

时间:2021-08-02 00:36:25 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语资源# 导语】《野天鹅》是丹麦作家汉斯·克里斯汀·安徒生创作的童话故事,首次发表于1838年,故事讲述了一场善与恶的斗争。以下是©文档大全网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


  Wild swan, like most fairy tales, has a perfect ending. Eliza, the hero, with her kindness, courage and perseverance, has completed the struggle between good and evil, saving herself and her 11 brothers. Through this fairy tale, Andersen depicts Eliza's struggle with evil, which is tortuous and soul stirring. It fully arouses the suspense of the story and makes people read it all at once. Especially when people regard her as a witch and want to burn her to death, the protagonist can't defend. At this time, the reader's heart is led to the highest point. The ending is beautiful, which highlights the theme that good always conquers evil, so that children get a good education in the tense and moving stories, and Antu has become one of the most popular images in children's hearts.


  In the far north, there lived a king, who had eleven sons and one daughter, Eliza. The queen died, and the king married another queen. The cruel new queen sent Eliza to a farmer's house in the countryside, and turned the eleven princes into eleven wild swans.

  As the days went by, Eliza, 15, was sent back to the palace by the farmer. Then the new queen drove Eliza out of the palace. Soon after dark, Eliza saw her brothers who had been turned into swans. In her dream, a fairy told Eliza to weave a cloak with nettles so that they would grow up. But the fairy told Eliza that she couldn't speak before she finished weaving, or her brothers would die. When the nettles were used up, Eliza picked some nettles from the cemetery. Eliza responded to the sting of nettles and the pain of not being able to speak for a year, and insisted on weaving clothes for her brothers. All her brothers became human.

  This story makes me understand that no matter what we do, as long as we stick to our faith and persevere, we can overcome difficulties and win.


  After reading wild swan, I know that the whole fairy tale is about the theme of the little princess giving herself to save her brother.

  The plot of the story is like this: the eleven elder brothers of the little princess are persecuted by magic and become eleven "Wild Swans". In order to rescue the brothers, the little princess only weaves a cloak with nettles and lets the brothers put it on, so that the brothers can recover their true colors. It's not easy?

  When picking nettles, her hands were burned into many blisters. She endured pain and kept knitting her cape day and night. When the nettles were used up, they quietly went to the cemetery to pick them. He is about to be executed for "breaking the ban". Before the execution, he could not defend himself. Because before the eleventh cloak was finished, just one word from her mouth would kill all the brothers.

  When she was taken to the execution ground, she was still knitting a cape. When the woodpile was about to be lit, she finally finished knitting the last Cape. Then, while throwing out eleven cloaks, she told her innocence. After explaining the truth, the magic of the eleven princes was removed, and the twelve brothers and sisters lived happily ever after.

  The first thing that the little princess thinks of at the moment of danger is her relatives. This kind of behavior is worth learning.

