

时间:2021-11-03 12:44:23 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语口语# 导语】拜访朋友、在家待客都是周末的好休闲。学几句地道的招待客人的英文表达,让你的朋友surprise一下!以下是由©文档大全网整理的拜访朋友的英语口语对话【四篇】,一起来了解下吧!


A:Linda, it’s so at to see you again!


B:Well, thanks for inviting me to lunch. I never seem to leave my house these days!


A:Come in, please. Make yourself at home.


B:Thanks. You have a beautiful place.


A:I’m glad you like it. The furniture’s in pretty bad condition, though. We should get rid of it. It really looks bad in this new house.


B:Don’t do that. It’s very comfortable. You have children, don’t you?


A:Yes, we do. Two boys and a girl. Not to mention two dogs and a cat. So we have to make do with this furniture. As long as the children are small, anyway. It doesn’t make sense to replace it.


B:I know what you mean. Our children are hard on furniture, too. They are always jumping up and down on the sofa or spilling food on my chairs.


A:They sound just like my children.


B:Maybe we should get them all together to play with each other some afternoon.


A:That’s a great idea!



A: Mary, it's good to see you!

B: Josh and I were just on our way back home from the beach and thought we'd drop by(顺道拜访,过来坐坐).

A:I am so glad that you decided(决定) to stop by!

B: Yes, it has been a long time since we have seen you.

A: Mary, can I get Josh or you something to drink?

B: Oh no, thank you. We aren't all that thirsty(口渴的).

A: How about a little snack(点心;小吃) then?

B:No, thank you, we just ate lunch a little while ago.

A: Well then, how is your family?

B:Everyone is doing great. My sister finally had her baby.


Would you like to come over our small party?


If you ever in Beijing,please do look me up.


Would you like to join us?


Shall we dance?


Shall we go for a walk?


What about another coffee?


Shall we go to see a film?


May I have a dance with you?


We’d be very honored if you would come to our wedding ceremony.


Would you honor us with a visit?


I'd like to invite you to attend onr graduation ceremony.


I'm very sorry,but can we make it another time?


Welcome to our city!


Are you free this evening? I want to pay you a visit.


I really call’t thank you enough for the invitation.


It's my great honor to attend this grand graduation ceremony.




Dialogue 1

M:Will you do me the honor of dancing with me,Mrs.Jones?

W:Oh,I'm really sorry.I've done too much of it.

M:Ok.I see…

Dialogue 2

M:Would you like to see a film with me tonight?

W:Oh,it is great.

Dialogue 3

M:How about haveing a drink in that bar?

W:I'm afraid I can't



Are you free this weekend?


Would it be a problem if I dropped by for a few minutes?


Do you mind if I stop by tomorrow?


Will I be disturbing you if i visit you tonight?


I just want to drop in for a chat.


Is it convenient if i visit you this weekend?


I'd like to call at your house next week.


I want to pay you a visit the day after tomorrow.


I want to pay you a call when I'm in your area.


During my stay in your city I want to visit you.

11. 我什么时候过来拜访合适?

When would be a good time for me to come over?


I will be here by six.


Can I bring something?


Can I bring my kids?

