If I win a lot of money, I'll buy you a mink coat.
Are you doing the football pools, Brian?
Yes, I've nearly finished, Julie.
I'm sure we'll win something this week.
1)注意这段话采用了四种不同的时态:现在进行时、现在完成时、一般现在时和一般将来时,老师可以就此提问学生,让学生分析为什么分别采用了这四种时态。。 2)do the football pools,下足球赛赌注。 3)注意win后面只能接物,不能接人。
You always say that, but we never win anything. 1)注意本句前后两个分句中的always和never的使用,使得前后两句话形成了鲜明对比。 2)后半句中的never win anything,与前文出现的win something,形成前后呼应。
What will you do if you win a lot of money?
If I win a lot of money I'll buy you a mink coat.
1)注意第一句中的if从句在后面,中间没有也无需用逗号隔开;第二句中的if从句在前面,课文里没有用逗号隔开,但一般都会用逗号隔开。 2)buy you a mink coat,可以改为buy a mink coat for you。
I don't want a mink coat. I want to see the world. 注意前后两句话分别示例了want后接名词成分和动词的用法差别,即:want sth.和want to do sth.。作为动词,want还有一种用法,即:want sb. to do sth.。
If we win a lot of money we'll travel round the world
and we'll stay at the best hotels.
1)travel round the world,环球旅行。 2)stay at,待在某地。注意stay at后面接的一般都是小地点,而不是大地方。
Then we'll return home and buy a big house in the country.
We'll have a beautiful garden and ...
1)return home,回家。注意home用作了副词,前面不能加介词。一般home与动词搭配使用时,只有在stay后面才会加介词at。 2)in the country,在乡下、农村。 3)have a beautiful garden中的have相当于buy。
But if we spend all that money we'll be poor again.
What'll we do then?
1)注意“all that+不可数名词”的用法。 2)注意what will的缩写形式what'll。
If we spend all the money
we'll try and win the football pools again.
句中的all the money与前文中的all that money意思和用法差不多。
It's a pleasant dream but everything depends on 'if'! 1)a pleasant dream,美梦。 2)depend on,依靠、取决于。 3)注意课文中but前后的两个分句没有用逗号隔开,但还是加上逗号。