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  【篇一】我最喜欢的朋友 My Favorite Friend

I have many friends, but I like Lily the most. She lives next to me, and we go to the same school. She is a nice girl and helps me solve all kinds of problem. I really want to return her, so when she meets difficulty, I will give my hand. I cherish our friendship so much and hope we can last it forever.

  【篇二】我的信仰 My Belief

In my hometown, the old people get used to eat animals, like dog. I feel so sorry for them, because dogs are our friends in my heart, so I refuse to eat animals, such as dogs and cats. I have a pet cat. I take care of her all the time and we are close friends. My belief is strong and I won’t change.
在家乡 My Hometown'>我的家乡,老人们习惯了吃像狗这样的动物。我觉得好难过,因为在我的心里,狗是我们的朋友,所以我一直都拒绝吃像猫猫狗狗这些动物。我有一只宠物猫。我一直照顾着她,我们是亲密的朋友。我的信仰很坚定,我不会改变的。

  【篇三】乡村的景色 The Scenery in the Village

I live in the village with my grandparents. I love the life here. Early in the morning, the air is very fresh and the thick fog covers this small village, making the village look charming. At dusk, the sunset is very big and it looks like a burning ball. I can see it almost everyday. The scenery here is so beautiful.

小学英语作文:我最喜欢的朋友 My Favorite Friend.doc
