

时间:2023-07-04 13:22:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

A theory that you hold as treasure is a fortune you can enjoy during your whole life ——Hazlett

一种被奉为至宝的理论是终生受用的财富。 哈兹里特(知识篇)

Poetry is both prose and verse. Robert Frost


Change starts when someone sees the next step.---Dryden

当有人看请下一步,变革就开始了。 德莱顿(社会篇)

The end of study is not to possess knowledge as a man possesses the coins in his purse, but to make knowledge a part of ourselves, that is, to turn knowledge into thought, as the food we eat is turned into the life-giving and nerve-nourishing blood.--Churchill Lord Bryce

学习的目的,并不是像人们占有钱袋里的钱一样去占有知识,而是把知识化为我们自己的一部分;也就是说,化知识为思想,正如把我们 命、增长我们气力的血液一样。布赖斯(知识篇)

What passes your name to the later generations is not your offspring but your career ?——Milton


Gentlemen make friends with each other for their common interests, while base persons make friends with eoch other for their common benefits.--Ouyang Xiu

君子与君子以同道为朋,小人与小人以同利为朋。 欧阳修(友情篇)

新概念英语名人名言第一册 Lesson 117-118.doc
