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【#英语资源# 导语】学校大扫除开始了,同学们有的洒水,有的扫地,有的擦窗户,忙得不亦乐乎……以下是®文档大全网为大家精心整理的《学校大扫除英语作文》,欢迎大家阅读。

1.学校大扫除英语作文 篇一

  "Dingling Bell" rings. Class is over, and if there are usually two boring self study classes next, today will be different! Due to the parents' meeting on Friday, all of our classes have to have a thorough cleaning. So, with the sound of "Let's go to work!", everyone began to pick up and prepare the rags and brushes!

  This is not a simple task. You can't drag tables and chairs over, and you don't have special tools to clean the windows. You have to reach through the window with a mop and wipe it vigorously! Unfortunately, my first task was to clean the windows... I had a thorough cleaning at the beginning of school, but at that time everyone was not familiar with it, and it was no different whether I cleaned it or not. I haven't wiped a few times with a cloth, wow, the cloth is all black. We stepped on our companions' desks and chairs, opened the windows, stood in the howling cold wind, and tried to wipe the collective windows of our class with our slightly stiff hands.

  After finishing this somewhat "difficult" task, I did not hesitate to pick up a board brush and sprinkle some washing powder on it, then vigorously brushed the floor. Then I cleaned the walls and picked up the bucket. When everyone finally finished the hard work but let us enjoy it, it was already time for school to end

  But I believe that this day has been an extraordinary one for us. Because, we all contribute our own small but extremely precious power to the collective!

2.学校大扫除英语作文 篇二

  Today is Friday, and the second lesson in the afternoon is about labor skills, which is now changed to general cleaning. Teacher Ren, the head teacher, divided our class into groups of four. Ji Yuhan, Wang Zihao, and Sun Zeyang were assigned to one group.

  "Hurry up and wash the rags first, because this time it was a school organized cleaning, so the pool was crowded with people. We waited anxiously and waited for a long time before waiting for the position, so we began to wash the rags carefully, and then returned to the classroom.". Teacher Ren immediately commanded, "Hu Jiaqi, go clean the front door; Ji Yuhan, go clean the front door; Wang Zihao, go clean the walls; Sun Zeyang, go clean the floor." As soon as we heard the teacher's instructions, we quickly got busy.

  I saw Wang Zihao singing a song, "Wash and brush, wash and brush," while rhythmically wiping the wall. It was really cute Wang Zihao. Ji Yuhan looked very happy as he danced and wiped the back door. Sun Zeyang was attentive and carefully swept the ground clean. I am like a happy little rabbit, bouncing and wiping the front door.

  Soon, the cleaning was over. When I see a clean and bright classroom, I feel particularly happy. I also truly realized the glorious meaning of labor from this cleaning.

3.学校大扫除英语作文 篇三

  Today is a very unusual day because our school is going to have a thorough cleaning! We also need to help the first grade children clean up, and we are happy to have the roof lifted!

  I was assigned to Class 6, Grade 1. As soon as I arrived in that class, I saw many pieces of paper on the ground, the table was crooked, and the drawings on the blackboard were in a mess. Why did the first grade children not make any progress after learning for half a year?

  "The cleaning has started, and I am responsible for cleaning the windows. I was about to go to collect water when someone shouted, 'The water has been collected.'". I ran over to take a look, and it was really over. I had to go to the water dispenser to pick it up. What a waste of water!

  By this time, the class had already exploded and was unusually noisy, as was the case in every class. "I was cleaning the window when I saw the person sweeping the floor sweeping the ball with a broom and starting to play with another person. A lot of people joined the battle group, but no one was sweeping the floor, but I cleaned the window and there was nothing left for me. So I stood by and watched the battle, looking more and more like playing curling.".

  The teacher came to check and saw that the floor had not been swept. The teacher was very angry and fined everyone who swept the floor to copy the text three times. At the same time, he also asked them to continue sweeping and not go home unless they cleaned it thoroughly.

  This cleaning is really good because I don't only have a lot of work to do, but also watch games. It's great!

4.学校大扫除英语作文 篇四

  On Friday afternoon, the weather was very hot and sunny. My classmates and I cleaned the classroom in a neat and cozy setting of desks and chairs.

  The cleaning started, and the teacher divided us into four large groups, namely, the blackboard cleaning group, the glass cleaning group, the water lifting group, and the floor cleaning group. There are several groups in each large group. After dividing the group, everyone began to work enthusiastically. I saw that some of the students were standing on tiptoe, trying to clean the blackboard, while others were gently touching the glass, carefully wiping it, for fear of scratching it. Some students were carrying buckets and slowly carrying the small buckets into the classroom, staring closely at the water in the bucket all the way, fearing that naughty little drops of water would jump out of the bucket. Other students are concentrating on sweeping the ground, and when they see a piece of paper or a small piece of adhesive tape on the ground, they need to sweep or pick it up in the trash can to make the ground clean.

  Lele was responsible for cleaning the blackboard. He picked up a cloth and first wiped the areas he could reach. He stepped on the stool to wipe the high areas. In this way, through his unremitting efforts, the blackboard was wiped clean by Lele. The students all threw admiring glances at Lele in succession, and Lele was very happy!

5.学校大扫除英语作文 篇五

  Today, Xiao Ming, Xiao Fang, Xiao Gang, Xiao Hong, and Xiao Li went to the school for a thorough cleaning. The blackboard in the classroom was filled with words, a thick layer of chalk dust fell on the platform, and there were many scraps of paper on the floor. Others spilled pencil crumbs on the floor, making it black and dirty!

  The students divided their work and began to clean up. Some of them clean the platform, some clean the blackboard, and some sweep the floor. Xiao Hong and Xiao Li are responsible for cleaning the podium, Xiao Ming is responsible for cleaning the blackboard, and Xiao Fang and Xiao Gang are responsible for sweeping the floor.

  Xiao Hong and Xiao Li are responsible for cleaning the platform. "They first filled a bucket of water, then dampened the rag, wrung out the excess water, and then repeatedly wiped the platform with a damp cloth. Soon, they wiped the platform spotlessly, and then they helped the other students go.".

  Together, everyone quickly swept the floor clean. The teacher looked at them and repeatedly praised them as good children who love labor and pay attention to hygiene.
