

时间:2024-06-06 21:02:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#三年级# 导语】暑假不仅仅是这个学期结束了,总算能好好放松了,还有下个学期,虽然不会马上到来。应该在假期拿出部分时间,学习巩固学过的知识,不要一个假期把脑袋过空了,只会在开学时得付出更多。以下是©文档大全网整理的相关资料,希望您过个愉快的假期。


look! this is my new house。


(  ) 1. A. where B. there C. hair D. here

( ) 2 A. head B. bread C. read D. leg

( ) 3. A. knee B. sheep C. feet D. coffee

( ) 4. A. shoulder B. touch C. rough D. bus

( ) 5. A. house B. mountain C. soup D. mouth


( )1、 ________ are the robots? In the box.

A. What B. Who C. Where

( )2、 Look at _______ bear. It’s brown.

A. the B. a C. /

( )3、 Listen to the cat ______ the roof.

A. on B. in C. at

( )4、Look ______ the dog ______ the street.

A. to…in B. at…in C. in…on

( )5、 I can’t see Grandma. Where’s she? ______ she is.

A. How B. This C. Here

( ) 6、 Is this your box? Yes, it’s _______ box.

A. your B. my C. a


1、This (be) my sister. (she)name is Wendy.

2、I don’t like (wolf).

3、——Who's he? ——He's (I) father.

4、The wolf (be)big and fat. It (eat)pigs

5、--- What can pigs ____________________ (do)?

--- They can (make)a house。

6、Alice, ____________ (not write) on the blackboard.

7、What are you doing? I _____(write).

8、This isn’t (I) cat. It’s (you) cat.


My name is Ben. I’m eight years old. I have two new friends, Eddie and Kitty. They are eight, too. Eddie is short. Kitty’s not short. She has a yellow and green parrot. Look, the parrot is in the cage. I like her parrot. Eddie has a bird, too. We like birds.

1、How old is Eddie? _____________________________

2、 Is Kitty short? _____________________________

3、 What colour is Kitty’s parrot? _____________________________

4、Where’s the parrot? _____________________________

5、 Do they like birds? _____________________________

