
时间:2023-09-01 08:05:02 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载
【#英语资源# 导语】每年九月一号,央视频道都会随着学生们的开学而播出《开学第一课》节目,而这个节目每年都会因为当下的热点话题而产生不同的教育主题,不断丰富学生们的知识积累。以下是®文档大全网为大家精心整理的《2023年开学第一课英语手抄报资料》,欢迎大家阅读。

1.2023年开学第一课英语手抄报资料 篇一

  On September 1st, the large-scale public welfare program "The First Lesson of School" in 2023, jointly organized by the Central Propaganda Department, the Ministry of Education, and the Central Radio and Television Administration, met with the national youth audience as scheduled. The program focuses on the theme of "rejuvenation of a strong country with me", and is based on the forefront of the times. From multiple aspects such as traditional culture, civilization exploration, ecological civilization, rural revitalization, national defense education, and technological innovation, it adopts a new model of multi location and multi theme live classroom, leading students into fields, national parks, and cultural landmarks, surveying the great rivers and mountains of the motherland, reading Chinese history and perceiving Chinese civilization in the "walking classroom". As an ideological and political classroom, the program depicts the magnificent picture of Chinese path to modernization construction with a high amount of information and vivid strokes, and encourages young people to take over the historical baton of building a strong country and national rejuvenation with an attitude of uplifting and unremitting struggle.

  This year's "First Lesson" traces the history and traces the origin of Chinese civilization from the perspectives of cultural inheritance projects and archaeological discoveries, presenting the flourishing scene of Chinese civilization. The program features three major national cultural projects - the National Edition Museum, the "Confucian Collection", and the "Great Series of Chinese Painting". It focuses on the broad scope of over 5000 years of Chinese civilization history, connecting history, present, and future. Professor Wang Bo, the chief expert of the "Confucian Collection" project, tells students the protective stories behind the ancient books that have been passed down from generation to generation, and reviews the process of Mr. Tang Yijie, the compiler of the "Confucian Collection", gathering together the "Confucian Collection" with Haoshouqijing, Let students feel more about the historical consciousness and cultural confidence passed down from generation to generation; Jin Xiaoming, the deputy editor in chief of the "Series of Chinese Painting" project, led the students on a "painting tour" to experience the breadth and depth of Chinese culture; Archaeologist Gao Xing, through the latest archaeological discoveries and research achievements, narrates the origin and evolution history of human beings, traces the historical context of the origin and development of Chinese civilization, and guides young people to better understand the long-standing and profound Chinese civilization, strengthening cultural confidence.

2.2023年开学第一课英语手抄报资料 篇二

  In 2023, the first lesson of the school year invites recipients of the "August 1st Medal", representatives of the XX National Congress, role models of the times, astronauts, scientists, cultural scholars, and representatives of frontline workers to spread knowledge, impart virtues, cultivate students' socialist core values, and enable young people to experience the vast social reality and great progress of the times in a three-dimensional manner through their inspiring and influential life experiences and struggles, Convey a clear value orientation: 'There is me for the rejuvenation of a strong country'. In the classroom, Tao Wei, a pilot on the battlefield of the Korean War, and Zhang Wei, a pilot who piloted the J-20 aircraft for the first time to escort the remains of the ninth batch of volunteer martyrs back home, took the students to experience the selfless spirit of PLA soldiers fearless of sacrifice and defending their country; Cao Zhen, the chief scientist of Lasso, introduced to the students the past and present lives of China's self-designed and independently constructed composite high-altitude cosmic ray observation station Lasso. He was proud to have the voice, wisdom, and voice of the Chinese people in the field of cosmic observation; In the space classroom connected by heaven and earth, the crew of Shenzhou 16, who was on a business trip in the sky, gave a start of school gift to the vast number of teenagers, telling them to have the enterprising spirit of continuous exploration, the curiosity of thirst for knowledge, and the rock-solid original intention in their growth process. They encouraged students to set their sights and devote themselves to the new journey of building a strong aerospace country in all respects.

3.2023年开学第一课英语手抄报资料 篇三

  Even if the waves roll, one can still move backwards; Even though the mist shrouds, there is still extraordinary dawn; Shouldering the heavy burden of the country, looking back is still a teenager. The new and promising future of the country, the hope for national rejuvenation, and on the road to becoming a strong country, we must take the lead!

  Fearless of the clouds, breaking through the reach of thorns. You can see that the humble students have great expectations. When they are young, they take on the heavy burden of their families, constantly strive for self-improvement, and do not bow to difficulties. At the beginning, the path ahead has been clear, and the pain and distractions have been dispelled. In the era of a powerful country, at a brand new node, there will always be some invisible vines entangled on your feet, making you want to stop. The way to deal with it is to cut it off and step through!

  Don't give up and hone your strong fighting power. Youth is exposed in pursuit and revealed in struggle, "Cheng Ru said. You can see that Nan Rendong has witnessed the growth of Tianyan with his own years, day by day, for twenty years; You can see that Huang Xuhua is hiding his name, transforming the unknown and ordinary into an underwater dragon, making the nuclear submarine awe inspiring in all directions; You also see that the May Fourth youth of a hundred years ago worked hard to save the country and turn the tide. As for the young people of the new era today, they accept the washing up of their predecessors, are born fearless, and fight to the end. They can also use hard work to add motivation to their journey, never giving up, and write the glory of their youth.

  The fragrance of flowers has spread throughout the world, showered with the youthful blood of the new youth, and together we build our dreams for the future of our nation!

  Unwilling to be ordinary, sublimate the lofty dreams of youth. Small people have never been passive recipients of the new era, and the efforts of every small person have merged into a huge torrent of the era. The hope of the nation is sublimated through struggle, which is based on the efforts made by everyone for their dreams. This dream is somewhat closely related to the nation, and from this perspective, the "Chinese Dream" can become our common dream. Fan Jinshi guarded Dunhuang throughout his life, only for the sake of national civilization, while Wu Yishu was full of talent, leading the growth of young people.

  Complain about being in the dark, it's better to carry a lamp and move forward. You need to become a beam of light, illuminating a corner of the world. "Dream is a lamp, a bean candlelight, always shining brightly and warmly.

  Youth is like a seed, and a country is like thick soil. The seeds are nurtured in the moisture of sweet rain and fertile thick soil, breaking through the haze, quietly growing according to the rhythm of the scorching sun, or the gentle breeze, brewing clouds from the blue scenery. The bud that is about to bloom breaks free from its constraints and ultimately feeds the fruits of the thick soil.

  Although the momentary fireworks caught the eye for a short time, they were permanently consumed and ultimately failed to meet the rising sun and the glimmer of dawn. Indeed, we are a generation selected by history, standing on a new coordinate, and we should clearly see that the international situation is still constantly changing, with chaotic clouds flying and waves blowing. However, we still respond to the call of "young people take on the responsibility and live up to their youth".

  As the future of our country, the hope of our nation, and the new youth, we should have ideals, abilities, and responsibilities. We should not be afraid of the clouds, never give up, and never be ordinary. This will cultivate our patriotic enthusiasm. Our youth will be strong, and we will bravely embark on the long journey and dream of becoming a strong country. Let's go ahead!

4.2023年开学第一课英语手抄报资料 篇四

  Our motherland has a glorious history of 5000 years, and as descendants of the Chinese people, it is the hope of our motherland. We teenagers should have a clear understanding of our life mission, establish a correct outlook on life and values, start from ourselves, and bravely shoulder the mission of rejuvenating China. As elementary school students, we all have expectations for our future. We must face ourselves squarely, we must love our motherland and the people! We must learn from the great sentiments of our revolutionary predecessors who fought bravely and selflessly for the prosperity and strength of our country with their own blood and lives. Praise our lofty ideals with our practical actions!

  To become a useful talent for our country, firstly, as students, our main task now is to study. Only by working hard can we repay our parents with excellent grades and serve our country with a wide range of knowledge. If you want to learn well, you need to have good learning methods and habits. Therefore, in learning, we need to cultivate: pre class preview, so that you have a clear understanding during class. Listen attentively, think actively, speak boldly during class, and independently complete each assignment after class to consolidate the knowledge learned in a timely manner. Learning methods vary from person to person, and developing a good learning method is very helpful for learning. Secondly, we must be diligent. Diligent people always keep up with the pace of the sun, and they are also very honored. They create the future with their own hands. As elementary school students, we are not truly laborers, but we still have the ability to do things within our capabilities. For example, sweeping the floor, wiping the table, wiping the windows, etc. Actually, these are very simple, they don't require too much strength and can also exercise our bodies. Once again, there must be a sense of responsibility. It is an important component of a noble personality, helping the elderly, weak, sick, and disabled, and helping those in need around us. In this way, our mood will also be very happy. Finally, we also need to have a grateful heart. As the ancients said well, the kindness of a drop of water should be reciprocated by a gushing spring. Gratitude is not only an attitude towards life, but also a responsibility. Now China is constantly climbing with vigorous steps, and the eyes of the world are watching us. We must prove to the world through practical actions that our strength will bring favorable factors to world peace.

  So we teenagers should establish our lofty ideals from a young age and become ambitious and academically excellent students. We need to comprehensively improve our moral, scientific, cultural, and spiritual qualities. We are destined to be the main force in achieving the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, and we have the responsibility to shoulder the historical mission of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation!

5.2023年开学第一课英语手抄报资料 篇五

  Accompanied by a gust of autumn wind, everyone welcomed the day of the start of school again, which made us both excited and curious. The public welfare TV program watching the first lesson of the school year has left us with a long and restless state of excitement.

  What impressed me the most during this "first lesson" was this "legendary hero". His deeds are enough to make everyone moved by him. He was originally an ordinary person, but he was influenced by his grandfather and father from a young age. He aspired to become a frontier soldier without military uniform for a lifetime, always guarding the borders of his country, and practicing his oath with practical actions. But it is such a responsible and responsible hero who has defended the borders of the motherland for forty years, but in one mission, he sacrificed his precious life.

  On that day, the brave soldier was patrolling the extremely high snow mountain as usual. Suddenly, with sharp eyes, he furrowed his brow. Then, he ran forward without hesitation, with a hint of unease in his extremely fast footsteps. Not long after, I saw a child fall into the ice cave. Without saying a word, he reached out to save the drowning child, but at that time, due to the extremely bad weather, he was physically exhausted and accidentally fell into the ice cave. But he still tried every means to lift the child, until in the end, his hands were still frozen in the upward lifting posture. The child was lucky to be saved, but this hero forever embraced his motherland and fell asleep!

  The Pamir Plateau will never forget his sincere feelings of loyalty and dedication. His name, in the dialect of his hometown, is an eagle spreading its wings. May he achieve his wish and fly freely in this vast and beautiful river and mountain. He is Razinibaika who won the honorary title of "National model worker"!

  As the new generation of fighters for our motherland, we should, like our predecessors, firmly adhere to our ideals, strive for success, and strive to learn scientific knowledge, so that our ideals can illuminate a more brilliant future for our motherland!
