
时间:2023-05-01 20:30:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语资源# 导语】雷锋,全国人民的好榜样。雷锋最典型的就是做好事,他的故事感人又真实,能激励我们,也值得我们向他学习。以下是©文档大全网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


  Students, we are the successors of the new century. The times require us to have profound knowledge, noble sentiment and be willing to serve others and the collective.

  Students, under the fluttering national flag, in the coming March, let's once again take action to show that like Uncle Lei Feng, we start from the small things around us, are willing to help others, study hard, and strive to be a good boy like Lei Feng.


  On the afternoon of March 5, the warm sun shone on the land of Xuncheng. The teacher led us to clean the sanitation of the half moon Pavilion.

  The teacher asked us to prepare a pair of chopsticks and some plastic bags in order to let us pick up some garbage such as melon and fruit skins and cigarette butts on the big lawn of the half moon Pavilion.

  We came to the half moon pavilion with curiosity and saw many people playing cards, basking in the sun and resting in the pavilion. The teacher divided the four of us into a group. After the group was divided, each group was busy. Some of us were tidying up the peel, some were picking up paper scraps in the middle of the lawn, and some were picking up cigarette butts on the gravel road; In a little while, the moon pavilion was cleaned and tidy by us. In the process of cleaning, I found that leisure people are embarrassed to litter when they see our work. Although I am a little tired, it is also worth it, because we should learn from Lei Feng's spirit of not being afraid of fatigue and hardship.

  I think the teacher organized this activity is not only to let us develop good health habits, but also to let us learn Lei Feng spirit.


  Spring flowers are blooming and full of vitality. We have ushered in a warm March. March 5 is the anniversary of learning from Lei Feng. Everyone should learn from Lei Feng and strive to be a living Lei Feng.

  On March 5, on this special day, the school organized all our second grade teachers and students to learn from Lei Feng in Beilei community. During the activity, some students swept the street again and again with a broom, some students wiped the doors of each building again and again with a rag, and others took a small shovel to shovel down the paper pasted on the wall. Soon, the community took on a new look.

  Learning from Lei Feng can be seen everywhere in today's society and is moving everywhere: several passengers on the bus vie to give up their seats to the elderly; In the library, we help the librarian sort out the books on the ground; In the park, a young man picked up the can on the ground and put it in the dustbin.

  Students, let's learn from Lei Feng and strive to be a living Lei Feng!


  On Monday, my mother sent Xiao Ming to school. On the way, I saw an old woman fall and the apple roll all over the ground.

  Mother helped grandma up and Xiao Ming put the apples back in the basket. The old lady took her mother's hand and said, "thank you! You're really" her mother said, "you're welcome. This is what we should do." Mother held the old lady, and Xiao Ming carried the basket and sent her home.

  Xiao Ming learns from Lei Feng and does well. I will learn from him and be a good child in the future.


  Our school carried out the activity of "learning from Lei Feng to do good deeds", and the teacher also let us watch some movies about his story. When I got home, my mother showed me some stories about Uncle Lei Feng on the Internet, which made me think he was a very loving PLA. He was helping others all the time, but he never left a name for helping others. What I admire most is Lei Feng's words in his diary: "human life is limited, but serving the people is infinite."

  I am willing to devote my limited life to serving the people infinitely. " Uncle Lei Feng said so and did so. Uncle Lei Feng traveled a thousand miles and did a good job. He did it They are all ordinary little things, but one by one, they all reflect his lofty thought of serving the people wholeheartedly. I want to learn from him and help people do more good things.

