【#英语口语# 导语】以下是©文档大全网整理的看电影常用英语口语句子,欢迎阅读学习!更多口语相关信息,请关注©文档大全网!
1.你想不想去看电影?Would you like to go to a movie?
2.今天晚上演什么?What`s on tonight?
3.你想看什么电影?What movie do you want to see?
4.我想看……I want to see....
5.哪里在上映?Where is playing...?
6.上映到什么时候?How long is playing?
7.这部电影由谁演出?Who is in this movie?
8.上映多久?How long does it last?
9.下一场是几点上映?What time is the next showing?
10.几点演完?What time will it be over?
11.请给我两张全票。Two, please.
12.前面的人挡住我,让我看不到。I can`t see because of the person in front of me.
13.我们的位置在很后面呐。We`re away in the back, aren`t we?
14.我们坐前面一点吧。Let`s sit closer up front.
15.很好看,对不对?That was interesting,wasn`t it?
16.好无聊,对不对?That was boring, wasn`t it?
17.好感动。I was moved.