

时间:2022-03-30 07:56:08 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语口语# 导语】学习英语并不难啊。你还在为英语成绩低拖后腿而烦恼吗?不要着急,©文档大全网小编为大家提供了“2019实用性英语口语练习【三篇】”相信加入学习当中的你,很快便不再受英语的困扰!还在等什么?和小编一起来学习吧!



Are you free this weekend? --Yes, I am.这周末你有空吗?

No, I have plans. / No, I'm going skiing.

Could I see you again?


Could you give me your phone number? 能给我你的电话号码吗?

Where shall we meet?我们在哪见面?

Where shall I meet you?

Shall I come to pick you up?开车去接某人(要我开车去接你吗?)

Are you doing anything this afternoon?你今天下午有安排吗?

Do you have plans for this afternoon?

Are you busy this afternoon?

No, nothing special.

Yes, I have to work.

How about having dinner with me?


Sounds great! 那太好了!

How about dinner?

Let's have dinner together.

Why don't we go to see a baseball game?我们干吗不去看棒球比赛呢?

Yeah!好啊 Let's go see a baseball game!

Sorry, I'm tied up. 另有安排*be tied up“受时间的约束”(真对不起,我另有安排。)

Sorry, I have plans. /Sorry, I'm busy.

I'm sorry, but I have other plans.


I'm afraid I can't.

I'm sorry but I can't.

Thanks for asking(邀请), but...


Let's go out for a drink.

Thanks for asking, but I already made plans.

Thanks for the invitation, but...

How about a rain check? 另找时间可以吗?*rain check引申为下次可以的

Let's do it another time.

Could we plan it for another day?

Some other time.

I hope you can come.我希望你能来。



When is it convenient for you? 方便的


I'm free on Friday.

What is a good time for you?

When is good for you?

About what time? 什么时候?


Jack, what time do you want to go bowling? 保龄球

Whenever. I'm free all day.

Whenever you are free.

Any day is okay. 哪天都行。

Any day of the week is fine.

Anytime is fine.

When you have time. 等你有时间的。

I'm free today. 我今天有空。

I have a lot of free time today.

I have nothing to do today.

I'll be busy tomorrow.明天我会很忙。

How about tomorrow?

Sorry, I'll be busy tomorrow.

How about the tenth? 10号怎么样?

When are you free? 你什么时候有空?

Friday after 3:00. 星期五3点以后有空

When should we go?

When are you available?

That's a bad day for me. 那天我不行。

That day is fine. 那天我可以。

When can I come over? 我什么时候去合适? *come over“顺便拜访”。

When can I visit?

When can I stop by? ..去你那儿坐坐?

You decide when.你定时间吧。

I'll leave it up to you. 全交给你了。

It's your decision. 你定吧。

You decide where.你定地点吧。

Wherever you want is okay.

Is seven convenient for you? 7点行吗?

When should I come?

Is seven okay for you?

When can you come over?你几点能来?

What time can you make it?

Is it too early? /Is it too late?


It's a date. 就那天吧。

Okay, see you then. 行,到时候见。

Let's meet tomorrow at 7:30.

See you then.


Are you ready?准备好了吗?

No, not yet. 还没呢。

Ready yet?

Are you all set? 好了吗?

Ready. 准备好了

I'm ready. /I'm all set.

I'm not ready.我还没准备好呢。

What time shall we leave?我们什么时候出发?

In about ten minutes. 大约10分钟以后

What time do you want to leave?


What time do we leave? 几点出门?

What time are we taking off?

What time do we arrive?


When do we get there?

Let's get going. 那我们走吧。

I'll be ready in five minutes.

Shall we go?

Okay, let's go. /Let's take off.

Let's hit the road! *直译是“开路” 

