【#四六级考试# 导语】你可以创造未来的方式,就是脚踏实地向前走。你的未来也只有自己才能创造,既然选择了就要毫不犹豫的坚持走下去。以下为“2021年6月大学英语六级翻译高频词汇”,欢迎阅读参考!更多相关讯息请关注®文档大全网!
知识产权 intellectual property rights
版权 copyright
商标 trademark
互通有无 mutual exchange of needed products
法治 rule of law
平等互利 equality and mutual benefit 电
子商务 e-business
信用卡 credit card
信息时代 information age
科教兴国 rejuvenate the country through science and education
研究开发 research and development
高新技术 innovative and high technology
创新 innovation
尖端科技 state-of-the-art technology
普及率 popularizing rate
航班号 flight number
头等舱 first class
商务舱 business class
经济舱 economy class
登机牌 boarding card
口岸 customs port
客船 passenger liner
慢车 stopping train
普快 express
直快 through express
直达列车 through train
特快 special express
高速火车 high-speed train
卧铺车厢 sleeping coach
中铺 middle berth
下铺 lower berth
出发站 departure station
中转站 transfer station
终点站 terminus
到达站 destination
站台 platform
地铁 subway
宏观经济 macro economy
社会主义市场经济 socialist market economy
知识经济 knowledge economy
网络经济 Internet-based economy
经济规律 law of economy
大规模生产 mass production
生产力 productive forces
生产关系 relations of production
公有制 public ownership
私有制 private ownership
国有企业 state-owned enterprises (SOEs)
私营企业 private business
民营企业 privately-run business
中小企业 small and medium enterprises (SMEs)
连锁企业 franchise / chain business
国民生产总值 Gross National Product (GNP)
国内生产总值 Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
实际增长率 growth rate in real terms
年均增长率 average growth rate per annum
可持续增长 sustainable growth
经济效益 economic returns
投资回报率 rate of return on investment
衰退 recession
宏观调控 macro control
提高经济效益 enhance economic performance
扭亏为盈 turn a loss-making business into a profitable one
优化经济结构 optimize economic structure
扩大内需 expand domestic demand
国计民生 national interest and people’s livelihood
经济特区 special economic zones
“十二五规划“ the 12th Five-Year Plan for National and Economic and Social Development
风险投资 venture investment
经济繁荣 economic boom
发达国家 developed countries
不发达国家 underdeveloped countries
发展中国家 developing countries
经济交流 economic exchange
跨国公司 multinational corporation
京剧 Peking opera
昆曲 Kunqu oper
中国画 traditional Chinese painting
人物 portrait 山水 landscape
花鸟 flower and bird
草虫 grass and insect
泼墨 paint-splashing style
写意 impressionistic style
工笔 elaborate style
毛笔 writing brush
书法 calligraphic art
书法家 calligraphic artist
工艺品 handwork/handicrafts
手工艺品 articles of handcraft art
文物 cultural relics/antiques
国宝 national treasure
人民大会堂 Great Hall of the People
故宫博物馆 Imperial Palace Museum
长城 Great Wall
外滩 the Bund
华山 Huashan Mountain
黄山 Yellow Mountain
滇池 Dianchi Lake
洱海 Erhai lake
孔庙 Temple of Confucius
故居 Former Residence
庐山 Lushan Mountain
少林寺 Shaolin Temple
长江三峡 Three Gorges along the Changjiang
黄果树瀑布 Huangguoshu Waterfalls
敦煌莫高窟 Dunhuang Mogao Grottoes
大兴安岭 Greater Xing’an Mountains
小兴安岭 Lesser Xing’an Mountains
天池 Heaven’s Pool
布达拉宫 Potala Palace
日月潭 Lake Sun Moon