T:Look at number 220,231. What are the cooks doing? Are they washing dishes?
S:No, they aren't washing dishes. They're cooking.
T:Look at Number 331,342. What are the children doing? Are they crying?
S:No, they aren't crying. They're sleeping.
T:Look at Number 442,453. What are the men doing? Are the cooking?
S:No, they aren't cooking. They're shaving.
T:Now you answer the questions. Ready?
T:Look at number 220,231. What are the cooks doing? Are they washing dishes?
S:No, they aren't washing dishes. They're cooking.
T:Look at Number 331,342. What are the children doing? Are they crying?
S:No, they aren't crying. They're sleeping.
T:Look at Number 442,453. What are the men doing? Are the cooking?
S:No, they aren't cooking. They're shaving.
T:Look at Number553, 564. What are the children doing? Are they sleeping?
S:No, they aren't sleeping. They're crying.
T:Look at Number 664, 675. What are the dogs doing? Are they drinking milk?
S:No, they aren't drinking milk. They're eating bones.
T:Look at Number775, 786. What are the women doing? Are they airing the room?
S:No, they aren't airing the room. They're typing letters.
T:Look at Number886, 897. What are the children doing? Are they looking at a picture?
S:No, they aren't looking at a picture. They're doing their homework.
T:Look at Number 997, 998. What are the women doing? Are they sweeping the floor?
S:No, they aren't sweeping the floor. They're washing dishes.
T:Look at Number 1,000,001. What are the birds doing? Are they sitting on a tree?
S:No, they aren't sitting on a tree They're flying over the river.
T:Look at Number 1,000,000. What are the man and the woman doing? Are they waiting for a bus?
S:No, they aren't waiting for a bus. They're walking over the bridge.
T:Look at Number 1,500,000. What are the man and the woman doing? Are they walking over the bridge?
S:No, they aren't walking over the bridge. They're waiting for a bus.
T:Look at Number 2,000,000. What are the boy and the girl doing? Are they climbing a tree?
S:No, they aren't climbing a tree. They're jumping off the wall.