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【#三年级# 导语】英语的学习在假期仍然可以通过各种各样的方式来学习,阅读、听英语歌并学唱、看纯英文对白影视剧、与外国人交谈等等,方式多种多样且非常灵活,而©文档大全网在这里为您准备了英语假期习题,帮助您英语在考试这方面的提高。


一、 单词:
  look T-shirt they but too big shorts nice trousers dress coat shirt and time clock please OK eleven twelve day how many count thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty
  二、 背诵句子:
  1、 看那件T-恤。 Look at the T-shirt.
  2、 看那件大衣。 Look at the coat.
  3、 看那条裙子。 Look at the dress.
  4、 看那件衬衫。 Look at the shirt.
  5、 我喜欢红色的那个。 I like the red one.
  6、 我喜欢白色的那个。 I like the white one.
  7、 它们很漂亮。 They are beautiful.
  8、 现在几点钟了? What time is it?
  9、 现在是11点。 It’s eleven o’clock.
  10、 现在是12点。 It’s twelve o’clock.
  11、 对不起,我不知道。 Sorry, I don’t know.
  12、 请看一看时钟。 Look at the clock, please.
  13、 请数一数这些尺子。 Please count the rulers.
  14、 这里有多少把尺子? How many rulers are there?
  15、 5把尺子 Five rulers.
  16、 这里有多少支钢笔? How many pens are there?
  17、 13支钢笔。 Thirteen pens.
  18、 这里有多少本书? How many books are there?
  19、 15本书。 Fifteen books.
  20、 这里有多少颗星星? How many stars are there?
  三、 作业:(满分133分)
  1、 按要求完成一、二项,家长签字:
  2、 顺利背诵4、5、6单元A、D部分课文。(背诵并家长签字)
  Unit 4 AD Unit 5 AD Unit 6 AD
  3、 画四线格,默写字母,从Aa默写到Zz,书写规范。


一、 选择答案,把其编号填在括号内。(4分)
  ( )1、Is this a pen ?
  A Yes , it is 。 B 。 No, it isn‘t 。
  ( )2、Where is the rubber?
  A It’s on the box. B It‘s in the box.
  ( )3、How are you ?
  A How are you 。 B Fine, thank you.
  ( )4、 Is this a rubber?
  A、yes 。 B、No.
  二、 用适当的词填空。(10分)
  1、This is _______(I ,my) brother.
  2、最新的小学三年级下册英语期末试题:How ______( is ,are) you?
  3、My ______(name ,name’s) Zhu Xiaoqing.
  4、_________( What, What‘s) your name,please?
  5、Nice to meet _______( you, your)。
  三、 把下列单词翻译成英语:40‘
  1.将来 2.作家 3.电影明星 4.足球队员
  5.警察局 6.警察 7.宇航员 8.(打)电话
  9.圆的 10.护士 11.医生 12.可能
  13.教师 14.公共汽车司机 15.火车司机
  16.出租车司机 17.太空船 18.月亮
  19.河流 20.安静的
  四、 选词填空:30’
  ( ) 1.What will you _____? I‘ll be a writer. A. are B. do C. be
  ( ) 2. ______ I’ll be a policeman. A. Maybe B. About C.When
  ( ) 3. What _____ you be? A. will B. are C. do
  ( ) 4.Xiaoyong ________to fly. A. want B.wanting C.wants
  ( ) 5.But he won‘t _____a plane. A. fly B.on C.do
  ( ) 6.I will be a _____. I like books. A. writer B.teacher C.spaceship
  ( ) 7.He’ll be ____ astronaut? A. a B. an C. do
  ( ) 8.There _____ a phone. A. isn‘t B. are C. be
  ( ) 9.Tomorrow I _____ go to school. A. don’t B. won‘t C. am
  ( ) 10. You are ______ the park. A. go to B. will go to C. going to


  r d q j m f sing body juice door
  girl She is singing.
  scissors My family lives in China .
  family My mother is a doctor.
  school I’m tired.
  mouth Open the window.
  Pl__y d__sk h__nd t_ _cher b__y
  S__x p__n c__t b_ _k ch_ _r
  cold laugh short right
  cry young stand cool
  in happy left big
  old hot warm tall
  sad out little sit
  ( )1.How are you? A.She’s at school.
  ( )2.What colour is it? B.No,I have a headache.
  ( )3.How many pencils do you have? C.It’s a chair.
  ( )4.What’s her name? D.I cut my knee.
  ( )5.How old are you? E.I’m fine.Thanks.
  ( )6.Do you feel happy? F.It’s green.
  ( )7.Where is Lynn? G.I have two.,
  ( )8.What’s this? H.Her name is Jenny.
  ( )9.Are you okay? I.I’m ten years old.
  ( )10.What’s the matter? J.Yes,I feel happy.
  Hello!My name is Tom.I’m a boy.I’m ten years old.Look!This is a picture of my family.They are my father、my mother、my little sister and I.My father is very tall.He is handsome.He is a doctor.My mother is short.She has long、curly hair.My little sister is only three years old.She has two big eyes.
  A. 根据短文内容,判断下列句子正误,对的在(√)内打“”,错的打“×”。
  ( )1.Tom is ten years old.
  ( )2. Tom is a daughter.
  ( )3.Tom’s father is very tall.
  ( )4.Tom’s mother has short black hair.
  ( )5.Tom’s sister has two big ears.
  ( )6.Tom’s sister is only three years old.
  1.A:Nine to meet you!
  B:Nine to meet you,too!
  2.A:Goodbye.See you later!
  3.A:Where is my book?
  B:It’s under the desk.
  4.A:How do you feel?
  B: I’m very cold.
  5.A: What are they doing?
  B:They are playing.
  6.A:May I have two books?

