新概念第三册自学导读 Lessons 2-新概念第三册自学导读Lessons16

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Notes on the text课文注释

1 it would not prove difficult, 是不难做到的。

prove是连系动词,作“证明是”讲,本句子与it would not be difficult相同。

2 accuse sb. of (doing) sth. 作“指责、指控某人做某事”解。

3 he had better return it, 他把羔羊还给迪米特里。

had better用来表达一种建议,建议在将来某一具体场合采取的动作。这个短语比should和ought to的语气更强烈,常带有威胁、告诫或催促的意思。

4 denied taking it…,


5 apologize to sb. for (doing)sth. , 是“因(做)某事向某人道歉”的意思。




Summary writing摘要写作

In not more than 80 words describe what happened from the time when Dimitri learnt that his wife's white lamb had been stolen. Do not include anything that is not in the last paragraph.

Answer these questions in note form to get your points:

1 What did Mary tell Dimitri when he came home?

2 What did Dimitri learn about his neighbour, Aleko?

3 Where did Dimitri go?

4 What did he accuse Aleko of?

5 Did Aleko show Dimitri his new lamb or not?

6 What colour was it?

7 What did Dimitri do when he saw it was black?

8 Why did Dimitri stay in Aleko's house for half an hour?

9 Why did he get a surprise when he went outside?

10 Had the lamb been dyed or not?


Give another word or phrase to replace the following words as they are used in the passage: tiny(1.1);fetch(1.4);missing(1.5);acquired(1.10);denied(1.11);apologized(1.13);dyed(1.16).


In not more than 200 words continue the above passage. Use the ideas given below. Do not write more than three paragraphs.

Title:Not so black.

Introduction:Dimitri took a close look at the lamb----surprised----it was white----recognized it as his own.

Development:Angry scene----accusation----Aleko still denied theft----violent argument----finally Aleko admitted it ----Dimitri called the police----Aleko was arrested----Dimitri took the lamb home.

Conclusion:Excitement in the village----villagers were amused by the event----discussed it at great length for a long time.

Letter writing书信写作

The following events have prompted you to write letters. Write suitable introductions of about 25 words each.

1 A prize you have won.

2 An examination you have passed.

Key structures关键句型

He accused him of stealing the lamb. (IKS 92)(参见第2册第92课关键句型)


A Note the form of the verbs in italics:accused him of stealing(11.10-11);Aleko denied taking it(1.11);ashamed of having acted…(1.13);apologized for having accused(1.13);it began to rain(1.14).

B Write sentences using the following:

1 We continued…

2 Let's go…

3 This shirt needs…

4 Excuse my…

Special difficulties难点

He had better return it. (1.11)

Instead of saying: We can say:

It would be advisable for you to leave now. You had better leave now. It would not be advisable for you to telephone him. You had better not telephone him. Exercise练习

Rewrite the following sentences using had better in place of it would be advisable. 1 It would be advisable for us to have lunch.

2 It would be advisable for her to renew her passport.

3 It would not be advisable for you to ask so many questions.

4 It would not be advisable for us to stay any longer.

5 It would be advisable for the children to get an early night.

6 It would be advisable for me to consult my solicitor. Multiple choice questions多项选择题

Choose the correct answers to the following questions.


1 Every evening, Mary used to go and ______ .

a.cut the lamb from the rope it had been tied on

b.untie the lamb so it could wander in the field at night

c.bring her lamb back home for the night

d.make sure that her lamb was not missing

2 It would not be difficult to find the thief because ______ .

a.the lamb had been one of Mary's prize possessions

b.news travels fast in a small community

c.Dimitri had a lot of friends in the village

d.the rain would soon wash the black dye off the lamb

3 When Aleko first showed Dimitri the lamb in his backyard ______ .

a.he was truthful about how he had acquired the lamb but not about its colour

b.Dimitri admitted that the lamb could not be his wife's

c.it was clear that the lamb had been dyed black

d.it started to rain before Dimitri had time to identify the lamb as his


4 Mary and her husband Dimitri lived in Perachora, ______ tiny village in southern Greece. (11.1-2)

a.in a


c.in the


5 ---- was a little white lamb which had been ______ from her husband. (11.2-3)




d.a present

6 On her husband's return, ______ what had happened, (11.7-8)

a.his wife told him

b.she told Dimitri

c.Mary told him

d.Dimitri was told

7 ----it would not prove difficult in a village of ______ size. (11.8-9)

a.a such small

b.so small

c.the smallest

d.so small a

8 He told him if he ______ it, he would call the police. (1.11)

a.was not returning

b.did not return

c.has not returned

d.had not returned


9 One of Mary's most ______ possessions …(1.2)





10 After ______ the theft to several of his friends …(1.9)





11 During their ______ , it began to rain. (11.13-14)





12 When he went ______ half an hour later…(11.14-15)

a.out of doors

b.into the open

c.in the open air

d.inside out

新概念第三册自学导读 Lessons16.doc
