

时间:2023-10-20 14:04:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载




  We may go abroad. (将来)

  It may be cheaper. (现在)

  He may have been busy. (过去)


  Where are you going to spend your holidays this year, Gary?1)可复习一下be going to do和will do的区别。 2)注意spend的用法:spend sth. on sth. / (in) doing sth.

  We may go abroad. I'm not sure.1)注意may表示猜测时,可能性较小,所以Gary接着补充了I'm not sure。 2)go abroad,去国外。注意提醒学生abroad的拼写,很容易被误拼为:abraod。

  My wife wants to go to Egypt. I'd like to go there, too. We can't make up our minds.1)注意Egypt的拼写和发音。 2)make up one's mind,下定决心。

  Will you travel by sea or by air? We may travel by sea.1)注意选择疑问句的回答不能用Yes/No。 2)可复习一下交通工具的介词用法,除了on foot,其他的一般都用by。注意by sea相当于by ship,by air相当于by plane。介词和交通工具间不能插入任何成分。

  It's cheaper, isn't it? It may be cheaper, but it takes a long time.1)句中使用cheaper,其实是在比较by sea和by air的价格。It's cheaper其实是省略结构,其完整形式为:It's cheaper to travel by sea than by air。 2)注意take的用法,即:It takes/took sb. time to do sth.。如:It took me five hours to get there by car.

  I'm sure you'll enjoy yourselves.1)可复习一下宾语从句的用法。I'm sure后面省略了that。 2)enjoy oneself,玩得开心。

  Don't be so sure. We might not go anywhere.1)Don't be so sure.,不要那么肯定。可以作为常用句型来识记运用。 2)might是may的过去式,但它表示的可能性比may还要小。 3)not...anywhere可以换做nowhere。

  My wife always worries too much.worry用作了动词,表示“担忧、担心”,相当于be worried (about)。too much作为副词短语,修饰worry。

  Who's going to look after the dog? Who's going to look after the house? Who's going to look after the garden.1)这三句话形成了排比句式,起到了很好的强调作业,把Gary妻子总是担心这担心那的特点很好地表达出来了。 2)look after,照顾、照看。

  We have this problem every year. In the end, we stay at home and look after everything!1)have this problem,碰到这类问题。注意区分problem(困难,麻烦)和question(问题,疑问)。 2)in the end,最后。相当于at last。

