

时间:2023-12-19 02:24:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

听力部分 (30分) 得分
( ) 1. A. Saturday B. Sunday C. Science
( ) 2. A. show B. know C. grow
( ) 3. A. laugh B. knife C. cough
( ) 4. A. headache B. toothache C. earache
( ) 5. A. five B. fever C. feel
( ) 6. A. ride B. read C. riding
( ) 7. A. bus B. basket C. bike
( ) 8. A. put on B. take off C. try on
( ) 9. A. near B. here C. there
( ) 10. A. go to the party B. go to the park C. go to the zoo
( ) 1. A. Because she doesn’t have any nice clothes.
B. Because she is ill.
C. Because she has a good time at the party.
( ) 2. A. He can take the metro.
B. He can take the bus.
C. He can take the train.
( ) 3. A. She should have a rest.
B. She should take some medicine.
C. She shouldn’t eat ice cream.
( ) 4. A. It’s near the park.
B. It’s near the school.
C. It’s big and nice.
( ) 5. A. He’s a taxi driver.
B. He lives in Sunshine Town.
C. He’s my father.
1. Excuse me, do I the bookshop on Moon Street? Go
along this street, then at the traffic lights.
2. How do you now? I have a , I can’t eat . What should I do? You eat too many sweets, you should brush your .
1. shouldn’t (完整形式) 2. tooth (复数)
3. put on(反义词组) 4. brush (三单)
5. do not (缩写形式) 6. city (复数)
7. get on (反义词组) 8. they(宾格)
9. before(反义词) 10. bus (复数)
1. 来学校 2. on foot
3. 试穿 4. take medicine
5. 有害的 6. brush one’s teeth
7. 喝水 8. see the doctor
9. 不得不 10. take the train
( ) 1. Su Hai lives Moon Street.
A. in B. on C. at
( ) 2. Does Yang Ling have hobbies?
A. some B. any C. all
( ) 3. What’s wrong with ? He a fever.
A. his; has B. him; has C. he; has
( ) 4. The girl often from Monday to Friday.
A. go to school   B. goes to school C. going to school
( ) 5. --- he go to the park? ---By bus.
A. How do   B. How does C. How is
( ) 6. your brother well? Yes.
A. Do; play   B. Do; plays C. Does; play
( ) 7. ---How _______Yang Ling feel now?
---She feels cold.
A. is B. does C. has
( ) 8. Mike usually in summer.
A. swimming B. swims C. swim
( ) 9. --- should Liu Tao ? ---A plane.
A. What’s; take   B. What; takes C. What; take
( ) 10. ---Where does your aunt ? She in a small town.
A. live; live B. lives; live C. live; lives
( ) 1. How do you come to school every day? A. Yes, I do.
( ) 2. Do you feel cold? B. By bus.
( ) 3. Can I help you? C. I have a headache.
( ) 4. What’s wrong with you? D. No, thanks.
( ) 5. What should I do? E. You should have a rest.
八、选择适当的词填空。( 5分)
1. Helen (put / puts) on a new hat.
2. Bobby is happy (to help / helps) Monkey and Rabbit.
3. Mike always (go / goes) to school on foot.
4. He should (drink / drinks) some warm water and have a rest.
5. Your shoes ( is / are) under the bed.
1. Mike lives in Sunshine Town. (就划线部分提问)
does Mike ?
2. I often go to the library by bus. (就划线部分提问)
do you to the library?
3. You should have a rest at home. (改为否定句)
You a rest at home.
4. Su Hai has a headache and a fever. (就划线部分提问)
with Su Hai?
5. likes, the, Bobby, a, in, riding, park, bike (.)

A train stops at a station. A young man wants to come out, but it is raining. A boy is standing under a big umbrella. The young man says to the boy. “Can you go and get us two hamburgers, one for you and one for me? Here are two dollars (美元). “Great!”, says the boy and he goes to buy hamburgers. After some time, the boy is back. He is eating a hamburger. “Where is my hamburger?” asks the young man. “Oh, there is only one hamburger left. So I’m eating my hamburger. Here is your dollar.
( ) 1. Where is the young man?
A. At a station B. Under a big umbrella C. On the train
( ) 2. What does the young man want to buy?
A. Umbrella B. Hamburgers C. Dollars
( ) 3. Who helps the young man?
A. A boy B. A man C. Nobody
( ) 4. Does the young man get a hamburger?
A. No, he doesn’t. B. Yes, he does. C. No, he does.
( ) 5. Is the boy clever (聪明)?
A. Yes, he isn’t. B. Yes, he is. C. No, I’m not.

