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【#小学英语# 导语】明天,这是个美丽灿烂、辉映着五光十色的迷人的字眼。愿你的明天无限美丽、无限灿烂、无限迷人!以下是©文档大全网为大家整理的《小学英语一年级上册期中试题【三篇】》供您查阅。




  ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

  2.Listen and tick.听一听,勾一勾(20%)

  ( )A.Hi,Sam! ( ) B.Goodbye,Sam!

  ( )A.Hello,I‘m Lingling. ( ) B.I'm fine,thank you.

  ( )A.How are you,Daming? ( ) B.By,Daming.

  ( )A.It‘s three. ( ) B.It's green.

  ( )A.Point to the window. ( ) B.Point to the door.

  3.Listen and number.听音标号(10%)

  Hello,I'm Pingping.( )

  Hi,I'm Amy.Bye,Lingling.( )

  Bye-bye,Amy.Bye,Lingling.( )

  How are you?I‘m fine.( )

  Hello,What's your name?( )

  4.Listen and colour.(10%)

  1 3 5 7 9



  one four six ten two

  4 1 6 2 10


  red A.蓝

  green B.紫色

  blue C.红色

  purple D.绿色

  dog E.狗

  girl F.男孩

  boy G.女孩

  window H.门

  door I.球

  ball J.窗


  Good morning,Sam. A.Hi,Lingling.

  Hello,I‘m Lingling. B.Bye-bye,Sam.

  Goodbye,Lingling. I'm fine,thank you.

  How are you,Daming? Good morning,Daming.


Vocabulary (30 marks)

  (A) Look at the pictures and underline the appropriate word in each of

  the brackets. (6*2 = 12 marks)


  The (policeman, clerk, fireman, postman) fights fires.


  The (ant, cockroach, bee, worm) has six legs.


  Mother bought a new (wallet, handbag, briefcase, album)。


  We go to the (bookshop, cinema, restaurnat, hotel) for a movie.


  Mimi likes to ride on a (bus, motorcycle, bicycle, train)。


  Kenny plays the (piano, violin, saxophone, flute) very well.

  (B) Choose the most suitable answer. Write its number in the brackets

  provided.(5*2 = 10 marks)

  7. The ice has ________ in the heat.

  A. frozen B. boiled C. melted D. softened

  8. Gloves help to keep our hands ___________.

  A. warm B. cool C. cold D. smooth

  9. I use the _________ to stick the papers.

  A. scissors B. glue C. pen D. ruler

  10. My father is a/an __________ in the army.

  A. teacher B. accountant C. soldier D. businessman

  11. Do not play with __________. They are dangerous.

  A. pets B. toys C. games D. knives

  (C) Match each picture to the correct word. (4*2 = 8 marks)












  Grammar (40 marks)

  (D) Fill in the blanks with ‘They’, ‘It’, ‘This’, ‘That’, ‘He’ or ‘She’。

  (24*1=24 marks)


  ___________ is a book.

  ___________ likes to read it.


  ___________ are brothers.


  ___________ is Mr Lim.

  ___________ is my uncle.


  Jeremy is my brother.

  ___________ is very naughty.

  Dawn is my sister.

  ___________ is very naughty too.


  I have a dog.

  ___________ is very cute.


  ___________ is my father‘s car.

  ___________ is blue.


  ___________ is Mrs Lim.

  ___________ is Jerry’s mother.


  ___________ is my neighbour‘s cat.

  ___________ is very playful.


  ___________ are singing my favourite song.


  ___________ is a vase.

  ___________ is small.


  ___________ is Mrs Tan.


  __________ is Mr Toh.


  __________ is a rabbit.

  __________ is my pet.


  __________ like to paint.


  __________ is my grandfather and __________ is my grandmother.

  (E) Rearrange the words to form correct sentences and end each sentence

  with a full-stop or with a question mark. (5*2=10 marks)

  31. soup you like do


  32. runs the away boy school from


  33. is office my father to driving the


  34. new about Mary excited school is her


  35. seen she pig has a not before


  36. enjoys Jane very swimming much


  37. in beautiful the plants the garden are


  38. afraid of Othman is lightning thunder and


  (G) Comprehension (5*2=10 marks)

  Read the passage carefully and answer the questions that follow.

  Lisa has a dog. She calls it Sportie. Sportie only listens to Lisa. Sportie is very fierce to other people in the family and strangers. It barks at them and bites them. Sportie follows Lisa around the house. When Lisa has to go to school, Sportie will wait for her at the door. Sportie will wag its tail when Lisa comes home. It eats everything Lisa eats. It eats chicken but not chicken bone. It eats biscuits, fish and fish balls too. Sportie is not toilet-trained. Lisa’s brother calls Sportie ‘King’ because Sportie does what it likes. Lisa protects Sportie from any punishment by the rest of the family.

  39. In what way is Sportie fierce?


  40. What does Sportie do when Lisa goes to school?


  41. Does Sportie eat chicken bones?


  42. Why does Lisa‘s brother call Sportie ’King‘?


  43. Why is there no punishment for Sportie when it misbehaves?


  (H) Written Expression (20 marks)

  Look at the picture. Read the sentences.

  My Uncle/Aunt

  This is my uncle.

  He is a taxi-driver.

  He is tall and dark.

  My uncle plays football with me.

  He teaches me how to make paper airplane.

  He buys me story books.

  I enjoy doing things together with him.

  Now write six or more sentences about your uncle or aunt.







  (Primary 1 English)

  Practice 2


  1. fireman

  2. ant

  3. handbag

  4. cinema

  5. motorcycle

  6. saxophone


  7. C

  8. A

  9. B

  10. C

  11. D


  12. necklace

  13. chair

  14. needle

  15. plate


  16. That, He

  17. They

  18. This, He

  19. He, She

  20. It

  21. That, It

  22. This, She

  23. That, It

  24. They

  25. That, It

  26. She

  27. He

  28. This, It

  29. They

  30. He, She


  31. Do you like soup?

  32. The boy runs away from school.

  33. My father is driving to the office.

  34. Mary is excited about her new school.

  35. She has not seen a pig before.

  36. Jane enjoys swimming very much.

  37. The plants in the garden are beautiful

  38. Othman is afraid of lightning and thunder.


  39. Sportie barks at people and bites them.

  40. Sportie waits at the door for Lisa.

  41. No, it does not eat chicken bones.

  42. It is because Sportie does what it likes.

  43. It is because Lisa protects Sportie from punishment.


Vocabulary (30 marks)

  (A) Fill in the blanks with the correct words. (12*1 = 12 marks)














  My shoes need to be mended I am taking them to the _____________.


  Ah Meng is a _____________.


  My father is a labourer.

  He wears a __________ when he works.


  Keith is a ___________. He loves to eat.


  John has been playing on the ___________ for the past hour.


  I practise on the ____________ every day.


  The ___________ in the cage longs to be free.


  Look! There are so many __________ in the pond.


  Jessie and Hongli are __________ in a restaurant.


  Do not __________ Dan. He is studying very hard.


  __________ is bad for health. It causes lung cancer.


  Mother is __________ a cake in the oven.

  (B) Choose the most suitable answer. Write its number in the brackets

  provided.(8*1 = 8 marks)

  13. There are many __________ in the hospital.

  A. doctors B. accountants C. chefs D. cashiers

  14. It is __________ of you to scream at her.

  A. nice B. kind C. good D. rude   15. The patient went to the hospital in a/an ___________.

  A. ambulance B. lorry C. van D. trolley

  16. Please speak __________ in the library.

  A. loudly B. softly C. rudely D. quickly

  17. The old man takes a walk in the __________ every morning.

  A. restroom B. depot C. park D. office

  18. Singapore is a/an ____________ garden city.

  A. awful B. ugly C. beautiful D. dirty

  19. There are many ___________ in the mailbox.

  A. pencils B. letters C. stamps D. coins

  20. The __________ in the vase are withering.

  A. flowers B. fruits C. food D. pens

  (C) Fill in the blanks with the correct words.

  21. The girls are having a game of ___________.

  (tennis, squash, badminton)

  22. They are having a ____________ time.

  (fun, silly, sad)

  23. It is _____________.

  (sunny, cloudy, raining)

  24. Please bring an ____________ along.

  (stick, umbrella, helmet)

  25. You would not want to get ____________, right?

  (wet, dry, smooth)

  26. Mother is wearing a __________.

  (bracelet, necklace, anklet)

  27. Father _________ it for her.

  (bought, snatched, begged)   28. She looks _____________.

  (awful, gorgeous, puzzled)

  29. There is a bee ___________ in the garden.

  (aviary, hive, nest)

  30. The bees are making ___________.

  (salad, honey, syrup)

  Grammar (40 marks)

  (D) Underline the correct word in each of the brackets.

  (15 * 2 = 30 marks)

  31. She (has, have) not been to the bird park.

  32. We (has, have) finished the food.

  33. I (has, have) not seen him for a long time.

  34. My parents (has, have) given me some money.

  35. He (has, have) not got a blanket.

  36. James (has, have) a big toy plane.

  37. They (has, have) bought a lot of fruits.

  38. Mrs Tan (has, have) a headache.

  39. My cat (has, have) run away.

  40. Melissa and Mary (has, have) not been to China.

  41. My mother (has, have) baked some cookies.

  42. You (has, have) to do your homework on your own.

  43. Mrs Tang (has, have) cleaned the table.

  44. The hen (has, have) laid many eggs since Monday.

  45. I (has, have) not written to Jim.

  (E) Rearrange the words to form correct sentences and end each sentence

  with a full-stop or with a question mark. (5*2=10 marks)   46. slipped on hurt Lisa the she floor her ankle when wet


  47. is worried tests mother Jim‘s for him he has for as

  done badly his


  48. holiday going to they Japan this are December for a


  49. wishes for birthday a computer he his for


  50. to be grows up Henry a teacher he when wants


  (G) Comprehension (5*2=10 marks)

  Read the passage carefully and answer the questions that follow.

  Ronald was on his way to school when he saw a blind man. The blind man was waiting to cross the road. There was nobody around to help him. Ronald went up to him. He held the blind man by the elbow and led him across the road. The blind man was very grateful. Ronald learnt that the blind man wanted to go to the post office. Ronald brought him to the post office before he rushed to school. when he reached his school, he was very late. Ronald explained to his teacher what happened. His teacher did not scold him. Instead, she praised him for his kindness.   51. What was the blind man doing when Ronald saw him?


  52. What did Ronald do when he saw the blind man?


  53. Where did the blind man want to go?


  54. Why was Ronald late for school?


  55. Why did Ronald’s teacher praise Ronald?


  (H) Written Expression (20 marks)

  Look at the picture below. Write five sentences about it.

  1. _________________________________________________________________________

  2. _________________________________________________________________________

  3. _________________________________________________________________________

  4. _________________________________________________________________________

  5. _________________________________________________________________________   ANSWERS

  (Primary 1 English)

  Practice 9


  1. cobbler

  2. chimpanzee

  3. helmet

  4. glutton

  5. computer

  6. violin

  7. canary

  8. terrapins

  9. dining

  10. disturb

  11. Smoking

  12. baking


  13. A

  14. D

  15. A

  16. B

  17. C

  18. C

  19. B

  20. A


  21. badminton

  22. fun

  23. raining

  24. umbrella

  25. wet

  26. necklace

  27. bought

  28. gorgeous

  29. hive

  30. honey


  31. has

  32. have

  33. have

  34. have

  35. has

  36. has

  37. have

  38. has

  39. has

  40. have

  41. has

  42. have

  43. has

  44. has

  45. have


  46. Lisa hurt her ankle when she slipped on the wet floor.

  47. Jim‘s mother is worried for him as he has done badly for his tests.

  48. They are going to Japan for a holiday this December.

  49. He wishes for a computer for his birthday.

  50. Henry wants to be a teacher when he grows up.


  51. He was waiting to cross the road.

  52. He helped the blind man cross the road.

  53. He wanted to go to the post office.

  54. He brought the blind man to the post office.

  55. It was because Ronald was kind.

