon boat is like a giant dragon lying on the river waiting for orders. "Bang!" At the command, the Dragon Boat athletes struggled to swing the oars in order. The dragon also flew to the end. There was constant applause along the river bank, and the sound of oars, shouts, cheers, trumpets and gongs and drums merged into a lively, cheerful and exciting symphony.

  The Dragon Boat Festival is lively and exciting. I like such a festival.


  In order to celebrate the Dragon Boat Festival, our teacher organized an activity of "fragrant Zongye, passionate Dragon Boat Festival".

  During the activity, we learned that the Dragon Boat Festival is to commemorate the knowledge of the patriotic poet Qu Yuan. We also learned to make zongzi from Zhang Yan's mother. The students studied it very seriously. Some students can wrap it as well as adults. Of course, the most attractive link is to eat zongzi. Some students have been salivating for a long time. When the teacher gave an order: "everyone, you can eat zongzi." All the students can't wait to open the Zongye. As soon as they open it, some students cover the Zongye to their faces and devour it, just like Zhu Bajie eating watermelon; Some students fold the zongzi leaves down to reveal only the zongzi above and eat them mouthful by mouthful; Some students sprinkle the white sugar they brought from home on the zongzi and eat it sweetly. When we were eating with relish, we heard the teacher say kindly, "Liu Chang, your eating appearance is really civilized. You still use knives and forks." The students laughed loudly, and some students sprayed zongzi out of their mouths. It turned out that Liu Chang first cut a piece with a knife, then sent a piece to his mouth with a fork and ate it carefully. It seems that he is very particular about it. Liu Chang was a little embarrassed when the teacher said so. Seeing the students laughing back and forth, the teacher also laughed.

  How happy the Dragon Boat Festival is! The students are looking forward to the next Dragon Boat Festival.


  When I woke up in the afternoon, I felt a little hungry, so I got up and went to the fridge to get food.

  There are a lot of food in the fridge. A triangular thing attracted my attention. When I looked at it, it turned out to be zongzi!

  "Mom..." I called mom. Mother came over in doubt and asked, "what's the matter?" I said, "Why are there zongzi in the fridge?" Mother said; "Today is the Dragon Boat Festival, so I want to eat zongzi." I nodded, "but why do you eat Zongzi on the Dragon Boat Festival?" My mother touched my head and said, "that's in memory of Qu Yuan." "Who is Qu Yuan?" "Qu Yuan, he is a doctor of the state of Chu. Because he always said something bad but useful to the king of Chu. The king of Chu was very angry and didn't listen to him, so he was very disappointed. One day he jumped into the tear Luo river and committed suicide. People threw rice into the river in order not to let the body of the patriotic hero in the fish pond. This is the present zongzi."

  "Oh." When I looked at the zongzi, I suddenly felt a sense of awe in my heart.

  So this is the origin of eating zongzi!


  Today is the Dragon Boat Festival. In the morning, my mother told me to get out of bed early and let me make zongzi with her. I happily agreed.

  When I saw the pineapple in the kitchen, I asked my mother: Mom, can I hold the pineapple in zongzi? Mother replied: of course.

  Like my mother, I rolled the bamboo leaves into a cylindrical shape, put glutinous rice, red dates and pineapple, and then wrapped them with bamboo leaves. One zongzi is wrapped. My mother and I finished the dumplings in a moment, and my mother began to cook them.

  Dinner is ready. Our family is very happy to eat Zongzi made by ourselves!

  At noon, my second aunt came to my house and asked me to go to Dongying with my sister and brother for KFC and ice cream.

  I really enjoyed this Dragon Boat Festival!


  Ah! How do you eat Zongzi this noon? I suddenly remembered the sticky Zongye, a little black. There is a white line outside the zongzi. A label is hung on the line, which says "meat zongzi". I saw it and couldn't wait to find out where the thread was. As soon as I touched the line, the line stuck to my hand. I pulled it hard and listened to the sound of "bang" - it was not packed, the leaves of zongzi were loose, and the triangular Brown zongzi immediately "jumped" in front of me, and the hot air miso came up.

  At this time, a fragrance floated into my nose. "How fragrant!" I couldn't help but exclaim, and my stomach was empty. I immediately peeled off the leaves of the zongzi and carefully put the Zongzi on the spoon. Close to the smell, a fragrance came to my nose.

  One bite down, half of the dumplings are already in the mouth, sticky, chew hard, delicious. At this time, I saw the delicious meat. "Oh!" The meat is tight and stuck in the teeth. So sticky! At this time, my stomach was hungry again, and I ate the whole zongzi in one bite. It's so sticky and delicious.

  What a delicious and sticky zongzi!


  The fifth day of May is the Dragon Boat Festival. On this morning, the weather is sunny and sunny. My parents and I went to Xixi Wetland to watch the dragon boat race.

  On the way, my father told me the origin of the Dragon Boat Festival: during the spring and Autumn period, the patriotic poet Qu Yuan jumped into the river and died on the fifth day of May. The common people were very sad. Some threw zongzi into the river, and some rowed boats to disperse fish and shrimp and wouldn't let them eat Qu Yuan. Later, everyone had to eat zongzi and race dragon boats to commemorate him every day.

  To Xixi wetland, the river is already a sea of people. As soon as the gunshot rang, more than a dozen dragon boats flew on the water like swords, chasing each other. The contestants tried their best and the wooden oars danced up and down with neat and uniform movements. The audience are cheering for their teams, and those who play gongs and drums are also shouting cheers. Not far from the finish line, the crowd was more boiling, and my father and I shouted, "come on! Come on!". Finally, a dragon boat won the championship. The dragon boat race ended in a happy atmosphere, but the exciting scene was not only in front of me, but also reflected in my heart.

  At noon, we eat Zongzi in the food street, including bean paste zongzi, meat zongzi, egg yolk zongzi... It's delicious. On the way, my mother bought a beautiful sachet and hung it on me. I heard it can ward off evil spirits.

  In this Dragon Boat Festival, I eat zongzi, watch dragon boats, wear incense bags, and know the story of the patriotic poet Qu Yuan. What a harvest!

