
时间:2021-08-14 06:56:27 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语资源# 导语】在生活、工作和学习中,大家都写过作文吧,作文是通过文字来表达一个主题意义的记叙方法。相信写作文是一个让许多人都头痛的问题,以下是©文档大全网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


  In the morning, before 8 o'clock, my mother and I took care of everything and went to the street. When we got to the street, we saw a sea of people, crowded, and the roadside was full of all kinds of stalls. My mother and I managed to squeeze into a new clothing supermarket and said "good, good". The clothes on the hanger are full of fashion and sunshine, which dazzles me. My mother and I bought two, one is my father's pants, the other is my mother's clothes.

  Mom bought food, delicious food and everything she used.

  Back home, my mother and I need enough sleep like people who have worked for several days and nights. In the afternoon, I was even worse. I went once, but the harvest was not small. In Changshu, we first went to Shanghu, then Fangta street, then the bookstore, and finally RT Mart. I said that my mother's energy is better than me. Am I old? No way, I'm only 12! oh It turned out that we were ready. We came prepared. No wonder!

  Ah! This is really a busy and happy National Day!


  Today is a sacred Festival, that is, national day. My parents said to take me and my brother to Qingming Shanghe garden in Kaifeng. I was so happy that I danced and clapped my hands.

  In the morning, we arrived at our destination early. First of all, we saw national flags flying in the wind on both sides of the gate. In the middle of the gate are several vigorous and powerful characters "Qingming shangheyuan". We bought tickets and went in. It was packed with people. Suddenly, I heard someone shouting for a cockfighting performance. We went in. The cockfighting performance was about to begin. I saw two people holding cockfighting and massaging cockfighting. The game began. The two men put a black cockfight and a red cockfight on the ground. The fight began. The black cockfight flapped its wings quickly and rushed at the red cockfight. The red cockfight flashed gently and the black cockfight jumped into the air. However, the black cockfight pecked at the red cockfight. The red cockfight didn't hide. It was pecked to its head and shed blood. The red cockfight began to counterattack. They fought hard, Finally, the red cockfight won.

  We also played ghost Valley rafting. We bought four tickets and took a small wooden boat into the hole. There were many ghosts and strange sounds in it, but I was not afraid at all. We drifted to the end. I said, "why so few?" Mother said, "it's better to be less, or I'll be stunned."

  I like the national day because it is the birthday of my mother.


  This year's National Day is really happy.

  Early in the morning, my mother woke me up and said, "today, your aunt asked you to go to her house for dinner." I went by bus.

  When I arrived at my aunt's house, my aunt said, "today's snack is dumplings. Can you help me make dumplings? " As soon as I heard about making dumplings, I readily agreed. I, my aunt and my little sister all came. My little sister and I watched my aunt make dumplings together. My aunt quickly wrapped the dumplings and made them very small and lovely. My sister and I looked at each other and said, "it's so easy!" We wrapped it up and wrapped it for a while. The smile on our face turned into a sad face. I said, "it's easy to talk about, but it's difficult to do!" "It's not easy to make dumplings," said Miss

  When my aunt saw us, she said, "what about making dumplings? Be patient. " So he taught us hand in hand. We didn't understand, so I learned just now.

  First take a little flour dough, flatten it and round it, so put a little stuffing in the middle, then fold it in half and pinch the edge tightly. A dumpling is ready, but it is not perfect and ugly. I showed it to my sister. She took a look at it and laughed. I also smiled knowingly. My aunt was attracted by our laughter, so she looked at it and said, "it's good, it's good, it's good!" The elder sister said unconvinced, "why is she so ugly that she has to be praised." So she snorted and said calmly, "at the beginning, everyone won't wrap it so beautifully, but as long as you wrap it and learn to wrap it, it's worth praising!" Little sister "Oh

  So she wrapped it again unconvinced. After a while, miss and sister made a dumpling. She showed me what she learned from me. She said and looked at it and said, "dangdangdang, my masterpiece - dumplings." I clapped my hands and said, "great!" My aunt said, "my daughter is great!" Although my little sister is 3 months and 6 days older than me, she can be much more childish than me!

  Seeing the delicious dumplings on the table, we had a happy National Day.

  This year's National Day is really unforgettable.

