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【#英语口语# 导语】金融是指在经济生活中,银行、证券或保险业者从市场主体募集资金,并借贷给其它市场主体的经济活动。©文档大全网为大家整理了五篇常用的金融英语口语句子,欢迎阅读!

1.常用的金融英语口语句子 篇一

  Mary Smith's boy-friend ,Tom Brown ,is a clerk at the First National Bank .He and Mary are talking about the different types of banks and bank services .

  Smith :I don't understand what you mean when you say commercial bank.Tom ,aren't all banks the same?

  Brown :No ,there are different types of banks ,Mary .

  Usually the word bank refers only to the commercial banks like the one I work for .

  They're the banks that offer a full range of checking and savings-account services and make all kinds of loans .

  S:Well,what other kinds of banks are there?

  B:The second large category is called the Savings and Loan Association or the Building and Loan Association .

  Some people call them Savings Banks,but they are technically not banks .

  They specialize in long-term savings accounts and usually lend money for mortgages.

2.常用的金融英语口语句子 篇二

  S:What about mutual Savings Banks?What does that mean?

  B:Those are special savings association ,like savings and loan associations,which are owned by the depositors instead of stockholders .

  Usually they specialize in mortgages ,too.

  S:Why don't they offer checking accounts like your bank does ?

  B:They are organized for different purposes and they don't have the authority to offer checking accouts.

  That's a function for commercial banks only .

  S:What's a long-term or industrial bank?

  B:That's a special bank for industrial development .

3.常用的金融英语口语句子 篇三

  Henry Samson is asking a clerk at the First National Bank about opening a regular savings account.

  Clerk:May I help you ,sir?

  Samson:Yes,please .I'd like to open a savings account .Can you give me some information?

  C:Yes,I'd be happy to help you .We call our regular savings account plan passbook savings.

  You may open an account in your name only ,or a joint account with your wife.

  There is no minimum balance ,and you may make deposits or withdrawals at any time .

  S:Do I earn interest on the account ?

  C:Yes,we pay the highest interest rate permitted for commercial banks .

  We credit the earned interest to your account automatically every quarter.

4.常用的金融英语口语句子 篇四

  S:Is it difficult to open an account?I mean ,do I have to be a regular customer of the bank?

  C:No ,sir.not at all.All that's necessary is to fill out this signature card and make your initial deposit .

  Even a dollar is enough to open the account .

  S:Let's see .You want my name,address,occupation ,date of birth and Social Security number .

  What's this item here,"Mother's Maiden Name"?

  C:We ask that for identification purposes ,sir .It's a code word we use to positively identify you in case you lose your passbook or there is some other need for positive identification .

  S:I see.Well,let me fill this out and I'll open an account.

5.常用的金融英语口语句子 篇五

  John Smith is opening a personal checking account at the National City Bank

  Clerk:May I help you ,sir?

  Smith :Yes,please .I'd like to open a personal checking account .

  C:Yes,sir .Do you want a regular or a special checking account ?

  S:I'm not sure what the difference is .

  C:Special accounts are more economical if you think you'll write fewer than 15 checks each month .

  S:I probably won't write many ,just a few checks each month for shopping and paying some bills.

  C:I think the special account will be best ,then .
