Text A Taxes, Taxes, and More Taxes
1. tax n. & v. 税(款);对…征税
The government plans to increase taxes by 3 percent.
In Britain, tobacco and alcoholic drinks are heavily taxed.
income tax(所得税) sales tax(销售税)
import tax(进口税) housing and land tax(房地产税)
VAT (value-added tax)(增值税) poll tax(人头税)
tax-collector(税务员) tax-payer(纳税人)
dodge tax(逃税,漏税) tax-free(免税的)
2. type n. 类型,种类,品种
v. 打字
No one knows why he doesn't like this type of work.(没有人知道他为什么不喜欢这种工作。)
The manager asked Mary to type the letter again.(经理要玛丽把信重打一遍。)
typewriter(打字机) typist(打字员)
3. salary n. 工资 v. (常用被动语态)给…发薪
salaried adj. 拿薪水的,领工资的
She was happy to know that she would get a promotion and an increase in salary.(得知她将得到提级和加薪,她很开心。)
Don't worry about him, he will be salaried by a big company.(别为他担心,一家大公司会给他发薪水。)
With his knowledge and experience he was bound to get a high-salaried post.(凭借他的知识和经验,他一定能找到一份高薪的工作。)
salary和 wage的区别在于:salary是指为从事非体力劳动的人按月支付的薪水,wage则通常指为从事体力劳动的人按周支付的薪水。
4. earn v. 挣得;赢得,获得
He worked 14 hours a day in order that he could earn enough to support the family.(为了能挣足够的钱养家,他每天工作十四小时。)
His sincerity earns him friends wherever he goes.(无论走到哪,他的真诚都能赢得朋友。)
5. percentage n. 百分比,百分率;比例,部分
percent / per cent n. 每百中,百分之…
The percentage of university enrollment will be greatly increased this year.(今年,大学录取的百分比将大大提高。)
About 70 percent of high school graduates in Nanjing will be enrolled by universities this year.(今年,南京的高中毕业生将有百分之七十被高校录取。)
6. vary vi. 变化,有不同
vt. 改变,使不同
Prices of fish vary from 70 cents a pound to one dollar a pound.(鱼的价格从七十美分到一美元一磅不等。)
The weather in this area varies from hour to hour.(这儿的天气时刻有变化。)
I didn't vary my plan at the last moment.(我在最后一刻没有改变我的计划。)
13. diverse adj. 不同的;多种多样的
diversity n. 多样性;差异
He is a man of diverse talent.(他是一个有多种才能的人。)
They offered us diverse suggestions at the meeting.(他们在会上给我们提出了各种各样的建议。)
His writing displays the diversities of human behavior.(他的作品展示了人类行为的多样性。)
A great diversity of methods has been tried in doing this experiment.(实验中尝试过各种各样的方法。)
14. confuse v. 使混乱,混淆
confusion n. 混乱,慌乱
What he said just now confuses all of us.(他刚才说的话把我们都弄糊涂了。)
Her answers have only added to his confusion.(她的回答只使他更加糊涂。)
15. property n. 财产,资产;(房)地产;特性,性质
That car is my property, you cannot use it without my permission.(那辆车是我的财产,没我的允许,你不能动用。)
The city is growing and property in the center is becoming more valuable.(城市在发展,市中心的房地产越来越有价值了。)
Many plants have medicinal properties.(许多植物有药用特性。)
state property (国家财产) personal property(动产)
real property / estate(不动产) intellectual property(知识产权)
16. excise n. 国产税,本国消费税
exercise n.& v. 行使,运用;锻炼;练习
customs n. 关税 (Customs 海关)
17. fund n. 基金,专款;储备,贮存
v. 提供资金,供以款项
We would set up a fund to help those children whose parents couldn't afford to send them to school.(我们将设立一项基金,帮助那些父母供不起他们读书的孩子。)
They have a fund of knowledge and experience to draw on.(他们有丰富的知识和经验可利用。)
This research is funded by the government.(这项研究由政府提供资金。)
18. department n. 部,部门;系科
the State Department (美国)国务院 the Department of Education 教育部
department store 百货商店 the department of physics 物理系
19. municipal adj. 市的,市政的
the municipal government 市政府
municipal administration 市政管理
a municipal university 市立大学
20. complain v. 抱怨,埋怨,发牢骚,诉苦
complaint n. 抱怨,诉说
He complained to the manager about / of the poor after-service.(他对经理抱怨说售后服务太差。)
She complained about / of her husband's carelessness.(她抱怨说她丈夫太粗心。)
The teacher complained that the students didn't work hard enough.(老师抱怨学生学习不够努力。)
It is a common complaint that today's children lack the sense of cooperation.(人们常常抱怨今天的孩子缺少合作意识。)