
时间:2023-09-05 10:58:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载
【#英语资源# 导语】学校会不定期的安排一次大扫除,将所有的教学区域好活动场所打扫得干干净净的。©文档大全网为大家准备了《学校大扫除英语作文》,希望对大家有帮助。

1.学校大扫除英语作文 篇一

  This afternoon, our school conducted an outdoor cleaning, which was the first time in history. After leaving the campus, the students smiled as if the birds in the cage had suddenly gained freedom. Although it was not a big deal, we were so happy that our mouths couldn't close like flowers for a moment.

  We walked out of the campus to the alley entrance, and from there to the Leduole Supermarket, which is our territory. This cleaning seemed to have become a battlefield, and our classmates never stopped. Of course, I and our group members were also busy. This is the first time we have cleaned such a large place, which looks difficult to handle, but it is much easier to do. We specialize in cleaning high places, like senior cleaners hired by the school.

  Wipe, wipe, wipe, we sing passionately while wiping, experience happiness while wiping, and play happily while wiping. I wish I had this feeling every day, it's just happiness and happiness.

  Happy experiences occur every day, but you haven't noticed them. The feeling of happiness is always there, but you haven't noticed it. Civilized events are around you, have you noticed them?

2.学校大扫除英语作文 篇二

  Today is Monday, and the school is going to have a thorough cleaning. Look, the classmates can afford it.

  I have encountered problems with classmates such as Zhou Shuyu, Wang Yixiao, Li Zhiyi, and Xu Xindi who are going to clean the science laboratory.

  How can I enter without even opening the door? I originally wanted to open the window, but the lock was locked. Wang Yuchen, who kept the key, came to open the door, but she didn't bring it. No one was inside when she went to the general affairs office to get the key.

  We have no choice but to clean the windows and doors outside this time. Cleaning these are the strengths of tall Pan Hongqin. She found a mud spot on the window. She wiped it again and again with a towel, but it didn't come off. She used her fingernails to pick it out bit by bit, and finally cleaned the mud spot. The transparent window became as bright and clean as new.

  We finally completed the task, although we were a bit tired, we were all very happy.

3.学校大扫除英语作文 篇三

  Today, our class came to do a cleaning, and I was cleaning the blackboard.

  The cleaning started. I rushed to the blackboard, grabbed the blackboard with my right hand, and vigorously wiped it. My hand was like a machine used to brush rainwater on car windows. After a while, it quickly ran out of electricity. The area I wiped became smaller and smaller, my movements slowed down, and my arms bent. Afterwards, I saw another blackboard eraser. With a flash in my eyes, I picked up the eraser with my left hand and played "doubles". Some of the chalk words were written too high, so I jumped and waved my hands, like a frog. Afterwards, I wiped the blackboard with water until it shone brightly.

  Looking at other classmates, Da Zhiwen was a bit chubby. When cleaning the window, he stood on a small chair trembling as if afraid of falling. Ren Rongrong was a girl with a very careful heart, smiling and concentrating on cleaning the table without leaving any dust. Some people bent over and sprinkled water and laundry detergent on the ground. There are also people walking around holding brooms with both hands, singing and sweeping the floor. I quickly joined other jobs with great enthusiasm.

  As the teacher said, "Sunshine always comes after the wind and rain

4.学校大扫除英语作文 篇四

  On the morning of X month X day, Teacher Lv said to us, "At noon, the school will have a thorough cleaning. Please bring a cloth and a bucket." We rushed to say, "Okay

  I returned home and asked my mother, "Mom! Is there a cloth at home?" My mother said, "Yes, it's on the balcony." I said, "Oh! I understand." I found the cloth, washed it, and went to school.

  Our classmates arrived at school, and the teacher first assigned us a good job. Some cleaned the windows, some cleaned the walls, some swept the floor, and some mopped the floor... The students were doing a lively job. I was responsible for cleaning the wall and was wiping it. Suddenly, I saw small yellow dots. I rubbed and rubbed them, but they couldn't be wiped off. They seemed to be saying to me, "You can't wipe me off, haha." After hearing this sentence, I seemed to have gained a lot of confidence. So, I soaked the cloth with a little water, and when I wiped those yellow dots again, they became lighter and lighter, They seem to be saying, 'Don't wipe me anymore, I want to live on the wall for another year!' My confidence grew, and I finally wiped those yellow spots clean. My classmates also do their best to clean their responsible hygiene areas very clean.

  After this incident, I have learned that in doing anything, one must have confidence. When encountering difficulties, one must not give up at all. One must persevere, and victory is right in front of you.

  The next morning, the school radio announced that our class had scored 100 points in the school's hygiene evaluation, and our classmates were all very excited.

  I like to clean thoroughly.

5.学校大扫除英语作文 篇五

  In order to welcome the school's centennial celebration, the school requires a thorough cleaning.

  This afternoon, I arrived at school early with a cloth, bucket, brush, and laundry detergent. As soon as the class bell rang, the teacher came to the classroom and assigned tasks to the students: "Huang Zhen wiped the bookshelf, Liu Jiajun and Zhang Jiamei wiped the windows, Huang Jing mopped the floor... The other students wiped their own desks and benches." After the teacher finished the task, the students started working in a passionate manner towards heaven and earth.

  I carefully wiped the table and chairs up and down with a cloth and quickly cleaned them. When I saw Huang Jing still mopping the floor, I went over to help her. She wanted to wash the mop, but the sink was surrounded by classmates, including water dispensers, dishwashers, and hand washers. Huang Jing couldn't even wash the mop. I saw that the water in my bucket was still clean, so I asked Huang Jing to wash a mop in my bucket. As soon as the mop was put into the bucket, the water immediately became turbid. Afterwards, I helped Huang Jing change a few buckets of clean water.

  With the concerted efforts of everyone, the classroom was cleaned clean and tidy. Although we were all tired, when we saw the clean and bright classroom, the students all laughed happily.
