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【#英语资源# 导语】春天一般指春季。 春季,四季之一,季期在立春至立夏之间,含有立春、雨水、惊蛰、春分、清明、谷雨等节气。春,代表着温暖、生长。春季,阴阳之气开始转变,万物随阳气上升而萌芽生长。下面是®文档大全网整理的《关于春天英语作文》,希望对你们有帮助!

1.关于春天英语作文 篇一

  Spring has come. Today, my mother and I went to the Science and Technology Square to look for spring. After getting on the bus, we arrived at the Science and Technology Square. As soon as we got off the bus, I felt a feeling of spring breeze, and immediately felt cool and comfortable.

  As soon as I entered the door, I found that the grass was green, and the grass gave out tender buds. There are many roses growing leaves nearby.

  Going further inside, I saw that Magnolia was blooming, and some of them were still like little girls in bud. The white magnolia is as white and pure as snow. Although it is not luxuriant, it gives people a pleasant feeling. Suddenly, I saw a piece of yellow. I thought: What is this? After running over and taking a closer look, I realized that this piece of yellow is jasmine. The small winter jasmine is yellow and beautiful. "Winter jasmine? Why is it called winter jasmine?" I pointed at it and asked my mother. My mother said, "The reason why it is called winter jasmine is that spring comes as soon as it blooms." I picked up the winter jasmine and smelled it carefully. The fragrance was light and refreshing. It also had a spring flavor. I leaned forward and found that some of them had grown leaves!

  I was attracted by a large area of red flowers, and ran over to see that it was Begonia flower. Begonia has blossomed pink flowers, and a few bees fly out of the Begonia bush from time to time. When I touch it, he hums to protest to me, as if saying: "If you touch me again, I will sting you.". My mother came to me with a magnolia, and I ran over. Magnolia is similar to Magnolia. It has a layer of purple petals outside and a layer of white petals inside. It's thick to touch! These are things that are not available in other seasons. Seen from a distance, the begonia flower looks like a blushing girl who dare not look straight ahead.

  I saw several more pine trees. The pine trees grew high. Some are like stairs and some are like fans. They are very strange. I touched its leaves, which seemed to be a massager, and kept massaging me in my hands. How beautiful spring is! I have found a beautiful spring.

  I am going to say goodbye to these representatives of spring, and I am reluctant to go home with my mother. Spring has come. I love spring.

2.关于春天英语作文 篇二

  The spring girl holds a colorful box in her hand, points green grass and trees, and dyes red flowers; With nectar, it moistens everything in the world.

  Spring girl sprinkled the dew more happily in March, as if she had covered the earth with a thin layer of fog, and it was hazy everywhere. Because Spring Girl sent its messenger - Spring Rain.

  Seeing the intermittent spring rain coming down, the farmer uncle was very happy and laughed. Because of the spring rain, the farmer uncle can sow seeds!

  The grass greedily sucks the nectar of the spring rain. The grass wakes up, opens the quilt, and tries to drill up from the ground, finally revealing its pointed head and enjoying the shower of the spring rain. Look how energetic, tender and green they become! These grass are happy like naughty children. They secretly take advantage of their parents or grandparents' absence to shower themselves in the spring rain on the floor, and let the small raindrops roll on them and swing.

  The grass that has been bathed in the spring rain is much greener, and the glittering little drops of water twinkle, and look like a flower from a distance. The willow also has tender and green branches. Look, those slender willows are more like a beautiful fairy with long hair. When the wind blows, the long hair will float with the wind, and the beautiful "fairy" looks more beautiful!

  As soon as the spring rain falls, the ground is full of vitality. The frogs in the pond also shout excitedly, "Quack! Quack!" as if to say, "Ah! Here comes the spring girl! Here comes the spring girl! Thank you, Spring girl, I can sing my Song of Spring again". My pot of daffodils is even more proud. With its beautiful big horn, it also sang "Song of Spring". I stretched out my little hand to catch the spring rain, and felt cool and without any color. The messenger of Miss Spring is really magical.

  I love you, spring rain! Because you bring joy to everything! Because you are so kind and selfless!

3.关于春天英语作文 篇三

  The cold winter has gone, but spring has come quietly. Her arrival has driven away the cold and brought warmth and vitality to everything. At the same time, we all took off our thick cotton-padded clothes and went out to enjoy the sunshine and vitality of spring with our friends.

  Look, there are small heads sticking out of the vast land. That is the green "messenger" of spring - grass. She seems to have just learned that spring is coming, so she just poked her small head out of the "door" to check. Look, the grass is light green, emitting infinite vitality, and more revealing is her "strong and unyielding" spirit. Every spring, The grass will poke its head out of Mother Earth's arms in time and tell everyone: "Spring is coming, spring is coming ". When spring comes, we always go to see her and touch her. At that moment, the scars on her weak body seem to tell us how much wind and rain she has experienced. She has become sharp, and there are still some broken wounds on her body that haven't healed. When we see this scene, we always sigh with pain, hey, grass, grass, do you hurt? But when we come to see her soon after we leave, she changes again Is green and healthy. Looking at the green grass, I could not help thinking of an ancient poem: Lush grass on the plains, in one year, withers and thrives once each, wildfire burning, spring breeze again.

  Ah! Xiao Cao, you are the "messenger" of spring, but also the spring in my heart. I praise you because you are the turning point in my life. You let me know that I must be strong and learn to think for others. You taught me to put aside personal life and death and help others with my own life when necessary. You are industrious, hardworking, and unrepentant in your dedication to your youth and strength, and compose song after song of ordinary and moving triumphs. Ah, grass, nameless grass, grass all over the mountains, I don't want to have your true colors, I hope I can have your character.

  I love spring, and I love the grass in my heart.

4.关于春天英语作文 篇四

  I like the cold in winter, the hot in summer and the cool in autumn, but I prefer the drizzle in spring.      When spring comes, I walk on the path, breathe fresh air, touch the breath of spring, and feel particularly comfortable.

  I found that the spring light rain, as thin as a needle, as light as cow hair, as smoke as fog, fell silently on my face and body. The tender buds on the branches slightly protruded their lovely little heads and looked at me quietly and smiled. The light rain playfully fell on them.

  Ha, what a beaded gown! The wind doll is also so naughty. It keeps blowing the rain everywhere, falling on the tree, on the grass, and on my face. I took a deep breath and couldn't help being intoxicated. How charming the strange scenery is! When I looked up, I saw a layer of aperture on the edge of the cloud, which was the light of the sun. Oh, how strange and wonderful the scenery is!

  In the flower garden, the flower bed is surrounded by four seasons of pine. The pink rose bloomed with a smile under the spring breeze, just like a shy girl standing tall and beautiful. The green grass breaks the soil, swings its head mischievously, and greedily sucks the expensive spring rain. Many bright raindrops rolled on the green grass. On the grass roots, there are countless small snails moving slowly. Buzz, Buzz, Buzz A few bees are going through the flowers. The white butterfly is dancing, sometimes stopping on a flower petal, sometimes flapping its wings and flying. I was trying to catch one, when I heard a crisp bird call coming from behind me. Oh, it was a few sparrows, jumping happily on the branches.

  Ah, I find spring is colorful, I find spring is brilliant, I find spring is gentle. Ah! Can this beautiful scenery not make people linger?

  The sun went down, the moon came lightly with a veil, and the naughty little stars came out one by one with blinking eyes. The forest is quiet, only the dew drops on the grass tip shine in the moonlight.

5.关于春天英语作文 篇五

  The cold winter has quietly left us, and spring has come again unconsciously. She has dyed green grass and trees, and red begonia and camellia. Facing the spring breeze, people took off their thick winter clothes and put on light and beautiful spring clothes; The old and children also came out of the house; There are obviously more people on the street and in the park. Everyone comes out to enjoy the beautiful scenery of spring.

  There is still sowing, and the flowers here have already opened; The flowers, plants and trees in the park are blooming and sprouting, especially the trees, no matter what they are, just like in a competition, are full of green buds; Even our Chinese rose is not willing to lag behind. It is full of buds from head to foot.

  There are many flowers in the park, including red camellias, pink cherry blossoms and yellow winter jasmine. They are really colorful and beautiful; In particular, cherry blossoms are lovely in light pink and light pink. There are thin, yellow and dense stamens between the petals, and there are several industrious and happy little bees gently kissing the stamens.

  The spring rain moistened the earth, and the small worms drilled out of the thick quilt, stretched and yawned, and slowly crawled out of the hole; They didn't see the sun all winter. When they saw the sun in spring, they jumped and danced happily. They had nothing to eat all winter. How hungry! Spring is coming. There are so many delicious things; So the bugs began to carry food to the cave again; Look, a dark, thick line is moving forward bit by bit. It turns out that this is a group of ants carrying food. They are rushing to carry food to the palace. How busy!

  Ah, spring is really coming!
