1. The directions were so ________ that it was impossible to complete the assignment. A. ingenious B. ambitious野心勃勃得(形容人的)形容(idea plan)宏大而艰苦的 C. notorious臭名昭著的非常的极端的【02年考研翻译:crow is notorious poor.乌鸦乃是世间平凡鸟(乌鸦极端平常)】 ▲D. ambiguous (中性词)含糊不清的模棱两可的 ▲dilemma左右为难的 ●●notorious臭名昭著地 ●●notion概念定义 ●●notable重要的有趣的 ●●noticeable明显的显著的 ●●noticed引人注目的 该题4个答案都有ous来源:www.examda.com answer:D 2. Because a degree from a good university is the means to a better job, education is one of the most ________ areas in Japanese life. ●●A. sophisticated ⑴在文化和艺术领域成就非凡的,造诣精深的 ⑵事故的,老练的 ▲B. competitive竞争激烈的 C. considerate为别人着想的,体谅别人的= thoughtful D. superficial表面的表面上的肤浅的 means方式 ★super为前缀 以fieal为后缀的词 ●●artificial人道的 superior优越的卓越的优良的 superiority优越性 superb极好的高质量的庄重华丽的 supreme的supreme court法院 superable可以胜任的可以超越的 ful后缀与able后缀的区别 ful后缀代表前面名词本身所有的东西(如colorful色彩缤纷的) able后缀代表可以做什么的(如colorable可以涂上色彩的) superfluous多余的过剩的 answer:B 3. If a person talks about his weak points, his listenre is expected to say something in the way of ________. A. persuasion (presuade劝说persuasiong劝告劝戒信仰信念) B. remedy成功解决问题的方法治愈疾病的良方 C. encouragement鼓励激励 D. compromise妥协 answer:C 4. Her interest in redecorating the big house kept her ________ for a whole week. ×A. constrained B. dominated主宰主导(keep sb. dominated使…一致居于地位) ×C. restricted (四级) D. occupied (keep sb occupied使某人忙于做某件事情只考这一次) keep sb done a whole week occupled a whole week to do sth answer:D 5. If we ________ our relations with that country, we'll hanve to find another supplier of raw materials. A. diffuse扩散传播dif前缀+ fuse B. dininish消失减少【同义词:abate/curtail/lessen/shrink (缩水)】 C. terminate完全终止(adj terminal完全终止的termination n)【同义词: cease/cease fire停火】 ×D. preclude terminator终结者 include/exclude clude代表shut include - > shut in exclude - > shut out pre前缀在什么什么之前 preclude预防防止前兆 answer:B 6. Moive directors use music to ________ the action on the screen. ★A. contaminate化学和放射性污染(contaminate的词义范围比pollute大) B. compliment占美,恭维【compliments问候语】 C. contemplate思索沉思 D. complement连接与……相补充 ●●六级考表示“思索”的词 reckon/ponder/observe answer:D 7. A terrible traffic accident happened; people were saddened when they watched the ________ sight on TV. A. panic惊慌慌张 B. patriotic爱国的有爱国心的 C. pathetic D. periodic ★patri前缀表示“父系的” partriotic爱国的有爱国心的 sympathy同情心 pathetic可怜的悲悯的(宗教词) period periodic定期的定时的 periodical期刊杂志 para前缀代表beside/beyond/against parachute降落伞(废弃的拉丁词防止坠落) para - > against chute - > fall parallel平行线 paralyze麻醉使难以活动 paramount至高无上的,卓越的(美国派拉蒙公司) parliament议会 parody讽刺文章拙劣的模仿 parasol太阳伞 sol - > solar ▲solemn公众的严肃的 pan前缀代表all answer:C 8. Many tourists were ________ by the city's complicated traffic system. ▲A. degraded道德堕落阶层(级)降低 B. bewildered迷惑 ★C. evoked唤起激起【evoke唤起激起provoke激怒provocative adj挑衅的激怒的vex激怒】 D. diverted (divert疏散转移调整diversification多元化) ▲表示迷惑的词晦涩难懂 bewilder/perplex/obscure/confuse/at a loss de前缀代表down grade阶级阶层品味(社会地位) answer:B 9. Over the last fifteen years, running has become a popular ________ for 30 million participants of all ages. ×A. fantasy想象力幻想(好的坏的都是小新是小王子也是) fantastic adj非常好(口语) B. pastime爱好消遣= pass time C. symposium专题论坛研讨会【国际上用的最多的研讨会名词:convention, forum论坛(fortune forum财富论坛, conference记者招待会) D. penalty (重复)代价惩罚点球 participants 『古罗马,不穿衣服,套着一个床单的苏哥拉底,跟不穿衣服,套着一个床单的伯拉图之间进行一场辩论。苏哥拉底最后是因为妖言惑众被古罗马政府赐予死刑。他在临终前说过一句的话,英语没法翻译,汉语很简单。 他说:“谁是妖言惑众,我去死,你去活,谁好,只有神知道。”』 answer:B 10. Some people think that a ________ translation, or word-for-word translation, is easier than s free translation. A. literal采集者退散 B. literary文学的精美的雕琢文字的 C. liberal自由的 D. linear线性的直线的 word-for-word translation字面对字面的翻译 literal translation直译 free translation意译 milky way银河(鲁迅) galaxy银河系(原来叫牛奶路系,感谢鲁迅吧) answer:A