
时间:2022-05-31 23:22:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语资源# 导语】六一的太阳,总是那么喜气洋洋;六一的花朵,总是那么鲜艳芬芳。在六一儿童节的这天,一切都变得快乐、美妙!蓝天白云,鲜花绿草,都是那么美丽,那么令人心旷神怡。以下是®文档大全网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


  "61" children's Day is a festival for children all over the world. It is the happiest day of the year for children.

  Today, we finally ushered in the long-awaited "61" children's day. How happy and happy we are!

  In this happy festival, birds sing beautiful songs, butterflies dance beautifully, white clouds smile, and the wind also brings warm greetings.

  When I got up in the morning, I wore a beautiful skirt and came to the piano shop happily. Teacher Hong from the piano shop gave us an unexpected surprise. Everyone in the piano shop received a beautiful gift, and we were very happy. My friends and I were singing and dancing. Each of them also played two piano songs, and the notes on the keys were like our happy hearts beating.

  At noon, my mother came back from work and bought my favorite fruit and biscuits. She also bought checkers and my favorite CD of the seven heroes of red cat and blue rabbit. I was so happy.

  In the afternoon, my mother has to go to work, so she can't play with me. She can only find my good friends to play with me. My friends and I came to the garden, where we skated together and played the game of Eagle catching chicken. We played to our heart's content, happy willow branch smiled and bent down, happy flower blossomed a beautiful smiling face.

  In the evening, our whole family watched the program of children's channel together and watched a "61" Gala. The program of the gala was really wonderful!

  "61" is happy. How happy are the children of "61". Every child flies freely in the sky like a lovely bird, is as happy as an angel, and is growing up like a young tree!


  Today is the annual International Children's Day. In the morning, our experimental primary school held a get-together of "Celebrating 61. My motherland and I".

  The party was held in the school square. The venue was grandly arranged. Under the bright national flag, colorful flags and balloons were hung, showing a warm festive atmosphere. Students in school uniforms, wearing red scarves, lined up in neat lines waiting for the start of the party. At the beginning of the first class, the host invited President Wu to make a speech. As soon as the president finished his speech, the students applauded warmly. The host recited another song "Spring Dawn", and then called on everyone to sing the song "Spring Dawn" together, and then sang the familiar song "the same song", which was full of expression and resounding throughout the campus.

  At the party, singers performed their talents, praised the motherland and expressed their love for the motherland. The dance that everyone has been looking forward to for a long time has come on, oh! The senior female students wore yellow dresses and danced the "Tianzhu girl" dance. The dancing posture was beautiful and moving, just like a group of lively butterflies dancing. It was breathtaking and amazing! As time went by, at the climax, a music teacher took these students by the hand and said something to their ears. Then those students went on the stage. The host announced loudly: "then please enjoy the hip-hop dance!" Three boys and two girls jumped up. At the beginning, it was not very attractive. But the wonderful thing was still to come. Three boys landed on the ground, "whoosh", and they could walk on top of their heads with their feet cocked up. It was wonderful! The students applauded for a long time and were amazed. Some students also picked up the camera and left this wonderful scene.


  Today is International Children's Day, which belongs to our own festival. Today we don't have to go to school and can enjoy our own festival.

  When I got up in the morning, my mother said to me, "take me to a buffet this noon." I was very happy to hear that. If I was not at home at this time, but downstairs, I would probably jump from downstairs to upstairs. Because I am so excited, I can't wait to manage my time and let the clock spin quickly. In this way, it will be noon soon.

  However, the time passed so slowly that I waited for a long time until ten o'clock. I had no choice but to read for a while. After a while, at eleven o'clock, my mother and I set out. When I got there, I took a look at its appearance, which was very gorgeous. On the top of the door, there were a few very big words: hanlixuan barbecue supermarket, under the sunlight, those words glittered, some people could not see clearly.

  Once inside, I really didn't know. As soon as I saw the next jump, it was full of people. Once again, there were so many people waiting in line. It took us a long time to get there. When I entered it, I found that there were many things in it, including roast meat, hamburgers, fish, French fries

  Mom is roasting meat there. I'll get some meat, drinks and cakes. The barbecue was really delicious. We all ate so much but were not full. Later, I went to get some sushi and tasted it. It was not delicious at all.

  We had almost finished eating. I went to pick up two cups of coffee. We had one cup for each of us. We were full, but we saw two people across the street still eating. They came earlier than us, but we all finished eating, but they were still eating. We are really ashamed of ourselves!

  This buffet was really delicious and unforgettable!


  Today is International Children's Day. I came to the school early. I saw colorful flags flying and drums singing together. There were a sea of people everywhere and a festive atmosphere was permeated in all directions. A few bees fly in the sky from time to time. They also come to celebrate the June day!

  The activity kicked off with warm applause. A sixth grade elder brother stood in the center of the stage and solemnly said, "raise the national flag and sing the national anthem." I saw the bright five-star red flag rising slowly with our beautiful song. After a burst of singing, the energetic grandpa Chen presided over and praised the "chenyouwei scholarship". The winners were radiant, which was really enviable. I really regret not studying hard, Otherwise, I might get this scholarship. When I was daydreaming, the exciting performance began.

  One of my favorite military style performances was the parade performance of uncles of the people's Liberation Army. I saw uncles writing like pencils one by one. As the order was issued, they turned left, walked right, stepped and turned as fast as before, and their steps were equally symmetrical. Listen to that slogan again! It's the same tidiness. It's earth shaking. Seeing here, everyone can't help clapping. Then, the uncles performed catch boxing for us. With a command, they boasted a strong step and waved an iron fist at the same time. Although they were sweating, none of them wiped their sweat and still practiced meticulously. Then there was the children's dance. The teacher dressed them up like a group of little angels. They were so cute that they made everyone look forward and backward.

  The wonderful program was finished in a scene of happy songs and laughter, so we had to go back to the classroom reluctantly.


  June day is our children's day and our happiest day.

  On June 1, the school will hold a series of activities to make the children have a good time.

  We went to the playground with a smile and waited for the headmaster to appear. Several students delivered a speech for us on June 1. Finally, the principal appeared. Holding a microphone, the principal announced: "I declare today to be 'no criticism day'. At the same time, I wish the children a happy June 1, and the June 1 garden tour begins now -" the applause at this time was more earth shaking.

  The June day garden tour began. We played games in groups to earn lottery tickets. Liu Jing and I formed a team. I came to the "interesting basketball" of class 8, where the people in line formed a line. We went to see the rules, "it's so fun!" I can't help exclaiming. There are two people holding an iron hoop vertically, passing the basketball through the iron hoop, even if they win, but there is a distance in the iron hoop when they roll. A man threw a basketball to me. I squatted on the ground, aimed and fired first! Yeah! Yes, I got my first lottery ticket.

  Let's play other games and come back later At that time, the difficulty increased. There is a vertical iron ring between the two chairs. The rules of the game are the same as before. I squat down, aim, fire. Yeah! No success.

  We went to play other games. I feel that it's time to "go home" after a short time. I returned home loaded, sitting on my seat eating and watching the movie.


  The long-awaited International Children's Day has finally come. In the morning, the birds lead the way, and the sun shines on my back. I am going to school in beautiful clothes.

  Before we reached the school, the cheerful music came to our ears. The school gate was covered with colorful banners, the trees were covered with ribbons, cartoon animal figures and dear teachers stood at the school gate waiting for us. The school is full of laughter and laughter! Today is Thursday. It's an interesting International Children's Day. Today's Day is full of activities. In the morning, we sell books and articles, and in the afternoon, we play games to clear customs. There are many games in the afternoon, such as sticking your nose, guessing crossword puzzles, chopsticks and table tennis.

  My favorite activity of International Children's Day is sticking my nose. I have stuck it twice. For the first time, I turned around ten times and my head was going to faint. It is conceivable that sticking my nose would be very difficult. I put on the blindfold and groped forward. Bang, I put it on first. Just as I was about to take off the blindfold, I heard everyone laughing. I thought I had done a good job. I took off the blindfold and put it on my eyes. I see. Just now everyone was laughing at me for posting in the wrong position!

  Every corner of the school is full of laughter and frolic. This is my childhood, wonderful childhood, interesting June day, colorful, next year International Children's Day will be more exciting and interesting.


  Tomorrow is children's favorite June day. On International Children's Day, there will be some meaningful activities, such as singing and dancing... Although our activities are also wonderful, I am still curious about the previous June day.

  With curiosity, I ran to grandma and asked, "grandma, what activities did you have when you were a child?" "Us?" Grandma smiled and said, "there are so many activities! At that time, boys were playing with glass balls on the ground, girls were jumping on ropes made of thick hemp thread, and they would throw sandbags. Who could throw them farther than others, and everyone sat in a circle and threw handkerchiefs..." I asked again: "is there anything that makes grandma unforgettable?" "Of course," grandma said.

  I went to ask my mother, "Mom, what is your favorite activity on June 1?" Mother closed her eyes and said, "of course it's sugar transfer. We turn around on a turntable engraved with various animals. When we stop, the pointer stops on which pattern. The master will use a spoon to draw the same pattern on the porcelain plate with the boiled hot syrup, and then press it with a small stick. It's a pity that every time I turn, it's a sparrow." Listen to my mother, I can't help drooling.

  Although children's Day is very interesting, people will grow up. I must be a good person to help people in trouble. As the saying goes, helping others makes you happy. I think so, too. To help people in need with all our strength can not only make others happy, but also make ourselves happy.

  I am looking forward to holding more interesting activities than usual.

