
时间:2022-09-08 09:09:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#四六级考试# 导语】成功的花儿,其间浸透了奋斗的泪水和汗水。然而,用泪水和汗水就可以实现一切的美好。以下是©文档大全网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


  y Cell Phones Are Bad for Parenting 2012.5.17)。如果大家觉得比较简单,就当作泛读材料了解了解,认识几个新单词或新表达方式也不错。如果大家觉得这些材料理解上有难度,不妨当做挑战自己的拔高训练,希望大家都有进步^^

  Our children will always know whether they have our full attention. It’s time for parents to break the phone habit before it’s too late.

  There was something to be said for the old-fashioned landline, with a handset so bulky, you had to tuck it between your neck and shoulder to get your hands free. They didn’t — couldn’t — go everywhere with us. Now we’re tethered to our mobiles — addicted, even. They’ve become handy tools for avoidance, and it’s our children who are getting the bad end of the deal.

  All around me, I see parents with their babies and toddlers and young kids — but not with them. The grownups are on the phone. The dad pushing his son on the swing set while hands-free on his mobile isn’t really with his child. The mom pushing her baby in a pram while she’s yakking on the phone isn’t really with her child.

  The kids aren’t too happy about it. They’re pulling on their parents’ clothes. They’re yanking on their arms. They’re acting out to get attention. I’ve heard them begging their parents to stop, disconnect. I’ve watched children start to whimper the minute the mobile is picked up — off the dinner table. During dinner. The son of a friend of mine recently announced, at age 10, that he hates cell phones. Actually, he will tell you he hates technology. IPads don’t fool him. Neither does texting. He understands that his father can never get away from his work — and the office won’t get away from his father. He sees the phone, and he thinks, I’ve lost my dad’s attention. And that’s what children crave: attention. We all do.

  Parents have to break the phone habit before it is too late. I’m not talking about getting extreme here — no phone calls around a child, ever. But I am talking about giving more thought to all the missed opportunities for communicating with a child. For simply being with her. Quietly. I was pleased to find the blog of a young mother from Alabama, Rachel Stafford, who has started an aptly titled campaign called Hands Free Mama, encouraging parents to put away the tech toys and be present with their children.

  Is being a parent boring? Sometimes. Lots of times. And guess what. Those boring moments are what you will miss the most once your children are grown. Carpool is when you should be hanging on every word. Walks are when the world unfolds at a child’s feet, in the safety of your company. The parent is the genius who gives names to things and encourages a child’s attention to detail on the path. The tiny accretion of daily routines is dull and divine. Of course there’s always plenty of time for a phone call, or 10 of them. Children are always slowly walking, slowly eating, slowly looking, slowly reading, slowly going nowhere, until suddenly they’re gone.

  And giving the kids their own phones in the name of fair play doesn’t cut it. That’s happening all too often; families are together, but each person is in her own bubble of technology. Some of us worry about radiation and the developing brain. But we should be worried about disconnectedness and the developing mind.

  One day, sooner than you realize, you will be with your child, wanting to talk. But she’ll be too busy. Talking to someone who isn’t there. And why not? You weren’t there when she was.


  Beijing Unveils 2008 Logo

  "Young, dynamic — bringing together history andcultural heritage, as well as the future of China . "This was how Jacques Rogge, president of theInternational Olympic Committee ( IOC) 1, describedthe Beijing Olympic logo, which was unveiled in a ceremony attended by 2, 008 invited guestsat the Temple of Heaven.

  The emblem, officially entitled"Chinese Seal —Dancing Beijing", has a single Chinese characteron a traditional red Chinese seal. The words "Beijing 2008 "are written with a Chinese brushbelow it. The figure in the logo resembles a runner or dancer and the Chinesecharacter"jing"which means" capital".

  "The image carries the message that today's China is not only a nation with a long and glorioushistory, but also one full of modern dynamics, "says Jin Shangyi, one of the members of theemblem selection panel."The running figure represents the spirit of Olympic ( faster, higher,stronger) by focusing2 on the dynamics of athletes, "Jin adds. It also represents the ancientChinese art of seal-cutting which dates back 3, 700 years to the Yin Dynasty. Seals have beenused by individuals as well as by official documents.

  The new logo was a joint3 effort that started with a design by the Beijing Armstrong VisualIdentity Corp. The designers chose the seal to personify the Chinese character and provide anew image of Beijing that combines traditional culture with sports. The traditional Chineseelements in the design remind viewers of the logo used in bidding for the 2008 Olympics.According to vice-president of the Beijing organizing Committee for the XXIX Olympiad (BOCOG), it is customary to design a logo for the Olympiad rather than continue to use the bidlogo. Intellectual property rights also play a role in this.

  The work of selection a new design for the 29 th Olympiad started immediately after Beijing'svictory in the bidding on July 13, 2001 . Among the 1, 985 works submitted to BOCOG, 1, 763came from the mainland, Hong Kong and Taiwan. The others came from the US, Japan,Australia and elsewhere . But the decision on the dancing logo was unanimous4.

  After the design was selected, experts were invited to discuss it with its creators. The finalversion was approved in February 2002. A month later, Rogge approved the design in a veryChinese way — he used his own Chinese seal.



  1. What's the spirit of Olympics?

  2. What's the feature of the new logo?

  1. Faster, higher and stronger.

  2. The new logo has a single Chinese character on atraditional red Chinese seal. The words "Beijing2008" are written below it. The figure in the logoresembles a runner or dancer and the Chinesecharacter“jing”which means"capital".


  Teenage boys, regardless of race,are more likely to die from gunshot wounds than from all natural causes combined.

  By the time the average American child leaves primary school, he or she will witness 8,000 murders and more than 100,000 acts of violence on television.

  Youth are becoming involved in violence at an alarming rate. In fact, the young arrest rate for murder doubled, from 6 arrests per 100,000 youth aged from 10 to 17 to over 12 per 100,000.

  The American Psychological Association Commission on Violence and Youth reported on a study of first and second graders in Washington DC:45% said they had witnessed muggings (行凶抢劫),31 % said they had witnessed shootings, and 39% said they had seen dead bodies.

  For the many youth who have not been directly exposed to violence in their own communities, the entertainment media (television, movies, music and video games) provides many opportunities for children to see and hear violent exchanges. Research shows that there are about 5-6 violent acts per hour on prime time and 20-25 violent acts on Saturday morning children’s programming. In its report, the American Psychological Association (APA) reported that viewing violence on television hurts children in many ways. In particular, the APA concludes that children may become less sensitive to the pain and suffering of others,be more fearful of the world around them,be more likely to behave in aggressive or harmful ways toward others, and gradually accept violence as a way to solve problems. The American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry also cautions that children may imitate the violence they observe on television.

  Another form of violence involving youth is physical punishment in the schools. This form of discipline still remains legally supported in 23 nations in America. The Office for Civil Rights in the Department of Education reported that 555,000 students were physically punished in the schools during this school year. Although such punishment has been regarded as an effective method of discipline by those who apply it, the findings are obvious that physical punishment does not work and that children who are victims of physical punishment are subject to potential long-term physical and emotional damage.


  Choose correct answers to the question:

  1.According to the passage, the American teenage boys,lives are most threatened by ______

  A.gun murders

  B.natural diseases

  C.TV violence

  D. physical punishment

  2.The author tends to use the fourth paragraph to support the idea that _____

  A.many youth have watched much violence on TV

  B.youth violence in Washington D.C.is very serious

  C.fights may be the most widely-seen youth violence

  D.American youth have been exposed to much violence

  3.The APA indicates that too much TV violence may change children ______

  A.to become separated from the world

  B.to remain indifferent to others’ pain

  C.to solve problems only by violence

  D.to be fearful of aggressive behaviors

  4.The passage does NOT discus that many youth become victim of ______

  A.murders B.family violence C. TV violence D.school violence

  5.The author may most probably agree that physical punishment is _________

  A. acceptable, though ineffective

  B. illegal,though effective

  C. harmful, though legal

  D. reasonable, though illegal
