
时间:2023-06-02 08:04:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载
【#英语资源# 导语】六一儿童节是一个让孩子们快乐的节日,也是一个让家长们感受到孩子们成长的日子。在这个节日里,孩子们会收到各种礼物,也会参加各种活动。其中,写英语作文也是一项重要的活动。®文档大全网为大家准备了快乐的六一英语作文范文,让孩子们在欢度节日的同时,也能提高英语写作水平。

1.快乐的六一英语作文范文 篇一

  I look forward to the stars and the moon. Finally, I am very excited about the long-awaited International Children's Day. I got up early today, packed up and went to school. I sang and laughed all the way.

  I arrived at the school, surrounded by an excited atmosphere, filled with laughter and laughter.

  I walked into the classroom and looked at it. It was so beautiful. There were waterfall like ribbons hanging on the blackboard and various colored balloons attached. Many students were already in the classroom, eagerly waiting for the game to begin.

  The game finally started. The first game I played was drumming by the blind in our class, the second game was fishing in class six, and the third game was speaking the opposite of class one. Today, I participated in all eight class activities and received many food exchange vouchers.

  Our three good friends couldn't wait to grab the food voucher and run downstairs. The playground downstairs was already crowded with delicious snacks everywhere, making me drool over them. I didn't even know what to buy first. Today's food was delicious.

  I really want to celebrate International Children's Day every day!

2.快乐的六一英语作文范文 篇二

  International Children's Day, a festival for children all over the world, is the most anticipated festival and a feast for children. In the morning, as soon as we entered the campus, we saw red flags and flowers arranged around the playground, which was very beautiful and a festive scene! Our holiday, let's have fun! The celebration began, and the host walked onto the stage with great energy, and the performance of the program began.

  The program was particularly exciting, with some singing beautiful children's songs and some dancing beautifully... The students were mesmerized and listened with relish, as if we were immersed in the artistic conception of singing and dancing, and their faces were filled with the joy of happiness. Among them, my favorite is the passionate poetry recitation by my senior brothers and sisters. Their recitations are both vivid and infectious, and I am so engrossed in them. The exciting program on stage continued, and the enthusiastic applause from the audience continued until noon, and the celebration ended successfully. We are still not satisfied, and the laughter and joy of our classmates still resonate in the campus.

  The happy "June Day" was an unforgettable day for us.

3.快乐的六一英语作文范文 篇三

  Today, although the sky is not beautiful, it still cannot stop the excitement and joy of our classmates, because the Children's Day we have been eagerly anticipating has arrived.

  Early in the morning, I arrived at school in high spirits and saw various food stalls on the playground. Fragrances filled my nostrils. Then I went upstairs and saw colorful arch shaped balloons in the hallway, and colorful ribbons hanging everywhere in the classroom, filled with a festive atmosphere.

  The garden tour has started. There are long queues outside each classroom. The first game I played was fishing, with the desk as the boundary. I wore a kitten mask and put my fishing rod into the "fish pond" inside the desk. The long fishing line didn't listen to me, swaying and swaying there. The little fish always didn't take the bait, and I was so anxious that I was sweating profusely. At this moment, I held my breath and patiently held the fishing rod with both hands to approach the fish's mouth. At this moment, the little fish finally took the bait, I danced happily. There are still many fun game projects, and I can't wait to fly over and play them all!

  The happy Children's Day of June 1st has come to an end amidst the laughter of our classmates!

4.快乐的六一英语作文范文 篇四

  I arrived at the school early this morning and saw that the campus was decorated with new decorations. On the playground, a colorful flag was fluttering in the wind, and the colorful windmills were also rotating happily. It turned out that today we were going to hold the "Celebration of June Day" activity.

  Entering the classroom, I found bright balloons hanging on the roof. The actors in our class were putting on makeup, and they were dressed beautifully. The desks in the classroom are surrounded by a large stage in the middle.

  The party soon began. The first program is Zeng Zimo's guzheng performance. I saw her with eight long nails on her fingers, sitting in front of the guzheng and elegantly playing "Spring River Flower Moonlight Night". Each string touched our hearts, and I was mesmerized by it, as if I saw a bright moon rising from the river. I looked around with my eyes and saw that other students were also intoxicated by the wonderful music.

  At the party, there were also exciting dances, clappers, drum performances, singing, etc. Each program brought us joy.

  What a happy Children's Day! How I wish I could bring laughter to everyone next year.

5.快乐的六一英语作文范文 篇五

  The long-awaited Children's Day on June 1st has arrived again. Early in the morning, Grandpa Sun showed a smiling face, and the birds on the tree seemed particularly happy, chirping incessantly on the branches, as if they were also celebrating this happy holiday! The classmates dressed in beautiful clothes and came to the school in high spirits. Looking at the colorful campus, everyone couldn't help but cheer.

  Accompanied by light and soothing music, we came to the playground to watch the "June 1st" literary performance. Our class performed the song and dance "Moonlight in the Lotus Pond". The female classmates in the class danced gracefully, and I sang to my heart's content. When we finished our performance, thunderous applause rang from below! The students from other classes also performed wonderful performances.

  After the artistic performance, Principal Zhu presented us with certificates and prizes. Our class received many awards, and the students jumped with joy.

  We sing, dance, make noise, laugh... If it were Children's Day every day, how wonderful it would be!
