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【#四六级考试# 导语】2019年6月英语四级考试已结束,®文档大全网四六级频道在考后特别整理了2019年6月英语四级听力真题长对话原文,仅供大家参考,祝大家顺利通过四级考试!


  Long conversation 1

  W: Hi, Emma speaking, who’s this?

  M: Hi, Emma, I am Paul from Emingl’s delivery service. Here is a package for you. Are you at home to collect it?

  W: Er, sorry, Paul, I am out at the moment. Can you put it in my mail box?

  M:I am afraid I can’t do that, the package is too big and it needs a signature to confirm you have received it. So I have to deliver it at the time when you are in.

  W:Okay, well, I am out all day today. But I should be in tomorrow morning before I go out for lunch. And then I will be at home again late in the afternoon. Will either of those times be convenient for you?

  M: They are not, unfortunately, I won’t be in the area tomorrow as I have other deliveries to make at the other side of the town. I could come the day after if that suits you.

  W: Okay, that should be fine. I have a friend coming around in the afternoon, but I will be at home, so the day after tomorrow will be great. Do I need to pay for the package?

  M: No, you don’t. It says here you’ve already paid for it when you ordered it online.

  W: Oh, Yes, I did, I got mixed up,

  M: so you just need to sign the form to say you’ve received it.

  W: Okay, great, see you the day after tomorrow then.

  M: Yes, see you then

  Q8:Why is the man making the phone call?

  由第一轮对话可知Hi, Emma, I am Paul from Emingl’s delivery service. Here is a package for you.男士打电话是要女士接收快递。

  Q9:Why can’t the women meet the man today?

  由Okay, well, I am out all day today.可知,女士外出不在。

  Q10:Why is the man unable to see the women tomorrow?

  由I won’t be in the area tomorrow as I have other deliveries to make at the other side of the town.可知,男士明天要去另一个地方送货所以明天不能送快递给女士。

  Q11:What should the women do to receive her purchases?

  由so you just need to sign the form to say you’ve received it.可知,女士只需要填一下表格即可。

  Long Conversation 2:

  M: Hi Emily, I heard you will be leaving for Italy soon. Do you plan to make a going away party before you disappear? It would be really nice for us to hang out together before you go.

  W: I am not sure, I am leaving for just two more days. And I am going to miss all my friends here, and especially this place. Why don’t you come over, I am feeling all this sad actually, I am currently sitting alone at the table outside the black cat café. Listening to the rain and watching people passing by.

  M: I am sorry, I can’t just now. I need to get this assignment finished by Monday. And I am way behind, Anyhow cheer up, you are not leaving for good. You’ll absolutely love Italy.

  W: Yeah, you are right. But I just feel like I am not quite ready to go. And study in the foreign country seem a bit overwhelming.

  M: Just think of your life in Milan. In the morning you can go down to a local café. Soaking up the sun’s rays, and drinking coffee. I envy you. You can buy lots of gorgeous Italian clothes.

  W: That does sound nice. And of course, I can keep in touch with everyone through Facebook. Maybe you can all come and visit me.

  M: Of course we will. When is your flight?

  W: On Saturday, after lunch at one forty five.

  M: Okay I will try to get to the airport on Saturday to see you off, I will give you a call that morning no matter what.

  Q12: What is the women going to do?

  根据开篇Hi Emily, I heard you will be leaving for Italy soon.可知,女士要去意大利。

  Q13: How does the women feel at the moment?

  由I am feeling all this sad actually可知,女士感到很伤心。

  Q14: Why can’t the man meet the women now?

  由I am sorry, I can’t just now. I need to get this assignment finished by Monday.可知,男士要完成作业。

  Q15: What will the man possibly do on Saturday?

  由语段最后一句Okay I will try to get to the airport on Saturday to see you off, I will give you a call that morning no matter what.可知,男士会去尽力去机场送女士并给她打电话。

  Passage One

  Mount Etna is one of the most active volcanos on earth. The mountain has been in a state of near continuous eruption for half a million years, exploring the ethnic geographical area, reveal a history written in fire, before the eruption it was covered by forest of pine trees. Located in southern Italy, Etna is the highest active volcano in Europe, however it’s height often changes when volcanic material accumulates during eruptions and subsequently collapses. Few volcanoes in the world have the eruption history so thoroughly documented by historical records. Etna’s eruption history dates back as far as 1500 BC, some 200 eruptions have been recorded down through the centuries, but compared with other volcanos, most of its eruptions have so far been fairly light in terms of death and disruption. Only about 100 deaths have been attributed to the volcano, the mountain hasn’t been entirely harmless, however in 1928, it destroyed the town of Macaulay.

  Over the centuries, Etna’s lowest slope has been shaped by human hands to take advantage of rich soils for growing grapes, apples and nuts. Local people have also carved out over two hundred caves in the soft rock and use them as everything from secret barrel places to food storage. Large Mammals used to wonder the volcano’s slopes, but today, foxes, wild cats, rabbits and mice are more common, some of those small mammals help to sustain such big birds as golden eagles


  What does the speaker say about Mount Etna?

  由开篇可知Mount Etna is one of the most active volcanos on earth埃特纳火山是地球上最活跃的火山之一。


  What do we know about the lowest slope of Mount Etna?

  由Over the centuries, Etna’s lowest sloop has been shaped by human hands to take advantage of rich soils for growing grapes, apples and nuts.可知埃特纳火山的斜坡是因人类利用其丰富的土壤种植葡萄、苹果和坚果形成的。


  What does the speaker say about big birds like golden eagles at Mount Etna?

  由最后一句转折处but today, foxes, wild cats, rabbits and mice are more common, some of those small mammals help to sustain such big birds as golden eagles可知,金鹰靠吃小型哺乳动物为生。




