【#英语口语# 导语】雅思口语考试分为三个部分,Part1问题较简单,不必准备模板,Part2和Part3答题内容要尽量详尽,可以根据话题类型整合出自己的答题模板。以下是©文档大全网整理的雅思口语part2参考范文,欢迎阅读!
1.雅思口语part2之an occasion that you were late for范文
Let me talk about an important occasion that I was late for. A couple of days ago, I got an email from a training center and they told me to go to a job interview the next morning. I applied for that job last month and really hoped I could get it. At first I felt very excited. But then I felt kind of worried and nervous and I got very little sleep that night. So the next morning, I woke up late, like 8:30. You know, they told me to get to their center at 9.In a great hurry, I took a taxi and told the driver to drive as fast as possible. But there was a serious traffic jam then in the city and we got stuck. We moved so slowly so I got totally mad. I shouted at the driver but he told me he really couldn’t do anything about this situation.
At that time, I had no choice but to call the manager of that training center. I told him that I would probably be late for the interview and felt really sorry about it. To my surprise, that gentleman was very nice and calm and told me not to worry about it. They would just wait for me. He even told me to ask the taxi drive to drive safely.
Finally (Eventually) I got there and had the job interview. I answered all their questions about me and about my past experience very fluently and clearly. They were very impressed by all my answers and told me I got the job. I felt totally excited. That experience was really special coz I felt I was so lucky to ace an interview I was late for. But on the other hand, looking back, I think I should have said sorry to that taxi driver. I shouldn’t become mad at him even though I was late for an important occasion.
2.雅思口语part2之A place with a lot of water范文
Describe a place that you have been to that has a lot of water.
You should say:
where this place is
what people do at this place
why (& when) you went there
and explain whether you like this place or not.
My hometown is famous for springs. In the centre of our city, there are a group of springs located together. They all flow into one lower pool. People name it Black Tiger Spring. It has become a symbol for my city and attracted crowds of local citizens and tourists.
Summer is the best time to visit the spring, especially on a hot day, because spring water makes the air cool down, plus there are trees providing shelters. All these have contributed to the popularity of this place. People living nearby like to come to fetch spring water. It’s also a paradise for fishing lovers. Old men could spend a whole morning there fishing. They seem to enjoy themselves a lot. At weekends, English learners come and get together to have English corner. Calligraphy lovers practice writing characters on the ground with a huge brush pen and spring water as ink.
A few decades ago, there were even more springs flowing. For one time, the rapid developing industries consumed a lot of water. Some springs therefore become dry. However, in recent years, the local government has been working on reconstructing the city’s underground water system to make dried springs flow again. They did a good job. Springs now come back into our life.
I was there last July. It rained slightly that day, which made the trip kind of romantic, as you could see rain needles dipping into the water surface. I walked along the pool, feeling so peaceful in mind. I like the place, and I will go there again.
3.雅思口语part2之An Organisation范文
Describe an organization (such as a company, a factory, a government organization or a student organization at school).
You should say:
where this organization is
how you know about this organization
what this organization does
and explain how you feel about it.
I joined the Youth Volunteer Association (YVA) of my university when I was a junior. I have benefited a lot from that experience.
There are many student organizations in my university. At the beginning of every new semester, there is a big day for all those clubs and associations to recruit. I joined the YVA because I wanted to help others. To my understanding, just like what I said at the recruitment interview, being a volunteer means to take out my personal time to do something for others.
My first volunteering experience was to give English lessons to residents from a neighourhood. Due to the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, more people are willing to learn some basic English. I major in English, so I think maybe I could help these people with my expertise. We did it every weekend and kept doing it for almost three months. I not only gave lessons to people, more importantly, I communicated with them. Many of them are older than me. They come from all walks of life. They brought to class different life stories. I exchanged my school experiences with their social experiences. Sharing with them has added to my insight into the world I am living in, which was a good thing for someone like me who did not have much access to the real world outside school campus.
My association offers the young good chance to be helpful, to get to know more people, to learn something that’s not written on the text book.
1. When you were in school (primary school or high school) did any of your teachers have a (strong) influence on you?
My English teacher. She was very patient and kind and she taught me a lot about tolerance. We still sent Christmas cards to each other every year. She was an inspiration. She was the reason I became a teacher.
I can’t say if one teacher inspired me greatly. I’ve had a few teachers that were awasome and gave me that little push.
My 9th grad math teacher Mr. Mara. I always struggled with math. Thanks to him, I went from flunking math to getting A's & B's. Before that, I thought I was just an idiot. With the right teacher, I discovered that I could do math.
2. What qualities should a good teacher have?
They need to be interested in the subject matter they are teaching, care about students, and recognize that not all students learn in the same way, so that they can find multiple ways of explaining the same concept
A good teacher has patience, listens to the students, makes encouraging comments to the students who seem to struggle either with the work or with emotions.
3. What do you think of teaching as a job/career/line of work?
It’s a great job. It also pays well. Rewarding, fulfilling, well respected.
My sister and a close friend of mine are primary school teachers and it's hard work but it can be fun as well. Vacation time is good.
I know a lot of people think that doing it will be an easy option, but it is hard work. The holidays are great, but you need them because by the end of term you are like a zombie.
4. Are teachers in China very strict?
Yes, for the most part, especially in primary school and middle school, ‘cos in general, strict teachers have a better control over their classes. If a teacher is just nice, students think they can just walk all over them and they won't do anything. They just don't take the "nice" teacher seriously. But if a teacher is strict, they will have control over their class and actually teach their class.
5.雅思口语part2之Interesting News范文
Describe some interesting news (you recently heard) from a newspaper or the TV.
You should say
when you heard or read this news
where you heard or read this news
what the contents of this news story were
and explain how (or why) this story was interesting to you.
Do people in China like reading the newspaper (= newspapers)?
What methods do newspapers use to attract readers?
Do people in China prefer to read about local news, national news or international news?
Do many people get their news from the internet?
Do you think the news from the internet and the news from newspapers is the same?
How are modern news media and the old forms of news media different?
Would you say the quality of news reporting is the same on TV, in newspapers and on the internet? Which news do you think is better - TV news or news on the radio?
How do you think the future will develop - do you think people will more and more use the internet for getting their news or will they continue to read newspapers?
How do you think a newspaper could increase its readership?
What personal qualities (and skills) do you think a journalist needs to have?
How do you think journalist (or, reporters) can (or do) influence people?