

时间:2023-07-21 16:32:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

1. While nuclear weapons present grave ________ dangers, the predominant crisis of over population is with us today.   A. inevitable肯定如此的千篇一律的不可避免的   B. constant永恒的永远的   ★C. overwhelming占绝对多数的压倒优势的   ●●D. potential (见54题) adj潜在的n潜力   over population人口爆炸   present   predominant更为可怕的是   grave严肃的严重的   answer:D   2. This is the ________ piano on which the composer created some of his greatest works.   ×A. true   B. original就考了这一次(最初的最先存在的原创的)   ×C. real   D. genuine形容人:真诚的诚实的形容物体:真实的天然的真皮real leather = genuine leather   A. true和C. real在一起2个都要划掉6级考不到这么细   answer:B   3. Comparison and contrast are often used ________ in advertisements.   A. intentionally故意的intention意图企图   B. pertinently直接地有关地中肯地   C. incidentally附带地偶然地   D. tiresomely疲惫的令人厌倦的   comparison and contrast对比和对照(经常用在广告上)   answer:A   4. A complete investigation into the causes of the accident should lead to inproved standards and should ________ new operating procedures.   A. result in 【result in +结果,result from +原因】   B. march with 【march A with B用A和B进行比较地竞争】   ★C. subject to 【见下,最复杂的词组之一】(为动词短语不对)   D. proceed with = contime with【proceed to继续完成某事(尤其指硕士学位) proceed against sb控诉起诉】   should +动词+ and + should +动词【同谓语(应为同意词)】   ★subject to   subject to做动词   ⑴ bring、get under control使隶属于、使服从于   ⑵cause to undergo or experience (undergo、experience经历)使遭受使经历   subjecet to做形容词   =有……地倾向易受……地影响   subject to做介词短语   =以……为条件采集者退散   answer:A   5. ________ popular belief that classical music is too complex, it achieves a simplicity that only a genius can create.   A. Subject to以……为条件(介词短语)   B. Contrary to与……相反(介词短语)   C. Familiar to.   D. Similar to.   it指classical music (古典音乐经典音乐)   simplicity单纯(艺术语透亮的艺术天才)   genius聪明的敏锐的灵巧的(98.6第41题ingenious聪明的敏锐的灵巧的)   answer:B   6. The bonds of true affection had pulled us - six very different men from six very different countries - across Antarctica; we proved in the end that we weren't very different ________.   A. for all用在句首= in spite of   B. as usual   C. in particular   D. after all用在句末表示毕竟归根到底   bondage绷带   Antarctica南极   Arctic北极   Pacific太平洋   Atlantic大西洋   answer:D   7. Though her parents ________ her musical ability, Jerrilou's piano playing is really terrible.   A. pour scorn on以比一的口气说到(提到) scorn轻蔑蔑视   B. heap praise upon赞扬堆起来大加赞赏(见下面)   C. give vent to宣泄吐露(vent火山口感情的宣泄口【不考词义(gre)腔肠动物的排泄口】   D. cast light upon (cast投掷【马列主义单词XXX使投向敌人心脏的标枪】cast演职人员broadcast广播light光亮(舞台词))   though转折词   动词+ 名词+介词(看中间的名词)   ★两个多种多样三个大多数   ▲stacks of大量   ▲array of大量   ▲heaps of大量   heap堆【松散的堆(如沙堆)】   answer:B   8. Some children display an ________ curiosity about every new thing they encounter.   A. incredible   B. infectious   C. incompatible (incompatible with不能和谐相处性子相反志趣相异compatible兼容(IBM兼容机)≠ incompatible)   D. inaccessible ≠ accessible to (inaccessible to矛盾的不可接近的难以接近的【正式用语】)   answer:A   9. Bruce Stephen gripped the ________ wheel hard as the car bounced up and down.   ×A. stirring动移动搅拌吹拂(47个意思)   B. driving逻辑意义上错语法上对(driving wheel驱动轮咕轮轮胎)   C. steering (steering wheel方向盘)   D. revolving旋转   rebound篮板球   stir a finger插手考试大-全国教育类网站(www.Examda。com)   not stir a finger别插手   glide滑(飞速得滑)   stir (武侠里面平行而至悄无声息)   10. Many of the scientists and engineers are judged ________ how great their achievements are.   ×A. in spite of (简单)   ×B. in ways of无这个词   C. in favor of支持赞成= support   D. in terms of根据以……角度在……方面   99年以前只要有in terms of就是答案2000年以后没了,绝唱。   answer:D

