

时间:2024-05-21 05:37:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语资源# 导语】并不是所有冲突都不好。当事情、流程或任务出现分歧时,深入讨论会很有成效。但如果是与别人的私人问题,争执会伤害你的人际关系和事业。即使对方是“错误的”,你是“正确的”(虽然这种情况发生的频率比我们想的更少),你的行动会影响事态——变得更好或者更糟。为了最有效的结果,在用消极的应对策略前尝试以下步骤。

1. Find the Positive


When seething with hate or anger, it is much more likely we will cross the line, or otherwise exercise poor judgment. Get control over your emotions by thinking of good things this person has done in the past, considering why you want to maintain a good relationship in the future, and (cliche as it sounds) finding the bright side of the situation.


2. Stop Enabling


Many times we find ourselves in the midst of a conflict when we dislike the way another person has behaved habitually. But relationships are dynamic — we behave differently when interacting with different people. To break a cycle of ineffective interactions, find a way to do things a little differently next time from your side of the relationship.


3. Shift Your Perspective


Step outside of your head and look at the situation from their perspective. Look at things from a diverse point of view, focusing on the point of view of people whom you respect. How would each of them think about the problem you are experiencing? Thinking creatively will improve your chances of making a good decision.


4. Prepare for a Conversation


Write a script: plan to describe the situation and describe the impact it had on you. Prepare what your limits and allowances are in advance. Find a way to stay calm, and practice communicating your message in a non-threatening, and non-defensive manner. How you present yourself during the first sentence or two will determine what type of conversation it is going to be.


5. Be Direct


Be explicit in what you say; don’t talk in a circle and don’t force the person to make even small leaps in logic. To avoid a situation where emotions escalate, focus on your predetermined purpose, and do not react. You can be as direct as you need if you are able to demonstrate caring and empathy.


6. Work Together


Just because you said it, and they heard it, don’t automatically assume your message has been interpreted the way you intended. Have a deep conversation about intentions, mistakes, behaviors, and consequences to ensure mutual understanding. Be open to the possibility that they have a problem with you and you may need to make some changes as well.


