
时间:2023-01-05 21:36:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载
【#英语资源# 导语】一年有四个季节,每个季节各具特色,大家最喜欢哪一个季节?©文档大全网为大家准备了《我最喜欢的季节英语作文范文》,供大家参考阅读。

1.我最喜欢的季节英语作文范文 篇一

  In the four seasons of spring, summer, autumn and winter, I think spring is too dry, summer is too hot, and winter is too cold. In autumn, the sky is high and the air is cool and pleasant. So, I like autumn!

  It has just been through the hot summer. The cool autumn wind is refreshing, and the warm weather is comfortable. Liu Yuxi, a great poet of the Tang Dynasty, once wrote a poem "Autumn Poems" praising autumn: "Since ancient times, when autumn is sad and lonely, I say that the autumn day is better than the spring day. When a crane is flying in the clear sky, it will attract poetry to the blue night." It seems that the beautiful autumn day has inspired the poet's creation, and the poet likes autumn. So, I also like autumn!

  I am a teacher. The new semester begins in autumn. New classes, new students, new environment, everything is new, so I am full of new expectations for the future. So, I have been riveted all over and I need to do a good job. Autumn is my most energetic time. So, I like autumn!

  On Sundays, I take my daughter to the countryside to enjoy the infinite scenery of nature. My daughter ran and danced in the fields, picking up fallen leaves from trees and wild flowers on the roadside. From time to time, she heard a silver bell like laughter. While looking up at the blue sky and white clouds, feeling the light wind and warm sun, appreciating the green trees and red flowers, I always feel refreshed, relaxed and comfortable. Sometimes I would sing softly: "The blue sky is floating with white clouds, and horses are running under the white clouds." So, I like autumn!

  Autumn is a rainy season! But how steady the rain is! Not anxious, not warm, not slow, sometimes it is three or two days. This kind of rain is just "the rain hits plantain, and it will be fine in the morning and evening." This is a beautiful artistic conception. So, I like autumn!

  What's more, autumn is the harvest season, and there is a harvest in sight everywhere. Isn't there a children's song: "Autumn is coming, autumn is coming, and the crops in the field are growing well. The cotton is white, and the soybeans are full. The sorghum is red, and the rice is bent with laughter. Autumn is coming, and autumn is coming, and the fruits in the garden are growing well. Persimmons are growing on the branches, and grapes are hanging on the shelves. Pears are yellow, and dates are red." There is also a sentence: "White gourd is covered with white yarn, eggplant is dressed in purple, cabbage is green, and pepper is green and red." What a beautiful picture! So, I like autumn!

  Lovely autumn, beautiful autumn, charming autumn! I love this autumn!

2.我最喜欢的季节英语作文范文 篇二

  Some people like the hot summer, some people like the fruitful autumn, others like the snow covered winter, and I prefer the spring when the grass grows and the birds fly.

  After the cold winter, it is the season of spring.

  In spring, in this vigorous season, everything begins to recover, and you will find many changes around us. Spring means a new beginning and beauty.

  The scenery in spring is so beautiful. In the suburbs, a furry "green blanket" appears in front of you, lying on the soft lawn, looking at the blue sky overhead, as well as the ever-changing white clouds, which is so pleasant. You will also find that there are many crystal clear "pearls" hanging on the green grass. When the sun rises, the "pearls" will give off colorful light, which is very beautiful!

  In the flower cluster, colorful flowers are blooming, red, white, yellow... clusters, one after another, are all smiling at you. Look carefully, you can also see the industrious figure of a group of bees shuttling among the flowers, forming a beautiful "spring scenery picture".

  "Jasper looks like a tree, and thousands of green silk tapers hang down." By the river, rows of tall and straight willows stood there. When the wind blew, the branches and leaves swayed with the wind, just like a graceful girl dancing in the wind, and larks singing loudly in the branches. Everything seemed so harmonious and beautiful.

  At the edge of the field, looking around, rows of green wheat seedlings thrive under the care of spring breeze and sunshine. Beside the wheat fields, there are golden rape flowers, which are more brilliant in the sun.

  Nature is so beautiful!

  People also changed into spring clothes. The children are chasing and playing together, and the elderly are intoxicated with the beautiful scenery

  Spring is a beautiful season and a vigorous season. Spring is the beginning of hope

3.我最喜欢的季节英语作文范文 篇三

  There are four seasons in a year, spring, summer, autumn and winter. I like them all. I really can't choose which I like best.

  In spring, everything recovers, grass sprouts, trees slowly grow new leaves, farmers start spring ploughing, peach trees also blossom, rape flowers come from afar, everything is happy, I like it very much.

  In summer, the grass is green, the trees are luxuriant, and all kinds of fresh fruits are on the market. Peaches, plums, pineapples, bananas, etc., all kinds of fresh vegetables are also coming out. Beans, cucumbers, tomatoes, garlic sprouts, and all kinds of small green vegetables. At this time, there are many fresh vegetables and fruits to eat, which can be chosen, and the price is not expensive. So I like them.

  Autumn is commonly known as the harvest season. There are still many fruits on the market. I like apples, oranges, grapefruit, persimmons, dates and walnuts. Many agricultural products are also on the market. I like sweet potatoes, green beans, fresh rice, corn, peanuts, sesame, etc. Who doesn't like the harvest season.

  In winter, it seems that there is no bright green color to make people feel alive, and there is nothing to harvest. But I still like it. Especially in my hometown, when I spent the winter with my parents, because the harvest needed to be harvested and the seed needed to be sown, I was not busy, so I tried to cook delicious food all day long. For example, the peanuts and sesame seeds are crushed, mixed in the flour, and then added with eggs to bake into cakes. When they are eight years old, the peanuts and sesame seeds are taken out of the pot, cut into thin strips of two centimeters long and one centimeter wide, and then fried in the oil pan. When they are cooked, take them out, cool them, and eat them, crisp and fragrant. Half of the villages will know who has done this. It's so delicious. They are busy rubbing noodles, rolling sesame seeds and peanuts, and the whole village will smell good. We call this kind of food "Qichao". Another reason why I like winter is that there are many types of hot pot in winter, which is also very delicious. I eat hot and walk in the cold wind, and I don't feel cold at all. In winter, in my mind, when I stop to enjoy the fruits of my year's labor, who doesn't like it.

  Therefore, I like it all the year round. The change of seasons makes me feel the operation of everything and the richness of life.

4.我最喜欢的季节英语作文范文 篇四

  If you ask me what season I like, I will definitely say: I like winter.

  Some people say that the flowers bloom in spring, the coolness after hot summer, and the joy of harvest in autumn are not comparable to the bleak winter? What is there in winter? cold wind? The freezing wind?

  To me, I like winter, especially after snow.

  In winter, dress like a bear and wear gloves, then you can go out.

  Warm sunshine, gentle in the body, like what? Like the gentle eyes of the teacher and the kind gaze of the mother, it is so lovely. Maybe the sun will be so valued only in winter.

  After the heavy snow, the land is white. I remember learning a text when I was young: it snowed heavily all night, the ground was white, the trees were white, and the house was white. I was particularly impressed. It's really like this. Walking in the snow, gently step on it, listen to the creaking sound, look at the masterpiece left by myself, and only I can understand the beauty in my heart.

  You can go to see the Cangshan Mountain behind the snow to experience the desolation of "the dark mountain is far away, and the cold white house is poor". You can go to see the "big snow presses the green pines, and the green pines are straight". There is also an occasional crisp noise, and the branches are broken. You can squat in a corner and paint on the snow with branches. Like bamboo leaves painted by chickens, plum blossoms painted by dogs... Hehe, they can all use their feet.

  If it is falling, snowflakes will try to get into your clothes, which makes you feel special. Stretch out your hand, you can receive the cute snowflake, and check whether the elf is really "six out".

  When it is quiet, I like to sit in the yard and watch the snow, listening to the snowflakes falling, "rustling", and listening in the quiet place is more lovely.

  When I move, I will make a snowman, have a snowball fight, make a big snowman, and watch it smile. Is there a sense of achievement? When it comes to snowball fights, you can fight at will, and soon forget who you are with. You can have fun with who you are not fighting.

  I like winter, especially after snow.

5.我最喜欢的季节英语作文范文 篇五

  My favorite season is autumn again. The temperature at noon in Guangzhou is still like summer, but the temperature in the morning and evening has dropped after all.

  The sweet taste of summer has faded from the air, and the air is full of cool and dry autumn. The mat has already been replaced, and the soft quilt always has the smell of sun exposure. The day becomes short, the night becomes long, the sun becomes warm, and people become soft. The fried chestnuts baked with sweet potatoes outside the North Gate began to shout, and the fragrance wafted everywhere stopped the lonely or non lonely passers-by. Autumn is a season that makes people feel secure.

  People who have been surrounded by steel and concrete for too long often forget the changes of nature. Running between different reinforced concrete everyday, I sometimes forget the color of the sky, the falling of leaves, the singing of birds, and that we are just a species in nature. Whenever I walk through this or that campus, I am glad that I do not work in an office building like a castle. Admittedly, everyone has his own way of life. The world needs busy people, but there are also leisure people. However, I am really lucky that I can stand on the sunny balcony every other morning when there is no class and stay for a while or talk nonsense to the birds in the big tree outside the window.

  Life is certainly not a moment of daze or nonsense can be dismissed. There is still a lot of work to be done, many dreams to be realized, many goals to be found, and many problems to be solved. So what? There is no contradiction between positivity and happiness. Active in behavior, happy in mind, and not living for the praise of others.

  In such a lazy and warm autumn afternoon, it is not always possible to spend 20 minutes in a trance for a while and talk crazily for a moment. Peace, peace, willing, willing.

6.我最喜欢的季节英语作文范文 篇六

  The four seasons are colorful and magical: spring is full of vitality, summer is full of green trees, autumn is full of leaves, and winter is full of snow.

  Some people love winter, white snowflakes and snowmen in the snow. However, the cold in winter makes many people angry.

  Some people love autumn, because autumn is a mature season. In autumn, there are sour and sweet apples and pears overflowing with juice. However, autumn is dominated by yellow, which is too monotonous.

  Some people love summer, because summer is a vigorous season, with thick leaves and green fruits growing in a large circle every day. But the sunshine in summer is too cruel.

  Yes, I love that vibrant season - spring. It is not cold in winter, monotonous in autumn, or vicious in summer. But it is as interesting as winter, as mild as autumn, and as colorful as summer.

  It does not have the disadvantages of other seasons, but it has countless advantages. But I like it not only for this reason. It is beautiful, and its beauty can not be expressed in words, but can only be observed with eyes and experienced with heart. Spring, just beginning, willow buds can't wait to stretch out their heads; Then, countless kinds of trees grew green buds. A few days later, the bones of colorful flowers quietly emerged, some were still green, some had already blossomed, and the most beautiful ones were those in bud. They were shy, like lovely little girls... Beautiful flowers, of course, attracted many bees, as well as butterflies, which flashed transparent wings with beautiful patterns, flying between the flowers. Many friends ">The children are fascinated by butterflies and keep chasing after them in the garden or orchard... Many beautiful pictures appear in front of them... Spring is my favorite season. Although each season has its own scenery and each scenery has its own uniqueness, I still love spring alone.

7.我最喜欢的季节英语作文范文 篇七

  Spring, summer, autumn and winter have their own advantages, but I only love autumn.

  Speaking of autumn, there are many charming scenery, especially maple leaves. As soon as I see the maple leaves, I can't help but recite Du Mu's "Mountain Walk": "Stop and sit in the maple forest at night, and the frost leaves are redder than the flowers in February." Indeed, the maple leaves in autumn are especially red. Viewing the maple leaves from a distance will give you a perfect visual enjoyment. A red maple leaf forest is like a unique oil painting. A closer look shows that the maple leaves are also dotted with small white frost spots. They are red and white, which are very beautiful against the maple leaves. Maple leaves have different attitudes, some of which hang on the branches, motionless, as if thinking about something; Some were swayed by the rustling autumn wind and seemed reluctant to part with Dashu's mother; Some of them can't wait to float down from the trees, as if they can't wait to see the beautiful world, while the maple leaves that fall on the ground form a big red carpet.

  Autumn has not only the beauty of maple leaves, but also the aroma of fruits. In the orchard, countless fruits are competing to mature. It is a good harvest scene: the pomegranate sister grins and smiles at the fruit grower. The yellow banana brother is like a curved boat, swinging on the branches, and the red, big and round apples are already heavy, as if they will bend the branches.

  This is the season I like - autumn, a fruitful and unique autumn.

8.我最喜欢的季节英语作文范文 篇八

  My favorite season is winter, because we can have snowball fights, roll snowballs, make snowmen, skate and play many games in winter.

  On Wednesday morning, when I got out of bed, I found it was snowing heavily outside. I was so happy that I wanted to get dressed and wash my face in a minute. When I came downstairs, I thought it was quiet and beautiful.

  When I got to school, my father bought me a steamed stuffed bun. When I ate it, a snowflake floated on my steamed stuffed bun. I found that it had six corners and five horizontal lines. I was preparing to keep it. Unexpectedly, it was too naughty and melted in three seconds. It was really naughty.

  I like making snowman best, because this game can test our intelligence and cooperation ability. After school, my father took me home and asked me to finish my homework. After that, my father asked me to go down to make a snowman. It's really cold outside, but it's white everywhere. It's beautiful! Dad first rolled a big snowball and finished his body. I rolled a small snowball and started my head. After finishing the head and body, I inserted the radish to make a nose, the bucket to make a hat, and the small towel to make a scarf. A cute snowman was born. It's fun.

  I like white winter!

9.我最喜欢的季节英语作文范文 篇九

  Everyone has his own favorite season. Every season has its advantages. For example, in spring, swallows fly back, ants come out, and grass and flowers come out to see us. In summer, when the sun is burning, we can enjoy the cool under the trees, talk about our minds, play chess, and go swimming in the swimming pool. In autumn, golden leaves fall one after another. We play games with the fallen leaves early in the morning. This is the season of harvest for farmers. When it snowed in winter, the children happily ran to the snow to have a snowball fight, make a snowman, celebrate the New Year, gather a circle and set off a big firecracker. These are the four seasons of beauty. Of course, I also have my favorite season - spring.

  Spring is coming. Look at the grass on the roadside. It's freezing hard in winter. Now that it is warm, they have come out to greet us. The flowers in the garden have also blossomed, as if they were saying, "I am the most beautiful, I am the most beautiful." The ants have also come out, and are working hard to move things to prepare for this winter. The birds also sang on the tree: "I love spring, spring is the most beautiful." The big tree grew green leaves again, as if it had grown hair. Everything comes alive in spring.

  I remember one spring when my father was washing the car and I was playing on the side. After my father washed for a while, there was a lot of water on the ground. Some of the water surrounded the ants, and some of the ants struggled desperately when the water washed them into the water, as if they were shouting, "Help! Help!" So I put a leaf in front of the ants. After a while, the ants climbed onto the leaves. Within a minute, ten ants climbed up one after another. Later, when my father rushed to the car, the water increased, so did the water flow, and the leaves were washed away. Some water droplets fell on the leaves. The ants immediately opened the pot. Some ants were killed by water droplets, and some ran around on the leaves. I thought that I could not escape death. So I found a branch and put it in front of the leaves on the dry ground. The ants were very clever. They soon climbed along the branch to the dry ground.

  Each season has its own characteristics, just like us, everyone has his own personality and expertise.

10.我最喜欢的季节英语作文范文 篇十

  It is said that spring is cool and pleasant, with birds singing and flowers fragrant, and flowers blooming together, which is very beautiful. My favorite season is spring.

  In spring, flowers compete for beauty, the grass is green and the birds sing everywhere. It's time to play

  On a sunny day, my friends and I took our picnic items, got on the bus and headed for the botanical garden in the suburbs. Along the way, we felt the cool wind blowing in from the window and appreciated the beautiful scenery outside the window. From time to time, birds fell on the window edge and chirped, as if writing a song of praise for spring. We got out of the car while our friends were talking and laughing. We took a deep breath, and not only exclaimed: "The air in the countryside is so fresh!" We laid out the tablecloth and spread layers of delicious food. All of us lay on the green and soft grass, looked up at the blue sky, and smelled fresh flowers from time to time, refreshing and refreshing. The cute little bees also started to go out, working hard on the bright flowers one after another. Wow! And butterflies! When Lele saw it, she jumped up with excitement and chased the beautiful butterfly. Beibei followed Lele when she saw her cheerful appearance. Some friends are playing football in the open space, some are reading quietly under the cool trees, and some are picking beautiful flowers. It was fun for everyone to play. The cool wind made us feel very comfortable. The "rustling" of leaves, the "twittering" of birds, the "gurgling" of rivers, and the laughter of students are all intertwined and come out of a spring symphony.

  We reluctantly left, the tree shook hands to say goodbye to us, the grass and flowers nodded and smiled at us, and the river ran after us. But I believe that spring is everywhere.

  After a cold winter, warm spring will come.
