新概念第三册自学导读 Lessons 2_新概念第三册自学导读Lessons18

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Notes on the text课文注释

1 The idea that… is mistaken.


2 take no interest in…,作“对……不感兴趣”解。

3 cannot have failed to notice, 不至于没注意到。


4 move in response to a gust of wind,随风飘荡。

in response(to)作“回答’、“响应”、“作出反应”讲。此处是“(展品)随风而动”的意思。

5 be familiar to…是“为……所熟悉”的意思。

6 Lined up against the wall, 靠墙排列着。

7 like traffic lights which have gone mad, 就像失去控制的红绿灯一样。

go mad作“发疯”、“发狂”讲。

8 on and off(亦作 off and on)作“断断续续地”、“有时”讲。

9 These peculiar forms not only seemed designed…,其中seemed是系动词,seemed designed 作用与were designed是一样的。




Summary writing 摘要写作

In not more than 80 words describe what the writer saw from the moment he entered the art gallery. Do not include anything that is not in the last paragraph.

Answer these questions in note form to get your points:

1 What did the writer see when he entered the art gallery?

2 Why did it forbid people to touch the exhibits?

3 What did the exhibition consist of?

4 What did the writer see against the wall?

5 What did the spheres do?

6 What did the tall structures in the centre of the hall contain?

7 What did the coloured lights do?

8 What was emitted from black boxes?

9 Did red lamps go on and off or not?

Vocabulary 词汇

Give another word or phrase to replace the following words as they are used in the passage: on display(1. 4);oddly(1. 10); suspended(1. 11); response(1. 11); familiar (1. 11); attached(1. 12); flickered continuously (1. 15).

Composition 作文

In not more than 200 words describe an exhibition of modern paintings(real or imaginary). Use the ideas given below. Do not write more than three paragraphs.

Title: An interesting exhibition.

Introduction: Work of many artists exhibited----great public interest----you went to the art gallery.

Development: Description of some of the pictures on display----the picture you liked best ----the strangest picture of them all.

Conclusion: People's comments overheard---- your opinion of the paintings at the exhibition.

Letter writing 书信写作

Write a letter of about 80 words to a friend accepting an invitation to go with him to an exhibition. Supply a suitable Introduction and Conclusion. Use the following information to write the Purpose:

thank him for invitation----looking forward to meeting him again soon----particularly interested in exhibition----why----where you will meet your friend: time and place. Key structures关键句型

介词(IKS 94) (参见第2册第 94课关键句型)Exercise 练习

Supply the missing words in the following sentences. Do not refer to the passage until you finish the exercise.

1 Even people who take no interest ______ art cannot have failed to notice examples of modern sculpture ______ display in public places.

2 We have got quite used ______ them.

3 Oddly shaped forms that are suspended ______ the ceiling and move ______ response ______ a gust of wind are quite familiar ______ everybody.

4 There were long thin wires attached ______ metal spheres.

Special difficulties 难点

Spelling 拼写

Note the spelling of the words in italics:

I'll pay the bill. He never pays his bills.

He owns a donkey. I own two donkeys.

You'll wake up the baby. Babies often cry.

Will he try again? He never tries very hard.

Exercise 练习

Add-s or-ies to the following words. Make any other necessary changes:

lady, supply, valley, qualify, story, day, say, reply, marry, way, chimney, hurry, stay, enjoy, buy, body, bury, fry.

Multiple choice questions 多项选择题

Choose the correct answers to the following questions.

Comprehension 理解

1 Modern sculpture rarely surprises us any more because ______ .

a.even if not in museums, we see it in and around other public places

b.despite people's lack of interest in art, it is put on display

c.people not only display it in their houses but in their gardens also

d.museums have been exhibiting it for nearly eighty years

2 What surprised the writer when he visited a recent exhibition of modern sculpture?

a.The tact that people were forbidden to touch the exhibits.

b.The oddly shaped forms that were suspended from the ceiling.

c.The way in which electrical energy was used to produce mobile effects.

d.The prehistoric electronic equipment used to activate the exhibits.

3 The pieces of sculpture on display at the exhibition were ______ .

a.noticed because they were dangerous

b.either hung on wires or built into the middle of the hall

c.flickering continuously with different coloured lights

d.such that one could not pass them unnoticed though it seemed wiser to pass them untouched

Structure 结构

4 ----‘modern’pieces ______ on display nearly eighty years ago. (11. 6-7)

a.have been

b.are first

c.were first

d.had been

5 The first thing I saw ______ to the art gallery…(1. 9)

a.on my arrival

b.on entering

c.at the entrance

d.having arrived

6 The notice prohibited people ______ the exhibits. (11. 9-10)

a.to touch

b.from touching


d.not to touch

7 The spheres had been magnetized ______ attracted or repelled each other…(1. 13)

a.so that they

b.so they were

c.so as they had

d.in order that they

8 These peculiar forms ______ to shock people emotionally and to…(11. 17-18)

a.both seemed designed

b.seemed both designed

c.seemed both designed and

d.seemed designed both

Vocabulay 词汇

9 ----forms that are suspended from the ceiling and move ______ are…(11. 10-11)a.at one blow

b.all of a sudden

c.with a light touch

d.at the slightest breath

10 Small black boxes ______ sparks…(1. 15)

a.gave off

b.sent by

c.gave over

d.throw off

11 There were a number of tall structures ______ in different colours. (1. 14)





12 These peculiar forms not only seemed ______ to shock people…(11. 17-18)





新概念第三册自学导读 Lessons18.doc
