2017年职称英语 考试 报名|2017年职称英语理工类B级语法复习讲义(八)


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  1)“be going to+动词原形”表示很快就要发生的事情或打算要做的事。

  e.g. It’s going to rain(下雨).

  e.g. We are going to visit(访问)Beijing next week(下周).

  2)“be to+动词原形”表示安排好的动作或要求别人去做的事。

  e.g. You are not to bring (带来)any materials(材料) to the exam(考试) room.

  e.g. He is to see(看) me today.

  e.g. They are to be married (结婚)in May.

  marry sb.

  be/get married

  3)“be about to+动词原形”表示即将发生的或正要做的事。

  e.g. The conference(会议) is about to begin(开始).

  4)“be+现在分词”有时可表示按计划即将发生的一个动作,但仅适用于少数的某些动词(如arrive(到达) , come(来), go(去), leave(离开), start(开始)等)而且常跟表示很近的将来的时间状语连用。

  e.g. Our classmates(同学) are coming to see us the day after tomorrow(后天).

  e.g. The bus is leaving.


  e.g. We shall (will) go to Nanjing tomorrow morning. -- We shall (will) not go to Nanjing tomorrow morning.

  e.g. It’s going to rain. – It isn’t going to rain.


  e.g. We shall (will) go to Nanjing tomorrow morning. – Shall/Will we go to Nanjing tomorrow morning?

  e.g. It’s going to rain. – Is it going to rain?

